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You can’t. Aaron is dead. He killed himself while he being blindsided by the courts for downloading journals and educational materials that were being kept behind paid walls.

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they already lost 4.5bn because of this. Their valuation was cut down to 5.5bn from 10bn just the other day

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I hate that I can read this

Little too late it seems. But if they are going to do something, then they better get a move on, lots of people moving out of state.

It’s bad down here.

The “graphic designer” and I use that term lightly. Preemptively filed a lawsuit against Colorado in 2016 and then the very next day she received this “request” and that’s all that she based it on?

That’s all any of this is based on? That’s absolutely insane. That means anyone could make up any scenario and with enough work get it seen by the Supreme Court.


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Wasn’t it proven that majority of the positive spez posts are from bots or chatgpt or something?

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Feels like propaganda and trust me bro science.

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True, but the valuation is for investors and per fucknut, Reddit isn’t making any money, hence the api push to a paid platform.

Also, Reddit is going public soon when they IPO and investors aren’t going to want to invest in a bot ridden, non active community.

I’d say 75%+ used Reddit on their phones and many of them used 3rd party apps.

The point is, Reddit IPOing soon and then this fiasco is the worst thing for them.

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Did it work?

Edit: shit.. it didn’t work, how do I change my password??

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But that's one way to do it. No churches, no religious people, no trump supporters, no republicans allowed at all. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

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That’s still insane and I lived through it. Never got over the shocked pikachu face of that one.

Haha I’m so edgy haha why do you want to know? Haha you probably wouldn’t even like it haha.

I’m not like other 25 year olds hahaha

Can’t stand this woman 🤬

Imagine thinking that forcing religion and heterosexual norms on a child will change their mind. Your religion does not dictate mine or my kids lives or lifestyles and don’t want that religious indoctrination forced on to us.

Some people (Ally’s, LGBTQIA+, Genderqueer individuals, etc…) just don’t accept that as an acceptable norm in their culture and don’t want their children to think it’s an acceptable lifestyle. As someone who has a plethora of religious friends and acquaintances and comes from one of those liberal cultures I simply mean that I respect them and their rights but I also want to raise my children to grow up being their authentic selfs and living their life.

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Even if they voted for it and ratified it they couldn’t over turn it or legally secede from the USA.

In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were “absolutely null.”

When Texas entered the Union, “she entered into an indissoluble relation,” Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase wrote for the court. “All the obligations of perpetual union, and all the guaranties of republican government in the Union, attached at once to the State. The act which consummated her admission into the Union was something more than a compact; it was the incorporation of a new member into the political body. And it was final. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States. There was no place for reconsideration, or revocation, except through revolution, or through consent of the States.”

Chase added: “The ordinance of secession, adopted by the convention and ratified by a majority of the citizens of Texas, and all the acts of her legislature intended to give effect to that ordinance, were absolutely null. They were utterly without operation in law.”

Another source of confusion and misinformation over the years has been language in the 1845 annexation resolution that Texas could, in the future, choose to divide itself into “New States of convenient size not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas.” But the language of the resolution says merely Texas could be split into five new states. It says nothing of splitting apart from the United States. Only Congress has the power to admit new states to the Union, which last occurred in 1959 with the admission of Alaska and Hawaii.

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The woman kind of looks like Natalia Dyer who played Nancy wheeler in stranger things.

And trans girls/women aren’t just doing that either.

I have never heard a man say “oh darn! I can’t rape her, she made it to the safe zone of the women’s bathroom!”

Are you daft? You can’t be serious right? Creeps aren’t going to be deterred by a door. Trans people just want to use the bathroom and get out as quickly and quietly as possible.


Can’t someone run as a Republican, gain office and then never vote for Republican ideals/far right stances? Or is that not a thing that can be done?

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Same here in Florida. But they fail to realize circumcising is mutilating a child but that precocious puberty exists and many people use hrt and blockers for non trans related things.

As of right now, adults in Florida are “banned” from getting their meds bc they still haven’t created the form they want the MDs to sign yet.

So they preemptively blocked NP and LPNs from offering care but then still haven’t created the form to be signed by MDs, effectively creating a significant blockage as most clinics only had 1-2 MDs if that and they have to be seen in person now as tele health is also banned.

It’s honestly ridiculous what they are making people do.

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Yeah I meant more like staying the party you were elected but voting only for the other side while never voting for your side. Not actually switching to the other side officially.

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I’m actually making my first “full” play through. I played it when it first came out got 40 hours in and got stuck in a death loop save where my next save was like hours behind.

Just reinstalled it with “through the valleys” mod collection and it’s amazing. It’s a vanilla+ like experience and really fun. So this time I’m actually going to complete it. Then I’ll eventually get around to Skyrim again and actually try to finish that 😂

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The fact that you could have made up a fake business, received a PPP loan, paid off your student loan debt, then had your PPP loan forgiven is absolutely astounding and I'm pretty certain that many people who DID get PPP loans did just that and paid off other debts. Because we sure as hell didn't get it down here as grunt workers.

Eat the rich, I'm so tired of being fucking poor.

Honestly, unless there is some actual newspaper proof or news story I assume all stories like this are just that. Fan fiction stories.

Good read though, I’d have read the whole thing.

Well if they aren’t a boy then it wouldn’t matter and I would be fine with my daughter sharing a locker room/bathroom. I’m more worried about her being shot and killed than someone who is trans in the bathroom with her.

People don’t just wake up one day and go “I’m a girl! Hyuk! I’m going to go be a girl just to get in the bathroom! Hyuk!”

People don’t do that, especially trans people. Get your head out of your ass.

There was already an article out that said Iran helped hamas.

Tehran is saying they didn’t do it. But articles from wsj and the like have said they did help.

They definitely pulled a digg. This is going to hurt them a lot more than they think.

Still have a bag of old snes and n64 carts in my closet along with at least 1-2 snes and n64 consoles from my childhood.

I would go to garage sales with my mom as a kid every weekend and I still do sometimes looking for clueless people throwing out old consoles.

I’m so confused on this dudes post history. Intentionally clearing himself out and giving himself constipation but with access to toilets and an air conditioned tent??

This is either the biggest shitpost ever or some kind of evacuation fetish.

Shits crazy.

we need a religion that will make it so that you can't believe in Christianity, republicans, trump supporters, etc.. so that way we can claim it espouses our religious beliefs, just like that chucklefuck web designer said. This way we can be protected under this new ruling.

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Would this mean that any case she has presided over in the past that involved an lgbtq+ person could be thrown out now for prejudice?

Closed because I’m afraid of the dark most times. My cats don’t care they run around the living room. Dog sleeps with me on the floor at the bed to protect me.

what is a progressive web app? Is it like a pseudo-app built into a browser like Safari?

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I’m like 10-12 hours in and I have given jauffre the amulet. But decided to go explore and do other side quests before making my way into the MSQ.

Whoa… that’s so cool! Thanks Bill!

Are you automatically signed up for this since it’s part of Facebook? I really have no interest in threads at all or do I have to manually opt out of it?

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Except ask a mortician is surrounded in massive controversy right now and has been proven to be giving out false information.

The genders are coming for our kids! What’s next lunch being free for people who can’t afford it?!

According to another article it says the contractor identified the problem almost 10 years ago, maybe that was a typo as well?

But yikes, that’s just bad work all around.

Using wefwef at the moment (Apollo inspired) you can use it on android desktop and iPhone as it is a webapp and they show up as a link for me that I can then click and doesn’t embed it or inline it.

Now that’s not to say if it was challenged again in today’s Supreme Court that they wouldn’t overturn that like they did with Roe v Wade. But as far as I can tell they legally can’t right now.