Google’s Search AI Says Slavery Was Good, Actually to – 437 points –

Google's AI-driven Search Generative Experience have been generating results that are downright weird and evil, ie slavery's positives.


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I mean, on the ChatGPT site there's literally a disclaimer along the bottom saying it's able to say things that aren't true...

people assume they already are [magic knowledge machines], and the little warnings that some stuff at the bottom of the page are inadequate.

You seem to have missed the bottom-line disclaimer of the person you're replying to, which is an excellent case-in-point for how ineffective they are.

Unfortunately, people are stupid and don’t pay attention to disclaimers.

And, I might be wrong, but didn’t they only add those in recently after folks started complaining and it started making the news?

I feel like I remember them being there since January of this year, which is when I started playing with ChatGPT, but I could be mistaken.