Youtube alternatives | Foss and privacy centered alternatives

Frost to – 107 points –

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With youtube blocking adblockers, maybe it’s time to look into alternatives and start migrating videos there as well. Any viable Fediverse alternatives that’s mature enough to contend with youtube?


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This by no means a expert explanation. But as I understand it peertube and owncast are video sharing sites that operate much like lemmy but for video. So people start platforms ( like a instance on lemmy ) and then other people can join said platform and watch the videos , however like lemmy you can watch videos across all platforms ( I assume much like lemmy as long as the platform admins allow ). Both peertube and owncast say they are Fediverse projects and as such it should be possible to access the videos on other fediverse enabled applications although not sure how well this in implemented.


peertube specific info

I have to say as youtube alternatives I think they fit the bill best as it is free to watch , open source and quite an elegant solution , clearly early days but none the worse for that imo

Under the hood I believe it is a distributed load system ( a bit like the BBC's Iplayer ) but that is beyond my pay grade.


BTW peertube = youtube alterative owncast = twitch alternative tilvids = peertube platform

This is a good explanation I think. Unfortunately, it seems to be exactly the way I understood it before I asked.

It still doesn't quite make sense.

How do I find other @peertube platforms? Is there a directory? When I try to sub to a channel, I'm prompted to download a messaging app?

It just isn't intuitive. I'm a pretty tech savvy fella. I've now watched 3 videos on the topic, read the welcome guides, visited all the profiles looking for answers. But... I come up blank.

Peertube platform list here

You have to open a account to :-

Comment videos
Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos
Have access to your watch history
Create your channel to publish videos

Although you should be able to follow specific platforms via something like mastodon