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Joined 12 months ago

If you read the r/place guidelines you must use the mobile app to participate. Hence everyone who is jumping in, even to mock spez, are stupidly doing exactly what reddit wants. Adopt their app. This is purely to get people to join their shit app

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Straight out of the Nazi handbook

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Alternative headline: Sarah Palin thinks criminals are good guys

That sure sounds like a violation of his terms of release in his court cases.

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Wait what? I thought the read me file was to put as little info as possible to prove how awesome anyone was who can use the program.

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why exactly isn't it normal to get taxes from the rich?

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It only took 250 years since the industrial revolution to utterly doom our world.

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Hm I just read this post and figured they'd be telling the truth.

r/place is only available on our mobile apps (iOS and Android) and new Reddit. The new r/place features we are introducing this year are only on our mobile apps and moderators can opt out of these if they want to.

Seems I missed the new reddit part but it's just as bad as the app.

It would not be if most would stop buying pre-orders. However I am so far behind on my gaming library that I just use it to my advantage and wait.

he doesn't intend to pay any of it back.

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I hope he does. He will violate the order and be thrown in jail until trial. That would be phenomenal.

They were always worthless

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Lol no fuckin way

You have to use the mobile app too. This is purely a stunt to get app adoption.

Tell everyone you know that is not a trumpet to vote blue. We have to take the country back by winning the trifecta. The presidency, the House, and the Senate. That will allow Congress to actually function for the first time in years. We can get new judges in, actually hold the current ones accountable, and pass legislature that prevents a lot of the bs we are seeing now. We cannot stay home this election cycle.

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Having to watch ads isn't free. It costs me my time and it's limited.

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They opened it to get more people to adopt their app and new reddit. It's probably working.

This only means they found a way to make more money by having it than not.

Republicans. They have blockaded any possible reform.

People really don't understand what it will be like if society collapsed.. mad max is a future documentary at this point

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What's best is everyone will see the evidence.

It definitely won't with that attitude 😔

I understand your pov but I feel it's misplaced. You are in public in a vehicle. You are in public on a side walk. The same laws that have been used to record police are the same being used here. You have no expectation of privacy in public and if you are seen or recorded breaking a law that is on you.

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👍 India

I dropped mobile reddit for Lemmy. I still use reddit on my PC, but never on my mobile devices.

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bye Felicia


I went back to school in my late 20s after doing poorly in highschool. Finally paid attention and did homework. Got straight A's. Realized my childhood dream of going to my favorite university was in reach. Buckled down for four years and got accepted. Now work at a great company.

the last place I would want to chat would be with a twitter group

They are falling for the same logical missteps that cable took. Losing customers = rate hikes. Pushing more away leading to more rate hikes. Instead they should be lowering costs and finding ways to encourage people to come back

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Lemmy is fun pls

I watched it live. I don't need a court to tell me what I already know. And neither should you. If the evidence wasn't so damn clear it might require subpoenas or evidentiary rulings to find out the truth but we do not need any of it. He's on tape working to overthrow the election. Why do YOU need more?

Depends on the game. I really like the gold revolver in rdr2 story mode. I didn't expect to but it's pretty awesome.

It just doesn't work for anything other than playing games together IMO.

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Their ecosystem is closed is what he means.

We need term limits. I don't care what age your are when you start should not be there for as long as these assholes have been.

If I had a dollar for every time waze tried to save me time by taking a side street to avoid a light only to have me try to turn left without a light onto a major street at 7am in Los Angeles I wouldn't want to kill those devs.

this is spot on. that's exactly how it went for me and probably most others.

ya, just op was saying people are trying to turn it into a chat hub and it's just not worth. If I want to text my friends I'll just text them in a group chat.

It won't.