2 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

"Piracy can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning"

I can only approve of people paying for services they use. It isn't free to run. But there are several things to consider:

  • $1/year is very low, transaction fees for accepting that amount of money are high
  • It's a low price for successful bots
  • Doesn't remove ads (take money from subscribers or advertisers, not both, also print media)
  • Doesn't give you better control over your experience. The paying customer should be the one being listened to
  • This is Elon Musk's twitter we're talking about, how long until he changes his mind again?

Another surge on mastodon? Countries, cities, public organisations should put up their own mastodon like EU, BBC and Germany have.

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  • Flatness. UI controls need to be recognizable.
  • Theming/styling. A button should look like button.
  • Lack of menus. Discoverability is poor if you don't have a list of things in an obvious place.
  • Gestures. Lack of discoverability.
  • Information density. I don't care about huge margins and filler pictures. Content shouldn't be crammed, but space should be used efficiently.
  • Mobile first. Especially if mobile use is only a fraction of actual use. Or maybe even if it is the majority of users, but not majority of use (operations, hours).
  • Simplicity. Make simple things simple, but hard things possible. Removing features can make your software useless.

what about an actually free alternative, like matrix + element?

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"Eldest, that's what I am... Tom remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn... He knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside."

Linux is quite lightweight. Pick a distro that doesn't run a lot of stuff by default. OpenBSD only runs sshd exposed to the network, AFAIR. Debian probably does the same. But really, the lightness comes from what isn't running. NixOS, fedora, rocky, alpine are all decent alternatives.

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Gandi is no longer a good choice

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  1. Matrix is viable. There are and soon for indexing by crawlers
  2. isn't quite the same as Joinmatrix lists matrix home servers, like gmail, hotmail, yahoo, ... for email. But once you have an account on a home server, you can use the "explore" feature to browse rooms known to that server (or another that has public room directory). There is not central place to list all, since there is not single central matrix server. Same with lemmy. You need to use

I'm waiting for hetzner object storage (they were hiring some people for this a couple of months ago)

What are the current alternatives?

  • Idrive e2 $4/TB/month
  • Backblaze B2 6$/TB/month
  • Wasabi $7/TB/month
  • Cloudflare R2 $15/TB/month
  • AWS S3 $21/TB/month (tricky, cheaper profiles available)
  • GCP $20/TB/month (tricky, cheaper profiles available)
  • Oracle $25/TB/month
  • Azure $18.4/TB/month
  • DigitalOcean / Linode / Vultr ~ $20/TB/month

Run it on some free or cheap cloud instance

Never say never. I used to be on macOS

Make a spreadsheet of where your money is going.

Or then you can just realize that the time you spend is spent not making money and you need to save time, not services.

How full is your ZFS? ZFS doesn't handle disk filling and fragmentation well.

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Thanks to sliding sync this is very snappy compared to old element.

Element X is built on the rust SDK which should support multiple accounts.

I hope it is going to be ok. Automattic has been involved with matrix before. Time will tell, but I'm more hopeful than afraid.

Tips are a way for service industry workers to avoid taxes. I wonder if there's any reliable statistics on how many workers in the service industry report their tips accurately to the IRS

You're sure you're talking about OnlyOffice, and not OpenOffice. OpenOffice and LibreOffice are related. OnlyOffice is not.

Riot games forced them to change the name.

zram or a cloud instance with more ram


syntax error (the colon after print)

Prevent password auth and setup sshguard. Wireguard is very nice in that it doesn't support password auth.

not open source, but source available

I tried to compare some backup solutions a while back:

Everyone has a (changing) tattoo on their forehead telling how many deaths are caused by their overconsumption of the planet's resources.

All environmental externalities are included in all prices. Also currency is manipulated to prevent overconsuming the planet's resources

Minimum, but it still doesn't get below 23C in the winter

My point exactly. Why do we get ads on something we pay for with money?

Depends on your usecase

ISC license is free software according to gnu

I would also welcome decent micropayments (maybe digieuro?), so that you wouldn't need to subscribe, but could pay 0.045€ for something without it being unfeasible because of fixed transaction costs.

I've used nagios, check_mk, zabbix and currently using prometheus + grafana. I suggest prometheus + grafana. But you may want to use netdata as the exporter instead of node_exporter. Or both.

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I see. I'm an old fart and couldn't care less about gifs. But I do care about stuff being open instead of someone suddenly telling me the conditions have changed.

Forget about docker. Run caddy or some similar webserver that is a single file next to the assets to serve.

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