Backblaze B2 Price Increasing to $6/TB/month to – 65 points –

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I was just looking for cheap backup space recently and Hetzners Storage Box BX21 is 13€ per month for 5 TB, 20 Snapshots and unlimited traffic. I did not compare the service with backblaze yet, though.

I'm waiting for hetzner object storage (they were hiring some people for this a couple of months ago)

What are the current alternatives?

  • Idrive e2 $4/TB/month
  • Backblaze B2 6$/TB/month
  • Wasabi $7/TB/month
  • Cloudflare R2 $15/TB/month
  • AWS S3 $21/TB/month (tricky, cheaper profiles available)
  • GCP $20/TB/month (tricky, cheaper profiles available)
  • Oracle $25/TB/month
  • Azure $18.4/TB/month
  • DigitalOcean / Linode / Vultr ~ $20/TB/month

Hetzners Storage Box is not S3 compatible, Backblaze is.

While not S3 compatible, it's compatible with rclone, rsync, borg, restic, and generic connection methods like SFTP, Samba or WebDAV.

Safe to say that most backup applications will be able to connect to it somehow.