Pretty funny indeed (Crossposter note: thought it would fit here very well) to Malicious – 1364 points –

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I've seen this before, but I've never been able to verify it as being real.

It was a legitimate protest of a stupid law that uses a legacy of inconsistent thought and limited perception to do an end run around the first amendment, but the text of the law requires a poster per building, so if they have enough in English, there would be no "need" to accept or post them. Now, if a principal or administrator had some balls, I certainly don't see why they couldn't use one of these or to flank the posters they do post with lots of context or more diverse ideas.

Now, if a principal or administrator had some balls

You don't become a public school middle manager in Texas by showing balls. You'd get weeded out before you even got through the substitute program for teaching gym class.