Frost Wolf

20 Post – 136 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Introvert. Anime lover. Gamer.

Talkative to some, silent to others. Long term Apollo user and had to move post reddit’s apocalypse circa July 1, 2023

This is the level of transparency that most companies should strive for. Ironic that in terms of fixing things, volunteer and passion projects seem to be more on top of issues compared to big companies with hundreds of employees.

Probably because its name sounds official and it allows quick registration while others need approval (some never approves you).

Turns out it’s the right choice as the admin seems very active in updates and fixes. also has a more chill homey vibes. At least that’s what I observed so far.

Hmmm, on the bright side, with lemmy going mainstream maybe some of this culture (including privacy and FOSS) becomes more and more openly discussed.

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Firefox is the least evil as far as I know, given its non profit roots. Chrome is owned by google, Opera by a chinese company. Firefox is the closest we can get to a FOSS browser.

I personally want to consolidate all content in the fediverse because I see it as more archival-proof. Companies can come and go, brands can sell and change, but a community effort like the fediverse has a huge potential to last.

Just look at reddit and how many useful guides have been taken down.

If you know where to look, there are a lot of useful news, posts, guides, articles and media floating around but often, these are at the hands of big corporations and companies who can turn their backs on their users any time (and with it, our access to these files/media/etc)

I wholeheartedly support NOT engaging with beehaw. Any instance that supports defederation and censorship is an instance NOT worth supporting. The fediverse is supposed to be a refuge of free speech (within reason of course.) If an instance chose to defederate and isolate itself, it deserves the very same isolation it so wanted.

Tldr; beehaw wants to isolate, then give it the isolation it wants.

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A giant leap for the fediverse. :)

Sorry didn’t include a link since it’s on the app store. Thanks for providing one.

I guess you’re right. Even some lemmy instances had to close registration. Ahhh so kbin is newer. I guess that explains a lot too.

Also took a quick look at tildes and it’s text only, as far as I know. So if they change their mind about registrations, not a lot of people will join anyway.

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Before you delete, do transfer your content to lemmy or kbin or any fediverse instance. It can only benefit the community the more content we have :)

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That’s actually a better outcome, quarantine the crazies in twitter and/or reddit while the mainstream happens in the fediverse.

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Thanks will give kbin a second look. Already made an account there just to “reserve” my username :)

Although to be fair, initial impressions are quite good already. :)

In fairness, despite its age, kbin feels like it has more features. I guess the simplicity of lemmy has its draws too, plus its already growing community.

Lol as a visual person, I couldn’t agree more. Images make everything pop. I came from the dial up era and the boom of forums and chat rooms. But even I appreciate good memes and images sprinkled here and there.

The ultimate power move. 💪

A well deserved outcome. Companies need to realize that they are nothing without their customers/users. An undeserved arrogance can only lead to eventual downfall.

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Maybe because I just left it 5 days ago or because I was embittered with everything that went down that I personally want reddit to fail. But maybe that too is unrealistic and with time, I may be able to care less and less, until I won’t anymore.

peeks at comments

Mildly disappointed that no one mentioned leaving reddit for lemmy, but also mildly impressed at the level of commitment of these redditors.

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Preordering might not be so much of an issue with platforms that have solid return policies. Steam might be alone in that sphere. Regardless, preorders encourages companies to release buggy, unfinished products just to inflate their numbers. And even if this is not problematic in the short end, if all companies do this, even with return policies, it’s the user/gamers who suffer with a flood of inferior products.

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Not sure why it’s weird, it’s just reddit but open source?

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To be honest, 2 hours is not enough to trial a game. I recall demos and trials in the old days can last 14 days, some for 30 days, if memory serves me right.

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If you can, I highly recommend using a password manager like bitwarden with multiple backups spread on local password manager or local drive. Think of it this way, what happens if firefox or chrome were to suffer catastrophic failure? At least with a password manager, you can reinstall another browser and carry on as usual. :)

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Most games are actually most expensive at launch. A year after release their prices tend to be half. If not, discounts and other promotionals will surely come your way.

Trading one master for another, I see.

Sorry if I have to go on a tangent here but reading your posts reminds me of the Imperium of Man from warhammer. Reddit has grown so big that it probably won’t matter if entire subreddits disappear, as some would replace it eventually.

Though how long they can sustain this remains to be seem.

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What community are you subscribed to?

Generally, my experience was welcoming with long posts and orderly discussion.

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I actually didn’t know that. So in the off chance that gmail fails or if it becomes too unbearable to use, the solution is to buy a domain and host your own email?

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I vaguely recall a discussion on Tildes with that sentiment on tildes. So thank you for the reminder of their blatant elitism.

This one I think. And scrolling through it now renewed that bitter taste in my mouth.

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If that’s the strategy, is the loss of trust really worth it? How would they entice users back when all the 3rd party apps has shut down?

I know. Reminds me so much of apollo. I’m on cloud 9 right now :)

Steam is not the only game platform out there. Some would also prefer to buy direct to companies. Some games aren’t on steam. There are many reasons why it’s still reasonable to warn people NOT to preorder games, especially since there’s a trend of companies releasing broken, buggy games at launch.

As he sat on his golden throne, his empire growing and diminishing in its own weight, new gods and empires rise and fall, his very legacy cast to the forces of chaos as the sons and daughters of his mighty but rotting Imperium fought amongst themselves. And as he watched satisfied from his divine city, the hungering investors, devourer of worlds and empires, crept ever closer, waiting for the most opportune moment to strike, to feed its never ending hunger for profit.

Ahh if that’s the case, then I have no sympathy to those who choose to stay. They deserve whatever half baked idiocy reddit will throw at them.

True. It takes a big chance to switch browsers for some. And there may be learning curves, but being intentional about our internet and app use goes a long way to saving headaches in the future. The early investment (ie learning a more open source and free, even FOSS software) will help mitigate loss in case a profit driven company changes or “pivots” to a new direction.

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If you use a password manager like bitwarden, there’s no need to enter all your logins. I guess that’s why I’m a bit browser agnostic. I use different browsers for different purposes. And I don’t have to worry about remembering my passwords with bitwarden.

tweXit does have a nice ring to it. Made me laugh 😂

Haven’t tried it yet but wouldn’t you say this would even out with more members coming in? Or is it the nature of the platform that encourages crypto?

I looked around and we have a nosleep here as well though. Admittedly there’s not much in it yet. It would be nice if more people will post here, but it’s only been week 1 of the great migration. I’m staying positive that overtime, communities will move or not, crosspost here. :)


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Personally, I’m thankful that I got into the fediverse a short time after it defederated. I haven’t missed much and I haven’t interacted with it much.

You are right of course. Beehaw is an independent instance and as such reserves the right to moderate their space as they like.

If people really want to access it, they can always just create a separate account on it.

Though reading through their code of conduct here:

It suggests a very controlling and stifling environment that’s not really conducive to open online discussion. And maybe it was intended that way, as a safe space for the “softer” more sensitive people in the internet. And that is respectable.

But it has the potential to be an echo-chamber, the same as what Tildes is. It’s a too sheltered experience that is more suited to private group chats rather than a publicly accessible forum.

In short, bothering with it, especially if you are not this type of target audience is ultimately a drain in energy and an exercise in futility.

You may be right. Being on lemmy tends to skew perspectives a little bit.

Wefwef is fast but it’s a web app, not a native one. It feels snappy and fast though.