
9 Post – 200 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't totally understand why root isn't just a configurable thing on Android devices. I get why it might not ship with access to root, but why do you have the hack the damned thing to get access?

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Damn, I just bought one of these too.

I know a lot of people who work from home, none of them do so from bed.

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I hope Lemmy.world does the same.

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Racoons clean their food.

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That is funny, and a stupid offer, but I do get annoyed by the sellers selling something for $50 you offer $45 or something and they counter offer $49. If you aren't going to take a decent offer or at least meet in the middle, why not just turn off the best offer option? Why waste both of our time?

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I have been posting and commenting a LOT more than I ever did on Reddit. Some small part of that is a desire to grow the platform and my communities.

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Man, the GOP have really let themselves be gutted by their most extreme members.

The instance wasn't defederated. Just the community blocked.

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He tried to kill 6 children. What is wrong with you?

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I love how the guy making this joke can’t bring themselves to commit to the bit.

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And that is pretty much how everything goes in the church. Everything you do is because The Lord told you to. So glad I freed myself from that circus.

If the work is getting done, who the hell cares?

And record profits implies the work is getting done.

They are already driving out the doctors.

The modlog for the entire instance is available in a link at the bottom and the sidebar on the main page. Everything should be there.

Imperial units are dumb. We, in the US, would be much better off if we just bit the bullet. I am sure if an effort were made, however, it would become another insane political squawk point about American superiority.

Except Celsius, both scales are arbitrary (and no, there is no advantage to freezing and boiling point of water being 0 and 100).

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Cafeful, this is a guy famous for killing when feeling threatened by unarmed people.

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What a dipshit.

You aren't the only one. Elon seems to think so too.

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As gross as this is, I just don't think about Reddit anymore.

This is one of the shittiest post I have seen in quite some time.

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Gawd I wish they would stop embedding twitX in news articles. Especially when hosting video.

Please don't leave me here.

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Unfortunately they always seem to be able to reproduce before Darwin can get to them.

At this point I would say that it is irresponsible to enrich Musk any further. We have all seen how he uses it.

It's just always Opposite Day with these people.

Especially, but not exclusively, the ones who need it as well.

Is Rosie AI generated?

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An explainer in case you weren't already in the know about Unity's misdeeds like I wasn't until now:


Simply incredible.

Who republicans even talking to any more?

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Completely agree, but news articles keep embedding videos that will not play in place. Also mildly infuriating.

And then everybody in the sewer clapped.

You should get your money back!

This feels so much like an Onion headline.

What a cringe lord.

Depends on whether or not she has grounds to sue.

A near infinite source of free energy cheaper than pumping ever more scarce liquid from the ground? Who could have predicted this?

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