For this who aren’t aware, Memmy for lemmy is now available in the app store [iOS]

Frost to – 1638 points –

❤️‍🔥 🎇 It’s finally here! And it will live on my home screen just like Apollo used to do. 🔥 ❤️‍🔥

Just spreading this news in case you’re like me and late to the good news :)


No link?

App link here, since OP didn't deliver 😉 :

Sorry didn’t include a link since it’s on the app store. Thanks for providing one.

Unfortunately, searching for apps in the app store is not easy. I tried searching for "memmy" and didn't find it. I had to use the full name.

Fantastic app, really puts Reddit to shame. Maybe if they didn’t spend all their efforts trying to add trackers and shit they would have a decent app

OP you’re on an iPhone. Next time crop the photo in the Photos app to remove the ad for PUBG…

I thought my Lemmy app was displaying ads and almost deleted it.

Any phone should be able to do this. The first thing my Android does after taking a screen shot is ask me if I want to crop.

Hell, at least on my Motorola, you can set it so triggering a screenshot gives you a transparent, resizable selection box so you only capture the part of the screen you want to capture without having to crop afterwards.

I prefer WefWef but still: this can only be a good thing for Lemmy. Glad this is out!

WefWef UI is great, just wish it wasn’t a web app

Honestly it’s hard to tell. Even on my old iPhone X it’s pretty seamless. I wish Apple and Android would give PWA apps more feature support overall tbh.

It’s definitely not as responsive and has a slightly laggy feel to it. I mean it looks and runs great for a webapp. But it just isn’t as good as a native app.

Memmy is just a webapp with extra steps though.

The extra step is that it doesn’t run through Safari.

It's literally not lol

It is react native, meaning it uses the same basic web technologies as wefwef. It’s just bundled up and distributed through the app stores rather than through your browser. I am not complaining though both WefWef and Memmy are absolutely awesome.

It's not like electron or something. Sure metro works similarly to webpack, but it's not the same basic web technologies as wefwef. RN runs on threads on your device, a main thread, js thread and shadow thread. The js thread talks to the main thread through a bridge. React Native allows us to work and interface with native APIs with the device, while PWAs does not do that. PWAs don't do that on your phone, it's just like running on Safari really. While the code itself isn't "native" we end up with native components through the bridge. (If all of RN was just a webview then it would be more like how you're describing.)

The way RN works is fundamentally different than React, despite the syntax looking similar and RN being written in JS. It's not like its just React bundled up into a mobile app. I often wish they hadn't named it React Native for this reason, and for having to look up stuff and just getting React answers all the time lol. I am one of the Memmy devs and I am a React developer professionally. FYI this is not in any way a diss at wefwef for not being native, its super super impressive what they've done, I'm sure I could learn a lot about React from their code. Also sorry about the disjointed thoughts, I'm sure I repeated some stuff here or there lol. Hope this clarified a bit how RN works though.

Thanks for the great and detailed reply! Tbh I really thought React Native was just using the webview… super embarassing for a dev of 12 years.

There was a really annoying issue with wefwef for me - Swiping back to the Home Screen would result in a brief couple seconds of lag before I could scroll again. Apart from that I’d agree that is was great.

But this Memmy app is a lot better in that regard 👌

Interestingly enough, I am actually also getting this intermittently on Memmy after just switching.

Ah that’s annoying! Can’t be near as bad as I haven’t seen it myself.

Hope it’s something that can be resolved.

I had the same experience with wefwef which led me to try out Memmy. Memmy is much more seamless and feels more like a fully functional app.

It's so frustrating, because this is an iOS bug, and not an inherent problem with wefwef. Hoping they can find a workaround though!

I had a similar problem, but it went away when I added wefwef to my Home Screen. It seems to handle swipes differently and is much smoother when swiping back.

Feels very close to a native app after adding to the Home Screen.

I bounce back and forth between WefWef and Memmy and I think they are both great in their own way.

Wefwef feels like Apollo in a stable beta version: it doesn’t have everything I’m used to (blocking communities from the main feed is a big one) but everything is in the right place. Pity I only got it after Apollo went down, since I can’t get my data from Apollo now.

I’m just trying Lemmy (writing this comment on it) and it’s still rather light but thankfully speedier than on a browser.

I figure I’ll bounce between them for a bit and see which one starts to gain more usage and features. But yes, it’s good that there are more options available.

Quick question- what specifically were you looking to export from Apollo over to WefWef? I tried exporting the .json file from Apollo over to WefWef following the instructions and it basically was just a list of my subscribed communities and allowed me to search for similar communities on here (most of which were pretty niche and therefor not on here yet. Totally understandable.) Is there something else I’m missing?

That’s what I was looking for, yeah. Part of it was that I was subscribed to language learning communities (and memes in the target language: the shared language of memes provides a lot of context!) which can be named a large variety of things, so I’d be back at square one and searching for things manually.

It’s not the worst thing to be back to basics, because it forces me to explore and learn about the Fediverse, but there’s always going to be that nagging “did I get everything out of the old apartment” feeling as I drop off the key.

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Wefwef is fast but it’s a web app, not a native one. It feels snappy and fast though.

Only reason I’m not on Wefwef anymore is because of the lack of haptics. Getting haptic feedback on votes and swipes is just too good, imo.

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For those unaware, you swipe to access voting/reply on comments, swipe from left to right on a comment to get to the up/down vote and swipe right to left to reply.

On your inbox, you can mark replies “read” by far swiping right to left.

You can also swipe to go back to your feed back swiping left to right starting from the edge of the post.

Lastly you can access settings by clicking the “gear” icon in your profile screen (top right)

Thank you! I wish the app made this clearer. But I’ll be referring to this comment until I develop some muscle memory.

The only gesture it still needs is swiping a comment right to left to collapse the entire comment thread

angry android noises

Try: Jerboa, Liftoff, Connect, Summit, Thunder, wefwef, etc.

Sync is coming next month too.

And you can install any of them right now without waiting for them to be approved on the store.

Of the ones I mentioned only thunder isn't in the play store yet.

I'm currently waiting for some of these to make it to Fdroid, it's just jerboa on there so far (which I like!)

I'm excited for boost because that was my favourite Reddit client.

Liftoff is pretty good so far. You can use obtanium to install it from GitHub releases and keep it up to date, I find it just as convenient as F-droid.

Thanks for both recommendations, I've read about obtainium before but never needed to use it. It's good!

So far I like liftoff as well. Nice to have several good options (already!)

Some are on izzydroid if you're willing to add a repo.

Liftoff is there too. I like Jerboa but I felt there were too many bugs/crashes just now. Liftoff isn't the best looking but its the most dependable imo.

You rock! Thanks!!

Lemmotif is also looking good but is newer and less feature rich last I checked. There's probably a couple newer ones that's I'm forgetting.

Oh, Artemis is coming soon and also supports kbin which is rare as their api isn't finished yet.

boost for reddit dev looks like they released a boost for lemmy

It's been announced that it's coming, but it's not released yet. I'm not sure if there's an expected release date

We've got a bajillion of them, and unlike iOS, you didn't need to wait for it to hit the Apple Store.

iOS allows you to install beta apps via TestFlight. And we have a bunch already not including wefwef.

Which technically doesn’t even get installed because it’s one of these new fancy no-download apps!

Won’t go back to android for their vulnerabilities and Google’s spyware and I won’t be goin back to Reddit

staying in a closed sourced platform is more vulnerable. though I'm running a custom android rom

Not at all true.

how? justify your reasoning? being on apple who have one of the largest user base, you are more vulnerable for cyberattacks. you said you left google because of Google spying on you. how come apple won't do that?

Oy vey, no man…

Android is the most heavily used OS in the world. The best thing I’m gonna recommend instead of listing all the reasons is to point you to lists of Android vulnerabilities (public info because OSINT is life) vs iOS vulns over time.

Apple may spy on us! But nothing near as severe as google has in the past (and we’re caught for) like when google chrome was listening in on user microphones. Never heard of such a scandal with Apple before.

And for the record I think Apple is over priced and a cult 🤠

well, i use firefox that too a fork which is mull browser developed by divestos, which is more hardened. on custom rom (fully open source android os) i have option to which app to install. so no default chrome browser for me. i don't even use default youtube app. where in apple all your browsers use same safari engine (Where's is your choice when all those different browsers are same) apple in the past had many privacy issues, like giving backdoor to FBI, when they tried to snoop into your phone gallery, but backed down when public enraged over it. when half your data stays in a centralised cloud platform. that's why people like Snowden uses an android that too running custom android os.

here's a video about how iphone isn't a privacy centric phone

You bring up some really good points - you’re never going to be more secure than using stuff that you’ve put together and coded. And even then you are still yourself vulnerable to making mistakes, ignorance of a topic, etc so there is still risk of course.

Ultimately I left android because the vulns for the consumer grade stuff were more frequent than Apples.

It’s just not feasible for me (and I’m assuming many others) to take the time and patience to setup custom images and hardware and everything else to get to the 99.99% secure point. The 80-90% I have now over what I had on end user android builds is just fine

I’m sure android has alternatives already. I always feel like iOS gets the popular apps later than android. :(

I never head of memmy. Don't worry Android has lots of good Lemmy apps

I'm happy to report there are several android apps getting daily updates at the moment.

I'm using jerboa and it's pretty decent. It's got bugs, but I'm assuming it's still up and coming. Overall I'm pleased :)

Im excited about all the apps but to be honest i hate the names of most of them. Mlem, wefwef, memmy. Idk the overly cute name makes me think of dudes who owo in people's DMs

I love the WefWef app but hate every time I have to type that ridiculous name out. There’s absolutely zero chance I will ever say that horrible name aloud to people either.

Apollo was an awesome name. WW, opposite.

Voice your opinion at ! The dev has already considered renaming as the current one was picked arbitrarily and partly because it's easy to type with one hand 🤔

Lol I started using liftoff on android for that exact reason. Idk what's so appealing about baby talk for app devs that they name stuff like that

I'm going back and forth between Jerboa, LiftOff and Thunder.

I'll have to checkout thunder. I haven't heard tried that one yet. There's so many apps being made right now!

Imagine being so insecure that you won't use an app because the name isn't manly enough. (Although to be fair i am also using liftoff atm because it was the open source app that worked the best last time I tried them all)

Lol nobody said anything about being it not being manly. I said it sounds like baby talk. It's childish and sounds silly. It's more telling that you read baby talk and immediately thought about how unmanly something is.

The dev did so much work in the last few weeks. It's amazing how quickly this app became good.

Very clean. I like it a lot.

I know. Reminds me so much of apollo. I’m on cloud 9 right now :)

Exactly! My fingers have missed Apollo these last few weeks. Memmy feels SO familiar!

Why does the app need to collect the Device ID and link it to me?

push notifications

Memmy is fantastic and exactly what Lemmy needs to become more popular. Using etc on a browser on iOS just didn’t want to work for me, the login button wouldn’t work on any browser.

Browsed through safari before and I would be logged out randomly, too. Not sure why it’s not smooth on browsers though.

It’s good there’s this app which will hopefully work better. I haven’t tried it yet, but if for some reason you still log on mobile browser I found that if I completely delete the auto fill email/PW then manually tell it to fill again, I can login with no problem.

The GitHub mentions Android support. How do we get this?

well it's a React app (booo), so all the author (or anyone willing to make a PR) needs to do is update the build pipeline to compile an APK and create a GitHub release for it if they don't want a Play Store presence.

Loving the app competition. Mlem is coming along really nice as well. I truly wish Lemmy takes over Reddit.

In case someone from Android wanders in looking for suggestions, I would highly recommend liftoff. I've been using it for a couple of days and it's really fluid and responsive.

I have also been using it the past week or so. Works pretty well and UI is good and intuitive.

Exactly. Considering the app in only a few weeks old at most, I'm surprised at how polished it is. It can only get better from here.

It's a fork of lemmur, which has been around for quite a long time but whose development was stopped earlier this year because its developers didn't want to be associated with tankies.

Ah okay. I assumed it was quite new because it was in beta. My bad.

What's a tankie?

Yeah the fork is really new so I get why it seems that way. A tankie is a person who is a left wing authoritarian, to the point that they support Russia (I guess because of udssr history?) and china. Lemmy's main developers fall under that spectrum and one of the largest lemmy instances before the whole reddit api thing went down was, where you get banned if you dare criticise the CCP. Thankfully most instances are deferedated from it.

Is there an Android version available?

No, but there are plenty of Android apps available. Personally, I'd recommend Liftoff (and Boost when it's released).

There's also something called Jerboa, not sure if it's good though

I started out using Jerboa, but then it started crashing. Switched to Connect which I like better and has been working well.

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Thnx! I downloaded Liftoff and I really like it :)

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If I’m on the TestFlight is it important to switch?

Edit: question answered

The TestFlight version will be the beta testing version for all the upcoming official App Store version for updates. If you keep the TestFlight version you will be a bug finder for improvements to the final app.

TestFlight will still receive new betas, if you don’t want to beta test new releases, just want to have latest stable release download the one from the store. Both will work just fine so you can stay on TestFlight one if you want to.

I am guessing this is the Apollo equivalent? Do we know anything about an Infinity for Lemmy?

I'm using an app called 'Liftoff for lemmy'. It has been good so far. I'm not sure if it has all the features found in infinity tho.

So I just found out about lemmy today and tried to search for it on the App Store, and apparently it’s only been released these days? Damn

Anyways, does anyone know why the app doesn’t let you upvote or comment?

This is awesome I love the testflight version of the app. It gives me a reddit like experience. I ended up settling on WefWef as my Lemmy app but Memmy is still really great.

Wefwef is a webapp unfortunately. I believe Memmy is the first on iOS, though don’t quote me on that. I am slow when it comes to these news.

Btw, your profile pic is ❤️‍🔥

Does anyone know if wefwef stores your password in a database (they own) or if it's all JavaScript/local storage?

Can i cross post this? If so, how?

This is the cross-post button:

Wait, so it’s not here under the post. Do we have different apps or am i doing something wrong?

My screenshot is from firefox viewing If you're using an app, can't help you there. Try seeing what each of those buttons does I guess? Also, out of curiosity, what app is that?

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OMG, your screenshot made me believe lemmy got its first ad (pubg).

Sorry. I’ll replace it with a cropped image. I just don’t want complaints of an edited screenshot so I didn’t crop it at first. But I’ll do it now that I see some confusion.

Downloaded it and I think it‘s really neat! Improved my experience instantly!

Is there an iPad version of Memmy? I use Android for my phone, but I do have an iPad Pro that I occasionally use.

It should work for iPad (unless the dev listed it as non compatible), but that doesn't necessarily mean it's been optimized for iPad yet.

I'm crying in iOS 12.5.7. My iPad still works well (even the battery) but sadly more and more apps aren't available anymore.

Try It’s a web app you have to install on your desktop so I think it should work for you

Just got it as a BaconReader refugee. Loving it so far.

When is it coming to Android?

According to its GitHub page, it's made for Android aswell, but there's no download for some reason. 🤷🏿‍♂️

I think they were aiming for iOS first but will be coming in the future.

Programmed in Expo (JavaScript) which is cross platform.

Originally the devs were aiming to bring it to android, but due to limited time and only haven’t iOS devices to test with they’ve shifted to only aiming for iOS releases at this point. It may come to Android at some point in the future but it’s not really in the roadmap at this point.

I'm glad they are focusing on one platform to get the kinks fixed. I can wait till it comes to Android. WefWef has been pretty great for a web app.

What's better wefwef or memmy?

That’s subjective. Wefwef is trying to clone Apollo for Reddit. It’s cross platform since it’s a PWA. Memmy is iOS only and seems to have more settings right now. If you’re used to Apollo give wefwef a shot!

Memmy is a React/Expo app so it's cross platform as well, the dev just hasn't configured an Android build pipeline for it. Both have the same janky scrolling issues which is common across React apps.

Very true, hopefully Memmy exports to Android soon! Ps: your username made me think I found a bug to fix in our inbox code lol!

Wefwef is trying to clone Apollo for Reddit.

Well the first sentence of memmys github description says that it's "an Apollo-inspired iOS and Android client" so I'd say they're doing the same^^

Key difference in what i said: as of now, wefwef is more of a CLONE of Apollo. Everything is almost the same. Memmy is heavily inspired by, but looks and behaves differently in some ways. My opinion is wefwef looks more like a native iOS app. Neither is bad, and maybe I’m biased as I’m contributing to wefwef, but it’s all preference anyways :)

I'm using both. On paper I like Memmy more, but it's missing a couple of features present in Wefwef:

  1. Landscape mode.

  2. A way to display inline pics. If you're a Memmy user wondering why sometimes you see comments without text or anything, that's why. You're not seeing a pic.

But if Memmy had these two things, I don't think I'd be using Wefwef much.

memmy devs already confirmed on github that they won't add inline pics as we see them on wefwef, mlem or browser. Instead they'll try to add a link that says "show image" at the place where the image is supposed to be. Better than the situation now but still bad imho.
That's btw how wefwef handles pics in comments, mlem also shows the full pic here.

Yep, that'd be alright to do it like this. It's not knowing there's a pic that's the problem.

Edit: just noticed it was added in the latest Testflight update. Nice!

Is that different from the actual app store version? Because there I still don't see it.
btw I had to use wefwef to find your comment because memmy can only bring me to the thread but not to the specific comment^^

The AppStore version will always be lagging behind by a few updates, I'm afraid. It takes time for Apple to validate a new AppStore build, unlike TestFlight builds.

Shame, I uninstalled the testflight version after their comment that they won't display inline pics like the other apps and now the beta is full^^
How did they do it with the latest update? Is it a link which opens an image in a new window or is it sort of a spoiler tag view?

It looks like this! And apparently this update should show up on the AppStore in the next 24h ;-)

Hm but this is just like posts looked since I know Memmy. I was talking about actual inline pics in posts, not in comments, so text followed by a pic followed by more text.

In memmy that’s text followed by text followed by a link to an image like in your screenshot

Edit: This post for example should have an image around the middle of the post

but this is just like posts looked since I know Memmy

Maybe for posts, but with comments, inline pics weren't displayed nor acknowledged. If you were on Memmy you wouldn't know someone had attached a pic to their comment. (basic image links worked, but it's different).

In memmy that’s text followed by text followed by a link to an image

Yep, that's how they decided to do it for comments too, now.


Pic is displayed at the end of the post still ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks, so I don’t have to wait for the update. For me Memmy is still pretty much useless as long as there are posts where I have to guess where there’s supposed to be which of the images.

I'm using wefwef and I switched back and forth between wefwef, memmy and mlem.
Here are some things I considered:

  • Inline images are shown in posts(instead of linked to at the end): mlem, wefwef
  • Opening images and zooming them: memmy, wefwef
  • saving images: memmy (Edit: wefwef too since on of the latest updates)
  • Adjustable text size: memmy, wefwef
  • compact view is actually compact: wefwef, mlem (Edit: memmy too since the latest update)
  • jumping to comments from your inbox: wefwef , Memmy(kind of, shows comment chain of that specific post, but not highlights the comment and has no way of switching to all comments from there)
  • edit comments: wefwef, memmy

As you can see, wefwef is present in all of these ^^ jumping to comment is a pretty big one for me, aswell as the inline images

I am giving it a try, been using mlem previously. It looks very sleek. I just need to find out how to remove the notification numbers on the inbox tab.

If you hit the little icon in the upper right it will mark all unread items as read.

You can also mark individual messages as read by swiping left (past the reply option). I only just figured this out lol

I like the app so far, but I have noticed I have not been receiving push notifications when I get a reply etc. Also, it took my way too long to figure out how to make a post.

It works for me, but you have to enable it first in the account settings, if you haven’t done that yet.

Try turning on email notifications. As far as I know, no ios app has push notifications for lemmy as of the present. But I could be wrong.

Cool! How good is this app? I’ve just been using wefwef

It’s fairly similar to Apollo in many ways and it’s nice having an app to use. I like wefwef for similar reasons but currently it’s a web app only (still is right?) might be worth checking out to see if you like it, was as easy as logging in to get going.

Just found it abouf 20 min and been scrolling through. It's pretty nice, but on dark mode at least it's really hard to tell the difference between where one post ends and another begins. Also, haven't checked, but a compact mode would DC be great too.

Compact is available :)

Settings -> Content -> toggle Compact View.

I thought it was missing at first because it wasn’t in the Appearance section of the Settings.

We probably will move it to Appearance. Honestly not sure how i feel about the settings layout in general.

Just seeing this on my newly downloaded memmy app. Good i feel like Patrick Bateman reviewing business cards. It’s very well polished.

Having lots of errors signing into various accounts when I was trying to find what server to call home... got my account and beehaw to work, but no luck with

Other than that, works pretty well. Obviously a long way off the gloriousness of Apollo, but not so far off that I'd rather stick with a web shortcut. Seeing a lot of image previews turned into 🔗 instead of showing thumbs, and so many sites now rejecting access due to the use of a VPN... but that's more a web problem than a Memmy prob I suppose.

Feature-request-wise, it would also be nice to see a more customizable feed that could hook into any combination of my various accounts with a tier-style prioritization on which account to load a subscription when a particular subscription exists across those accounts.

Exciting times either way!

kbin is federated with lemmy (and mastadon) but it is actually its own software with its own (unfinished) API.

One of the Memmy devs here - We don't support kbin (they don't have an API). Did you have issues with signing into any Lemmy instances specifically?

I got a couple of errors on some others like Beehaw at first, but it worked after a couple of tries. I figured it was just due to the rapid rise of your app's popularity! Congrats and thanks also for the reply! Sorry for being a goof on kbin... I am still a relative new reddit refugee who had been looking for a new place to be before Memmy came along.

Oh yea you might get some issues with beehaw because they are defederated from other instances. Glad you are enjoying the app and figuring out the fediverse though! :)

If you only want to manage 2 accounts (e.g. here and beehaw) Liftoff handles it pretty well.

I went because it doesn't require an email address. I had 10's of Reddit accounts that I'd cycle through on different VPNs and only use certain ones on certain devices in the name of Internet anonymity. Giving up an email address (even one that's purely for junk mail) defeats the anonymity.

Lemmy being open source and relatively transparent means any bad actor with access would have a ton of info on me, even if it's just my habits, voting tendencies, and comments/posts. That's not info I want to give out.

I just downloaded the app. It’s amazing. Blazing fast, feature rich, and it’s open source!

This is definitely my favourite Lemmy app.

Congrats to the developers!

Really appreciate all the hard work.

Fantastic app, makes me feel right at home.

It's good for reviewing and giving high marks for searchability, but right now I'm having a better time with the beta version due to the absolutely insane rate of progress the dev makes every day.

I’ve been using this app in beta, great to see.

Awesome!! I’ve been using several of the iOS apps in beta over the past month, and Memmy has become my favorite.

I feel right at home on Memmy. I’ll be sticking around for sure. Now if only my subreddit equivalents will pick up steam :/

There’s no way to save an image or share just an image. That’s very odd and a huge oversight. Hopefully that will get fixed quick.

Edit: I have to first click the image for some reason…

I’m in Memmy and if I tap on the image in this post, I get options to both save and share the image itself.

Ohhhh. That’s not user friendly. I just held the image down expecting it to save like everywhere else in iOS.

Thanks for the help!

cries into Android phone

So far connect for lemmy has been nice. Kinda reminds me of RIF

That's what I've been using. It's pretty nice! I miss "mark as read on scroll" though, and better inline gif/media support (connect just shows a "new window" icon a bunch of the time)

Its ok we get Boost, soon hopefully

I used Boost for Reddit exclusively. Excited for the Lemmy version!

Sync for Lemmy is about 3ish weeks from beta testing. Waiting on that. Currently using Jerboa.

Must check this out. Wefwef has been refusing to post for me over the last couple of days.

After fiddling with half a dozen apps and the Wefwef web app, Memmy is the one I’ve settled on as the best for me. Liftoff had me early in but dropped the ball.

Agree wefwef is neat but I have had a lot of UI glitches with it. I am sure that is a result of trying to get native app performance and behavior out of the web app, but it was starting drive me crazy.

Same. When drafting a comment I’d find the top line of the text area was always under my phone’s notch where I couldn’t see it. Frequently the submit button was not visible unless I manually dismissed the keyboard.

Wefwef is still very good. I would give it second prize amongst all the things I tried. But Memmy takes first.

How does it compare to WefWef?

Memmy has more customization options and I've found it to work a bit better than WefWef. For me, WefWef has been very sporadic in its functionality, with it sometimes just generating errors and requiring me to refresh.

Looks great. Now, I just have to wait for Boost for Lemmy and my Android device will be free from Reddit as well.

Try Connect for Lemmy on Android. It's pretty decent.

just got the app and i like it a lot more than wefwef. finally got an apollo replacement 😄

Great news! Checking it out and it feels really good to use!

Thanks for the reminder OP. I meant to download memmy the other day. But now I am trying Mlem, memmy and wefwef. Each one seems to be slightly different albeit attempting to recreate Apollo to make the transition smoother.

I like what I see so far and once the bugs and the server traffic get handled I’m sure there will be leaps and bounds on QoL stuff.

My main thing is an easy to use UI while offering a stable connection. Everything else will fall into place eventually.

Ya but ios 🤢

People shitting on other peoples preferences 🤢 what are you in highschool?

It was a joke bro. Maybe you should stop worrying about what other people think.

Maybe you should recognize that your joke wasn’t funny because nobody recognized as one.

Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and start owning up to your shit lmao

Nah, maybe you should understand that you took the bait. Got bent to hell about an os.. lol fuckin ridiculous