11 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Digg refugee now Reddit refugee

My gut tells me we should defed all corporate instances as a matter of policy. Our uniqueness is at jeopardy , think of threads like the borg.

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I have , amazingly I decided to start two communities, something I have never done before despite the fact I had a 12 year badge and thousands of karma at the other place.

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This is why I posted, I really think we need to concentrate on unique content now so when the next influx comes we not all naval gazing

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This is so Elon playbook , send in the lawyers and see what happens. TBH these games are irreverent to normal people, lets de-fed from any corporate instance and just build a better community

I know but my little brain could not work out a way to highlight the issue any other way

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Jerboa is working great for me so far ๐Ÿ‘

working fine for me , actually I have to say has been very stable

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I guess IF the fediverse decided universally not to fed and moved the code away from threads adding features say meta did not want, then they would be seen as de-facto gatekeeper again.

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Yep, sometimes this is happening to me I just open another tab and often the circle spin is irrelevant and the post or whatever has already been created , seems to be a issue with the system.

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But in my lifetime battery tech has improved tremendously. Even in the last 5 years charge density and speed of recharge has had massive improvements.

This is what I am talking about let's get making content, I have a feeling that the best minds have been removed from Reddit, or at least I would like to think that ๐Ÿค”

server ragequit, that's a tale that should be told

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Great comment imo

My voices say that de-fed is best and I worry that not everyone will perceive the terrible consequences of not doing so. and yay for star trek :-)

Check your profile to see if you mod anything

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This by no means a expert explanation. But as I understand it peertube and owncast are video sharing sites that operate much like lemmy but for video. So people start platforms ( like a instance on lemmy ) and then other people can join said platform and watch the videos , however like lemmy you can watch videos across all platforms ( I assume much like lemmy as long as the platform admins allow ). Both peertube and owncast say they are Fediverse projects and as such it should be possible to access the videos on other fediverse enabled applications although not sure how well this in implemented.


peertube specific info

I have to say as youtube alternatives I think they fit the bill best as it is free to watch , open source and quite an elegant solution , clearly early days but none the worse for that imo

Under the hood I believe it is a distributed load system ( a bit like the BBC's Iplayer ) but that is beyond my pay grade.


BTW peertube = youtube alterative owncast = twitch alternative tilvids = peertube platform

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"stupid lemmings" and "narcissistic sociopaths" sounds like a popcorn drama

This, Refreshing ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘


I have just visited reddit for the first time in quite a while , the picture imo is pretty grim for reddit. Dead subs , little actual life , and when you log out the front page is dire. I think that actual content is key here and that is where the crisis for reddit is shown clearly. Talk of the protest not working is just that,talk , in reality reddit has been deeply effected imo

Yep, that's why I just went ahead and posted , actually really happy the way the thread has gone, on the most part people saying what they want and what they are doing . Clearly there is a learning curve here for many of us and that too gets addressed , way to go us:-)

Read the thread if you have not , some really good ideas and recommendations here IMO



this is a good point imo

I think you might be falling for some propaganda yourself๐Ÿ˜€

No problem connecting with jerboa here but can not login on my laptop, have deleted the cashe and site data to no avail Edit spotted the reset pass fix, bit of a messy solution but heyho am back

I guess that is well worth keeping in mind , coming from the cesspool that is reddit everything seems so polite here by comparison.

Basically my heart is here now and this is where I come for social media , that does not mean I will not use reddit from time to time , but those times are getting less and less, my main reason to use reddit now is to promote lemmy. To give a better idea I spent probably an hour a day on reddit or two or three visits. Now I have not visited for over a week and recent visits have been a few minutes.

That is promising , I was hoping we are not polluting the pool , so to speak

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Maybe beta is your issue I have none of your issues

Yep, I think you might have highlighted a bug, Certain it is happening in firefox , and is not present on the android app.Have learnt to ignore it , almost always my comment has been added.

Oh have we mourned, let's build build build ๐Ÿ˜€

Your right IMO

Can I just quickly mention that I for one really appreciate the work done by @ruul to keep this instance working as well as it does , thank you.

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Great comment

Good point, although I don't feel qualified

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Good call

Nice this is the sort of practical help people need , feel like making a post to explain this for a wider audience?

If you do some googleing there are some pretty good faqs out , although it did take me a while, good luck

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