
0 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The official Reddit app pushes "recommended" stuff into your feed constantly, and the posts and comments both seem to be even more pervasively negative than before the 3rd party apps shut down. Scrolling on Reddit is even worse for your mental health and outward perspective than it used to be.

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Where's the FBI raiding the police department when you need them

Wouldn't surprise me, Reddit admins keep acting in the same bad faith ways, but now we have a viable alternative platform

It was the gasoline and fire that actually started the fire, but the chips didn't hurt

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Making it harder for people to sign up and interact with each other, during the most important week of the platform's existence, I hope they didn't take that lightly

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Beauty of the fediverse

I'm really curious about the judge who signed off the warrant. Was it conscious or a rubber stamp?

It's also presented as the default on most apps, I believe

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Sad life, that he had to hide it, if he wanted to be out

Same. Ideally, Lemmy would be a Reddit replacement for me.

Train another raccoon to bust unions

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For real, was just about to say something similar. This is actually an amazing tip, not "LPT: Remember other people exist"

Guess I'll save up for the Valve one

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"Maybe tomorrow" is about one fifth of the human condition

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"LPT: If I was your friend, you could invite me places"

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Sad. That was a really useful subreddit

Seems more simple and likely to me that the "normal" corrupt and crony capitalism we've allowed to take over our government and big businesses is just reaching even more for the next dollar, like they always do. Although the leadership at Twitter and Reddit seems particularly bad, maybe because their product would appear even more unsustainable with proper transparency.

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Watching movies at home is too good, theaters can't compare in my personal opinion

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They should strike to protest the law

Yeah, it's a hard balance to follow. Of course you want full, natural diversity of people and opinions in a group. But hateful right wing toxicity is also way overrepresented online, and has to be moderated against if you don't want a niche online platform to turn into 4chan or whatever

"just move"

Like retail chains blaming theft for shutting down locations

For some reason I only got this on my feed now. But if you read this mods, thank you for all your hard work

Me too

Body temp is 98.6° Farenheit. Water boils at 212° F, if I recall correctly. That's 100° Celsius.

I like it. It's like college

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That's why the apps on the official stores are so important. Convenience wins.

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The question is, could one million people reaching into the magic box at once pull out at least one thing better than a professional could make in the same time?

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Shower shitter confirmed

So it's like getting banned from a subreddit, except you can't even browse with the same account after being banned?

The fact that most people will reflexively reject and wilt at the idea of a wealth cap, or at least enforceablely taxing every dollar made above a certain amount at 99%, is a testament to the many decades of often-subtle propaganda that makes people think that modern western capitalism is the only way. As well as the continuing de-funding of public education and making colleges less accessible.

In which conflict?

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Part of the human life cycle

How does anxiety cause cancer?

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But this is not an atrocity. This is a bad attempt at PR that would have been done by any employee because they would have been told. I don't have anything against a PR person, just the Reddit corporate leadership

First week Lemmy experience

Do we still call Lemmy communities "subs"? Anyway also hmu with those links

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Bruh, compress your thoughts into a paragraph or two, or you've become the nerd emoji

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