[Solved] Temporarily closed signups because of spam signups

Ruud@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 91 points –

So some spam signups just happened (all username12345678@gmail.com format e-mail) This caused bounced mail to increase, causing Mailgun to block our domain to prevent it getting blacklisted.


  • Mail temporarily doesn't work
  • I closed signups for now
  • I will ban the spam accounts
  • I will check how to prevent (maybe approval required again?)

Stay tuned.

Edit: so apparently there is a captcha option which I now enabled. Let's see if this prevents spam. Registrations open again.

Edit2 : Hmm Mailgun isn't that fast in unblocking the domain. Closing signups again because validation mails aren't sent

Edit 3: I convinced Mailgun to lift the block. Signups open again.


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Don't just include it as text though. Rather, present the question as text in a picture.

This is very effective but also blocks people who spend on screen readers

The solution there is to provide a voice over of the captcha.