Microsoft announces Python formulas in Excel... which have to get sent to the cloud to – 110 points –
Announcing Python in Excel: Combining the power of Python and the flexibility of Excel.

Since its inception, Microsoft Excel has changed how people organize, analyze, and visualize their data, providing a basis for decision-making for the flying billionaires heads up in the clouds who don't give a fuck for life offtheline


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I feel like you think you're talking to a different person than I am. My work computer is a linux box, my work IDE is either Jetbrains CLion or Pycharm, and my 40-hour-a-week-job is writing open source software that I release on behalf of Microsoft. So, yanno, if you want python libraries for graph spectral embeddings or approximate nearest neighbor algorithms, that's me.

The only thing I know about Visual Studio is it is distinctly not built for me, and I don't use it. I wouldn't know the first thing about creating a project in Visual Studio, because in the last 7 years I haven't created a single one in it. Gradle and Kotlin or SBT and Scala, sure. Python and pip, sure.

My problem with Python has nothing to do with the language itself. It has to do with the packaging. Remember that bit about me releasing open source software for Microsoft? Yeah. I'm stuck doing a lot of the packaging.

Friends don't let friends use Python, because then they're complicit in the frankly inhumane conditions in the pypa pit of eternal despair. Hug your numpy packager today!

If I misunderstood it’s probably because of the way you represented yourself.

Python packaging sucks, definitely, but saying you hate Python because packaging sucks (and you do it a lot) is bit like saying you hate the US because US immigration sucks (and you travel through immigration a lot).

Sure, you could hold the opinion, but I think most people would differentiate between the two positions.

However, kudos for working on OS! I’d give you a hug if I could!

I've tried the EAP CLion before for a while. Are the suggestions as good as IDEA's? Last time I tried it was average and just on par with clangd.