US judges halt healthcare bans for transgender youth to politics – 108 points –
US judges halt healthcare bans for transgender youth

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Same here in Florida. But they fail to realize circumcising is mutilating a child but that precocious puberty exists and many people use hrt and blockers for non trans related things.

As of right now, adults in Florida are “banned” from getting their meds bc they still haven’t created the form they want the MDs to sign yet.

So they preemptively blocked NP and LPNs from offering care but then still haven’t created the form to be signed by MDs, effectively creating a significant blockage as most clinics only had 1-2 MDs if that and they have to be seen in person now as tele health is also banned.

It’s honestly ridiculous what they are making people do.

Oh yeah, I love asking these people talking about mutilating children what they think of circumcision and why, if they are against it, they aren't this vocal about it.

This is exactly what I thought too. Sad you don't see the same energy being thrown at ending this practice.

They aren't against it for 2 main reasons:

  1. They had it done to them (if they have a penis) and they're fine so it's normal, and OK, and not a crime (right?) ....
  2. They want to fit in and peer pressure is strong and they aren't strong enough to balk against it or tell a dr. "no".

I have a cousin that's trans that's leaving the state. This is exactly what the Republicans want.