61 Post – 461 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Admin of a lot of fediverse servers, among which the .world ones:


You can find me on these servers as @ruud

I receive a lot of messages, direct and mentions. I can't reply to them all. If you have an issue, please e-mail at

Yes, there has been quite a lot of trolls and attacks on our server, so we're very careful about who we let on the team. I'm sure you'll understand.

This is after 4 weeks:

58G	pictrs
34G	postgres
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No, we did some rate limiting to try and fight off some attacks, but now some are too strict. We'll tune these so they won't bother you anymore.

If any illegal content would be posted there, let us know. If it's 1 community, we can block the community. If it's all over the place, we can defederate. But I see defederation as a last resort. If there are other ways to keep our server safe I prefer that.

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Well .world is also managed partly from NL :-)

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Ooh I need to check the size of the custom emoji 😄

Ask in their GitHub repo.

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I'll check the new way Lemmy detects dead servers, it's possible an outage caused to think we're dead (we're not!) :-)

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Anything that the family uses. Because when I cease to exist, my wife isn't gonna take over self-hosting! So e-mail, chat, documents etc.

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Hmm. Seems to work for me.. (Yes this is a test reply)

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Hmm, best would be if those kids find a real hobby so they stop bothering us. On the other hand, it helps us understand Lemmy better and secure it.

My political views are not important, we just have a set of rules and as long as you follow these any decent polite discussion would be possible.

I'm also not going to ban ! just because I support a different team..

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Yeah, it didn't work. I reverted back.

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Well there's about 5 to 10 people constantly working on these servers, so if they weren't volunteers, it would be a lot more... But yeah overall it's quite efficient so far.

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Yes he's one of the other admins in our Discord, he's very helpful!

Ohhh... maybe...

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We have 128GB of RAM. It just skyrockets after a while!

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Thank you. Nothing is decided yet, but because of moderation limitations on Lemmy and the fact people can't block domains for their account, I would say chances are we would defederate as soon as they do federate with Lemmy. For Mastodon these 2 arguments aren't valid so decision might be different.

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Down from 12GB to 1.8GB....

Tip: Edit the post then Save. Works! is also a good choice!

It’s not Facebook that will federate. It’s their new to be released platform. So nothing will go on Facebook.

And like any other server you can just block theirs in your account so they don’t see you and you don’t see them.

Yes well you'll always have that. Luckily that's greatly outnumbered by the positive feedback /comments.

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1 more... has the same server but with twice the RAM :-)

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I host:

Fedi servers


Software I use

  • Nginx Proxy Manager
  • Portainer
  • Kimai
  • Xwiki (3 of them)
  • Cryptpad
  • Grafana
  • Hedgedoc
  • Matrix/Synapse
  • Thelounge
  • Vaultwarden
  • Gitea
  • Nextcloud
  • Paperless-ngx
  • Zabbix
  • Zammad

Probably forgot some..

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Be aware that you use another server so you might consider donating to them instead.

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OK, updating the post

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Phone Home

Thanks. This made us find out that we misconfigured it. I have now changed the configuration, hope it works.

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Yep, I like good tips like these. :-) Thanks

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Thanks, will put this in the post

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Ohh sorry to hear that. RIP

A registration doesn't need to be approved here, you just need to verify your e-mail. (Check spam..) If there's any issue with that, mail us at so we can assist.

Lemmory meak?

Yes at least until yesterday's version...

I prefer OpenCollective.

Good point, I'll update the post.

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That's a question for the dev of MLMYM

Thanks, added to the post

It would stress me even more to see a lot of RAM doing nothing, that would be a shame! ;-)

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