Lemmy.world updated to 0.18.1-rc

Ruud@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 3228 points –

Looks like it works.

Edit still see some performance issues. Needs more troubleshooting

Update: Registrations re-opened We encountered a bug where people could not log in, see https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3422#issuecomment-1616112264 . As a workaround we opened registrations.


First of all, I would like to thank the Lemmy.world team and the 2 admins of other servers @stanford@discuss.as200950.com and @sunaurus@lemm.ee for their help! We did some thorough troubleshooting to get this working!

The upgrade

The upgrade itself isn't too hard. Create a backup, and then change the image names in the docker-compose.yml and restart.

But, like the first 2 tries, after a few minutes the site started getting slow until it stopped responding. Then the troubleshooting started.

The solutions

What I had noticed previously, is that the lemmy container could reach around 1500% CPU usage, above that the site got slow. Which is weird, because the server has 64 threads, so 6400% should be the max. So we tried what @sunaurus@lemm.ee had suggested before: we created extra lemmy containers to spread the load. (And extra lemmy-ui containers). And used nginx to load balance between them.

Et voilà. That seems to work.

Also, as suggested by him, we start the lemmy containers with the scheduler disabled, and have 1 extra lemmy running with the scheduler enabled, unused for other stuff.

There will be room for improvement, and probably new bugs, but we're very happy lemmy.world is now at 0.18.1-rc. This fixes a lot of bugs.


Really like seeing posts like this that explain what's going on. Thanks for all the hard work!

The transparency is so refreshing

Seeing this post immediately made my ditch my neglected Lemmy instance to sign up for an account on this server. Thanks for the hard work.

agreed. as others have stated. Transparency. But also, new software, new tech (in a way, the fediverse/activity pub), and hopefully a new beginning. Happy to be here. If not technically on the ground level (lemmy has been around for a short time before we knew reddit was going to implode), close to it!

I decided to create a user to show my appreciation for these types of updates. Love it. Hope to engage more with this thing now moving forward - let’s get this going 👍

This post encapsulates what I love about this place.

How so?

Admin communicating information about the site to users like genuine human beings, instead of the corporate-sanitized pablum reddit admins speak in? Yeah that's refreshing.

It shouldn't be unreasonable but it is damn refreshing.

It's cool we all want the new community to succeed and get live updates on things being fixed or worked on. There's some shared misery in growing pains/bugs as we all stress test the system, but I think that only somehow brings more communal joy when the problems are fixed.

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So no more random sports posts at the top of every thread? That was a weird bug.

That was because of websockets. Which are no more in this version so yes all those "random things" bugs from multiple tabs should be fixed.

I was so confused by those and kept backing out my feed and going back to the post, thinking I tapped on the wrong post or maybe the app opened the wrong post. I’d scroll down and find the right comments though, I couldn’t make any sense of it. Glad I wasn’t crazy lol

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Good work upgrading! I can't imagine it being too easy with a big instance.

I had issues with comments not federating to my own instance before this update (showing 0 for hours). Opening up this up now showed most of them right away if not all. Hopefully that means 0.18.1 fixed a fair few issues people had with federation.

Well done! Thank you for your efforts, cheers!

For everyone experiences issues during the login,

This is caused by an issue in the latest RC of the Lemmy UI. It's already been reported, and ruud will probably decide how to deal with it tomorrow.

The current workaround
Make sure you are on the main page (https://lemmy.world) before hitting the login button.
If you encounter other issues, please make sure to clear the browser cache. The latest upgrade also made changes to the API, which can cause issues with the cached version of the website.


I cannot connect with Jerboa, it always says user or password incorrect 🙁

Edit: worked after a few minutes


Just use Connect for Lemmy on Android. It's pretty good till boost gets here.

Man I'm so hyped for Boost. As soon as it's available I'm buying the paid version

I saw that Boost will require personal and financial info, location etc. It turned me off, tbh. At least the other Lemmy apps don't do that.

That's probably just a mistake in the listing. We will see what it will require once it's released.

No problem connecting with jerboa here but can not login on my laptop, have deleted the cashe and site data to no avail Edit spotted the reset pass fix, bit of a messy solution but heyho am back

I have finally managed to login with Jerboa without it crashing straight away.

Same. Given that Connect and Wefwef are able to log in, I'm chalking this is as a Jerboa problem.

(I do hope they fix it, though, because right now Jerboa is the only app that lets me add images to comments without doing some manual Imgur raindance. That or Connect adds comment image functionality and I can dump Jerboa.)

Connect dev here. Adding images to comments will be coming in the next release! Cheers

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I'm unable to login with my .world account for any app. Luckily I still had connect using it, so as of right now that's the only way I can use my lemmy.world account.

It was the same for me, no way to connect with Jerboa and then it suddenly worked a few minutes ago.

Mine is working, but I often get a "network error". Not sure if it's jerboa's or Lemmy's fault

I have finally managed to login with Jerboa without it crashing straight away.

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A bit off topic, but does anyone else hate how when you click on a post and then go back, the page auto-resets to the top? Wish it would remember how far down you scrolled and return to that point.

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Only being on Lemmy.world for a day. It seems smoother ...yes I am a reddit user trying to find a new home. 😂

I've been on Lemmy for... four days? The traffic influx made the past 24hrs the least smooth it has been in my short stay so far, lol. The upgrade to 0.18 definitely did help though.

Huge thanks to the lemmy.world team over the last couple of days to scale and maintain the instance! There's a link for donating on the sidebar for lemmy.world - just a couple bucks a month can help us support this instance!

Congratulations! I can’t believe how much you get done, Ruud! You are crushing it

Lemmy feels much smoother now after hours of being overloaded, what changed?

Thanks again admin team, you rock!

There was a disk space issue which has now been resolved. And seems to have done the trick.

Well, I hope I'm not the only one but I cannot log in. It's been 4 hours already. Something went wrong. I'm on Firefox mobile.

--> few hours later everything is back to normal

I am having the same issue. I’m in with Mlem, but I can not log in on the site. I even tried it with content blockers off in case there was a captcha or something being blocked.

(Safari on iOS)

I'm having the same issue too, including after clearing cache and trying incognito etc.

You can send a reset password, and the link to reset the password will log you in as your password is updated.

However, the login button remains broken, even after password reset. Still, this provides us a 2nd way in if your browser cache gets cleared.

The XHR for the button reports back a 404 error, suggesting that login page just stopped existing after the update. I'm assuming that it will be an easy hotfix, just gotta fix the link to the POST form to point at wherever the login page went.

This needs to be higher. It happens on all browsers and on jebora as far as I can tell.

It drove me nuts too and I hope admins remove the "clear your browser cache" advice from the homepage, because that will simply lock you out of your account if the login form is broken.

Right now the login form seems to work again though? Can you try again?

yes, it's working again, at least for me

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Can I actually post from Jerboa now?! Edit - Great success!!

Eyyyy, nice. I can use Jerboa again. Thanks for your work!

It still isn't working for me, it is stuck in Local Active and can't change filters. Probably something else though, no server version error now. I have been using Connect for Lemmy, which I'd never heard of but came up in the play store search. Seems to work fine, it's some real early access out here!

Try closing the app and clearing the cache. If that doesn't work, maybe consider reinstalling.

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When not overloaded the site works better now than ever. But in general this instancen is kind of unusable now as everything is too slow.

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So some strange behaviour: When I pressed the upvote arrows in 0.17.4, it'd immediately show this in the UI. Right now, it does not. The response appears quite slow. Is this a function of 0.18.1-rc or a function of the traffic of the Reddit-fugees?

So after keeping at it, the behaviour has sped up. So I suspect it may be the Reddit-fugees.

Let us know where donations can go, suspect a stacked docker-compose will reach limits very quickly

They have a Patreon link in the sidebar of lemmy.world 😀

Very nice. I see there are lots of little UI changes too. Thank you for your time and effort.

Am I the only one that just keeps seeing only the same 10 posts on the front page? Almost all about Reddit. Is there just no new content on this app?

Lemmy’s sorting logic needs love. This is the first time it’s really been pressure tested with tens of thousands of simultaneous active users. Were learning that the current logic tends to promote content longer than some people like.

If people are still commenting and voting on a 3 day old posts, those post remain promoted.

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Try different sortings. It used to default to "Active," which tends to show days-old posts. For me, "Hot" or "New" seem pretty good. Before the upgrade, anyway. Dunno if that will be changed.

Well, it was good for a bit after the first small wave, now more came and it's the topic of interest again. Make sure you're sorting by all and try top>day, not active or hot

Or actually maybe browse top>week for today since most will still be about reddit today

IIRC, this latest version of the lemmy software does away with the auto-refreshing feed so that may be one reason why you're just seeing those 10 posts. Maybe not though, I've still got a lot to learn about lemmy as well so I could be wrong.

New comments is a pretty good sort option if you want variation, or TopDay

Get yourself a list of subscribed communities and stick to that view, and it'll even out. A lot of people here today have Reddit & Twitter on the brain, and everyone is racing to post the same 2-3 stories...

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I had a strange bug today where I wasn't able to upvote comments. So I cleared out my website data like the website suggested and I started having problems logging in. It would log in but then when I refreshed it wasn't logged in anymore. It stopped after a while but then when I clicked on an old tab when I refreshed I was logged out again. So, the log in issue must be something to do with how iOS Safari handles web cache on tabs.

Upvotes aren't responding for me, but the comment is marked as upvoted when I refresh the page. I think it just isn't rerendering on the frontend.

Edit: same thing is happening when posting comments. I refresh and the comment was posted, but without refreshing it's marked as loading forever.

I had the same issue with Firefox on Linux. I had to clear website data again to fix it.

I had the F12-mode open to see what was going on with cache disabled, so that might have helped as well.

Exactly same thing for me (but on Chrome on Windows), I emptied my cache and I just can't log in (says it worked, but it really doesn't)

I’m having major issues with upvoting in safari on iPad. Seems like it will take either 10 seconds or so and work or not react at all.

Edit: Wiping all safari browsing history/clearing everything fixed it for 20 mins or so and it’s back to behaving the same way again.

I suddenly got "logged out" again, but when I opened a new tab and went to Lemmy.world I was still logged in.

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love the transparency and how fast this is!! looks like we will do it lemmy! and reddit can suck a dick

Dumb question: how can I set up a small ongoing donation to lemmy.world specifically? I can't seem to find it on the mobile site.

try opening the website on a browser. On the site's sidebar there is link to the patreon

I'm one of the many who have had trouble logging in, and this issue is surely underreported as those affected generally aren't able to report it. It also seems like I'm not able to upvote or downvote. I'll update with any more issues that I come across but I only just now became able to log-in after a long wait and several different browsers.

Edit: it seems like I can successfully upvote/downvote, but the updated vote count and my blue/red arrow only show after refreshing the page. Thanks for all the work you put into this instance btw

Edit 2: All problems seem to have resolved now

I have same issues with upvote/downvote.

Thanks for helping me find a new bug! The notification icon also doesn't update unless the page is refreshed.

Thanks a bunch for your hard work, Ruud and other admin folks! It's so damn GOOD to be able to use Jerboa again!

Also, it's really nice to see the breakdown of your work, helps a lot in understanding what you go through and maybe even of there's anything we can help with. Keep it up!

Thank you Ruud and those who helped to make it happen!

Thanks. Made a one-time 50€ contribution and started monthly payments as well. Hopefully this can help fund a server upgrade.

Not gonna lie, having concerns that without hardware upgrades this instance may be too big to upgrade going forward, if it isn't already. Just what I'm seeing. Created an account on another instance (that I'm posting from) and I might just stay on this other instance. That said, I do appreciate the work put in to this one.

There is a lot of work being put into optimizing the Lemmy backend. There is a LOT of low hanging fruit in regards to performance gains from database bottlenecks.

Lemmy was an obscure platform with only ~1k total active users last month, it's going to take time for the maintainers to get their bearings, the developer community to organize, and for everyone to figure out how to maintain and scale these operations at the number of users we're seeing today and going forward.

The upgrade to 0.18.1 alone brings with it major performance improvements and there is more to come. We can get a lot more mileage out of the hardware we're using today, it's just that the platform blew up in scale before the all of the can bottlenecks were identified and worked out.

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That's what federation is for. I'm not going to jump from instance to instance, though. I'm here and I think I'll stay here for the time being. Servers need to be paid anyway, no matter which instance it's running on.

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Definitely encountering bugs but I appreciate the work. Growing pains can be good!

I'm not sure if this has been said but, when I open lemmy on browser, my account would sometimes be someone elses. I don't know if it's a bug and I saw it happen three times to me so far, and it even happened again a few minutes ago. It's like I i logged into someone elses account, I saw three other usernames so far. A few minutes ago it said my account was Professor -?-?-?- with that account's profile picture shown too. It only does that for half a second before it returns back to my account.

I'm just making sure this is said because I don't want to one day accidentally log into someone else's account by accident.

edit: https://imgur.com/a/I4rO1pV here is the bug that I was talking about. and i dont think i should say why it happens either.

Definitely a caching issue. @Ruud does the nginx instance also do caching? Maybe you can restrict it to non-logged-in requests

Definitely a caching issue. @Ruud does the nginx instance also do caching? Maybe you can restrict it to non-logged-in requests

I may not be a user on your instance, but either way, thanks for the upgrade. I was noticing a lot of issues with federation from lemmy.world, and it seems like this upgrade more-or-less fixed them.

I'm just running a tiny, single-user instance, but I want you to know that I appreciate the work you're putting in! I run large-scale infra as my day job, so I understand how challenging this sudden influx of users (and federated servers!) is.

Everything was loading so slow 2 hours ago. Hope it will get better from there.

Edit: When I press "Post", it doesn't respond very long time, but reloading page helps.

Real challenging this morning posting and commenting. Circle of death waiting for something to post. Then getting multiple posts if it does go through.

Still early days y’all.

Amazing work. Thankyou :)

Jerboa 0.0.37 now working fine for me, been hanging out to update.

Really appreciate the transparent communications.

I am having some issues logging in to my lemmy.world account atm, just a heads up. I'm sure you folks are slammed right now, thanks for all the work you're doing!

Yeah, been bad for me most of the day. Can't login right now.

thank you for letting us know behind-the-scene stuffs.

me myself is a sysadmin and really like story of successfully scaling up servers. very satisfy to hear.

once again, thank you!

Will confirm at least for me I'm no longer having any issues.

Thank you for all your hard work!

Is anyone else seeing duplicate and triplicate posts on the feed?

YOU'RE DOING GOD'S WORK, SON! Keep up the good work! 🏆

Just signed up and everythings working well for me!

Hey, thanks for your hard work, just want to let you know that login doesn't work for me in incognito mode or on any app.

Profile pictures on user profiles are still stretched, and now the upvote arrows doesn't turn blue until you refresh the page when you press it

Other than that, this is a fantastic design update

When I sort my comments by “Top Week” I get stuff from 10 days ago.

Edit: Actually, no matter what time period I select, I still see old posts from 10 days ago.

It has been near unusable since the upgrade.

It seemed to work fine at first, but starting today I'm noticing a huge number of async failures; I've had to refresh the page in order to get almost anything (comments, posts, communities, list of communities, profiles, etc) to load.

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I'm sure there will be bugs for others but it's smooth and bug free for me. Thanks so much for the devs and contributors.

Is up/down voting not working for anyone else, or is it just me?

It wasn't working a few hours ago, for me. Now it does, but each vote needs a few seconds to register.

Having login issues on the browser. Not logging in at all. But on liftoff where I was already logged in, everything seems to be working.

Thanks for the hard work on the upgrade! Much appreciated although I'm only using the web version (not needing specific client apps). Lemmy World feels quite 'snappy' when browsing now.

Awesome to see the transparency and some tech details of what these updates entail! I’m loving the bug fixes 0.18 brought too

we created extra lemmy containers to spread the load. (And extra lemmy-ui containers). And used nginx to load balance between them.

Had no idea nginx did that. There's so much I need to learn

Wow - we have a new defniition of 'awesome dudes'.

Thank you.

I really appreciate the transparency in this post. There's enough information for me to feel like I kind of know what's going on, and I can go dig into it deeper if I feel like it. This is a breath of fresh air from what I'm used to, thanks so much!

I'm curious; is this instance pysically running on a local private server somewhere or in the cloud in some data center?

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Thank you for everything you are doing to update the community and make this space better for everyone!

Login problem is fixed for me, yay! Back on Jerboa and here on the browser! Thanks for your hard work and for putting up with me, lol.

I'm getting network errors that aren't allowing me to actually view content on Jerboa right now, though, but at this point I'm assuming it's a Jerboa thing and not a problem with the instance.

was struggling for a while, but it seem to be nice and fast now.. thank you!

Updated Jerboa. Thanks for your efforts, transparency and insights.

Lot of network errors, but it could be jerboa.

Awesome work!

I'd like to know more about the exact container topology you have, since I may try something similar on my instance as well.
Is it something like this?

┌───┐       ┌───┐
│WEB│       │WEB│
└─┬─┘       └─┬─┘
┌─┴─┐ ┌───┐ ┌─┴─┐
│BE ├─┤IMG├─┤BE │
└─┬─┘ ├───┤ └─┬─┘
  └───┤DB ├───┘  

Thank you! :3

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Lot of network errors, but it could be jerboa.

Almost unusable right now. Excruciatingly slow. Many errors ("502 Bad Gateway", Liftoff, Android). Website is not any better. Not sure if "hug of death" DDOS effect from new users or server problems (esp. from new updates).

The update is good. Just needs more troubleshooting

Trying to edit this comment

Editing took between 4 to 11 seconds. on https://lemmy.world/c/lemmyworld

Meanwhile, on other communities... 0.5 to 1 seconds

I am still getting errors half the time I do anything while using jerboa

Website is working great though

Edit: It's suddenly working a lot better now. Hopefully I am not jinxing myself.

You running the latest Jerboa version?

If you can no longer see your subscribed communities in the sidebar, you could be on an older version that doesn't fully support v0.18.x

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Really like seeing posts like this that explain what's going on. Thanks for all the hard work!

Thank you from England for all the hard work AND for giving such interesting details, especially as it will encourage others to set up their own instances, and help them cross similar hurdles!!

To everyone having a login problem, it seems that resetting the password solves the issue! Maybe this means that the upgrade corrupted the stored hashes somehow?

Resetting the password gets you in that one time the password was reset. Trying to login after that still doesn't work.

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So, basically I can't see any content from lemmyworld, I'm commenting right now from another instance. When I logged into my Lemmy world account its just empty, zero content, any solutions?

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Awesome work guys! The NEW front page of the internet is born.

I like it.
The site feels a lot better to me, and seems significantly gentler in terms of browser resource consumption.

Have you considered running your Lemmy instance on more than a single machine? If it is possible to run two lemmy containers anyway (ie, lemmy is not a singleton), why not run them on separate machines? With load balancing you could achieve a more stable experience. It might be cheaper to have many mediocre machines rather than a single powerful one too, as well as more sustainable long-term (vertical vs horizontal scaling).

The downside would be that the set-up would be less obvious than with Docker compose and you would probably need to get into k8s/k3s/nomad territory in order to orchestrate a proper fleet.

Is there a way to follow the update status while this instance is down?

I knew the update was coming, so I expected the downtime, but I could not find any info about when it was expected to be up and running again?

Thanks for the great and ongoing work put into managing this endeavor!

Thank you for your effort in running this instance and also for being so transparent about the whole process.

0.18 looks a lot better. Far better use of screen real estate on PCs.

Lag is still very prevalent though. Page loading, upvote delay. It's frustrating.

Live comments (like on new Reddit) does not seem to be working on 0.18, so I have to manually refresh the page each time. That also resets the comment sort to Hot, causing further annoyance.

Excellent news! I can browse Lemmy on my phone again, many thanks to you @Ruud and everyone else who worked on this!

Awesome! Loading issues are still the bane of Lemmy's existence though, or at least it is for me and my experience with Lemmy. Everything just loads so slow. Sorting is still broken as well. Communities that I KNOW that are active just show as blank for me no matter what I sort by.

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we created extra lemmy containers to spread the load. (And extra lemmy-ui containers).

Is Rust HTTP server running into thread limits? database connection pooling? All kinds of internal questions bout that solution.

I don't know rust. But there were 150 database connections setup by lemmy, but only about 15 of them were used, the rest idle.

Thanks for getting the update out!

Definitely weird that it was 1500 instead of some power of 2*100!

Also, when we finally get a 128 thread machine just think of the meme potential!

Let us know where donations can go, suspect a stacked docker-compose will reach limits very quickly

This is awesome. Was a fun read too. Super cool to see what was going on behind the scenes.

I can't login from my main browser even if I clear the cache and cookies, if I use other browser it works

Edit: I fixed it just by changing my browser language to English and restarting it.

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This is really cool that this gets shared. Thanks for all of the info!

It seems that I can't log out in my browser. The page simply reloads after clicking the button.

Thanks for all the time and work you put towards making this community better! It's really appreciated!

Thanks for all the time and work you put towards making this community better! It's really appreciated!

thank you for letting us know behind-the-scene stuffs.

me myself is a sysadmin and really like story of successfully scaling up servers. very satisfy to hear.

once again, thank you!

Even using Tor, the site load-times seem a lot snappier. Exciting times.

This looks like it’s exposed some weaknesses, and it sounds like the team has it under control.

I’m moving right now and can’t dedicate time to development, but once I’m up and running I should be able to start contributing.

Scalability is always a concern with these sites, so there’s plenty to do to improve that

Also chipping in to give my appreciation, really enjoying Lemmy through lemmy.world!

Working well here and can use Jerboa again. Although wefwef is really growing on me!

Edit: couldn't post from Jerboa, got network error. But wefwef worked.

It seems there is still some performance issues.

Maybe consider a webcache like varnish to take some of the load off?

Half the time when I comment, it just spins. :( Edit: Apparently when I comment it posts, but just shows spinning until I manually refresh. Must be on my end.

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YAY! Looks like federation from lemmy.world is working a heck of a lot better now with my instance!

Thanks! Now I can use Connect™ for Lemmy without problems. 👍🙂

Waiting for the part where this instance moves to a k8s cluster

Thank you for everything that you do!

Thank you for everything that you do!

Thanks for the hard work!, I had an issue the first minutes where every time I logged in I got logged in with a different stranger account, now it doesn't happen but I can't login haha.

Just want to say thank you. Your hard work is very much appreciated.

Will confirm at least for me I'm no longer having any issues.

Thank you for all your hard work!

Great work, and thank you for the thorough updates?

I was having trouble earlier but now able to log in just fine on browser. Voting on posts doesn't seem to be working for me on desktop or apps. In apps I keep seeing error notices about votes not going through and desktop browser (Firefox) doesn't work but there's no notification there. Anyone else? Maybe everything needs a little time to sync up.

Yay, i could finally login. Thank you for the great work and thank you for keeping us updated!

💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯

Thanks for your hard work and goodnight to Rudd juniors!

Let us know where donations can go, suspect a stacked docker-compose will reach limits very quickly

It keeps logging me out, plus when I log in, alarmingly other users' profile names flash in the top right corner for a second.

Looks like everything is working well so far. Browsing from Wefwef and Liftoff.

Thank you!

Congratulations! Works perfectly for me, thank you! 🤙

Thanks for your time and effort! After the kids have gone to bed, grab yourself a beer and put your feet up!

Thanks for your time and effort! After the kids have gone to bed, grab yourself a beer and put your feet up!

You know, this is a nice post because now I understand what was happening to me as a user. Thanks for confirming that I am not insane! Well, maybe I'm insane, but what I was trying to do and couldn't was real, not something I was doing wrong. Also, thanks for updating the stuff that makes it work.

What a breath of fresh air eh

It's nice, yes. I really hope people catch on to these things about transparency. The aren't seeming to, but maybe they will and we'll live in a better world.

Browser still not working for me. The interface loads but there's no content. Also can't login on browser, after entering user and password and clicking login nothing happens.

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Its been pretty snappy for me all afternoon! No errors to speak of.

Nice work!

Would you mind sharing your docker-compose.yml file (sanitized, of course)? I am trying to spin up an instance on Google Cloud.

Sorry hadn’t seen the message. Still interested?

obviously not critical, but it looks like there's a small sidebar bug (or feature?) that puts the pic near the instance name if it is the first thing in its description?

I think that's a feature. But not 100% sure 😅
But honestly, I like the look. If it is a bug, it should become a feature 🤣

Tried to login but nothing happen except a "?" was added into the link. Tried delete data, cookie, etc but the probelm still persist. Comment from other instance

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How beautiful and cute the new lemmy world looks. thanks boss.

Que bonito y lindo se ve el nuevo lemmy world. gracias jefe.

Showing us the true value of horizontal instead of vertical scaling! Kubernetes when?

Quick everyone show Appreciation before they notice

Thanks so much for all your hard work, love Lemmy world! Enjoy the time with family!

Thanks for being both informative and open about this issue. Hope it works out.

Edit: The first two versions of this post didn't seem to send: spinning post button. Maybe it's not fixed or it's struggling?

Amazing! Thank you ruud and everyone who helped you push through it.