Jellyfin has closed their Reddit community permanently and moved to a new forum to Reddit – 146 points –
The New Jellyfin Forum | Jellyfin

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Hate discord with a passion. I don't know why all the "new-age" open-source projects are also moving to Discord as their primary forum. The search is abysmal, there's no way to go back to previous postings in a sane manner.

I reluctantly use discord because some of my favorite application developers use that (Immich, Omnivore, Logseq) but it's just a massive pain in the ass and every time I spend even 10 minutes there, it feels like I've spent hours looking into the dark mayhem, searching for a needle in the haystack.

Communities move to Discord because it is a catchment: you can set up a server for free on a moment's notice, which gives you a place to hold a decent proportion of your community for continuity. The mod tools are also sufficient for basic use. You're right that it's not a replacement for a forum - terrible for archival and search purposes.

Agreed, discord feels like it's more for meme sharing and info graphics than actual long group discussions

Discord also excels for punitive struggle sessions where someone is chosen to be "it" and is then verbally beaten by a rotating cast for hours.

it feels like I've spent hours looking into the dark mayhem, searching for a needle in the haystack.

It feels like digging through someone else's IRC chatlogs in search of an answer.