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Joined 1 years ago

Defederating from an entire instance for one community seems a bit overblown tbh. Blocking would prob be effective enough. That said, beehaw will likely be most proactive in removing td nonsense from its feed

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This is how Reddit felt 15 years ago. This too can slide in the wrong direction, so we’ll have to be cautious

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I can afford $13/month on my income and watch YT on a daily basis, much more than any other streaming service by a wide margain. Does that somehow make me an astroturfing troll?

Per instance

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Yeah, just seems they got overwhelmed by the amount of posts. I think that's fair given all of us reddit refugees

And for people who do no work but want to waste space in your local city

Of course. I don't care for Barbie either, and never played with the toys during childhood so there's no connection for me. I went to watch with my fiance because it was something she was interested in. The movie was okay. Wasn't great, wasn't horrible. I think when it becomes telling is when people are somehow offended or pretend like it's the worst movie created.

I don’t think I need to know how air drag works, I just need to know that busses and trains exist. Build up those systems and you’ll have better efficiency than anything requiring cars.

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I feel like discord is the closest thing I’ve seen, minus the bots flooding chat and IMing you to warn your account. Ah, the good ol days

Bless his heart

Are these shower thoughts or are they just thoughts?

Win win

Jesus Christ man


Now: everything’s closed 5 years ago: dealer said he’s 5 minutes away 3 hours ago

This happens every election cycle. We do our job by electing them. They are privy to what will happen and fail to act when they have the power to do so. Who else do we blame? The universe?

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Give us an update in a few months how that goes for you

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Hopefully not majority bots

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Lmao corporate buzzword bingo

IMO, that seems to be their bigger play. Gaining market share in those non-console avenues. The console stuff is just cherry on top for them.

this looks amazing

Yeah, sites that hosts their own ads like yt can’t be blocked by dns-level blocking for the most part. You end up blocking yt itself.

On that front you need ublock in browser (for now) or a modded app like revanced on android, uyou on iOS, smarttubenext on firestick, etc.

I used, but this was before the api changes. I’m curious how these apps work now, if at all

Why is it annoying? What would happen if you subscribed to both?

I’ve used android for over a decade and now iOS for a couple of years. The answer is always SwiftKey, even after Microsoft’s acquisition somehow.

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Same. I wish it were untrue. The predictions are so much better than anything else, especially with ability to use multiple languages with easy swipes between each language.

Awesome!! I’ve been using several of the iOS apps in beta over the past month, and Memmy has become my favorite.

Great idea. I’ve not heard of tildes. I’ll have to check it out

The dem politician's tactic. Pretend like you give a fuck (pretending bc they dont actually do the things to solve the issue), and then hold your constituency hostage during elections. Then continue to pretend like you give a fuck.

Yep, they upended the standing doctrine that requires you to be the party injured to sue the party causing the injury. But also these aren't true judges, they're political advocates. They will uphold standing doctrine where they see fit, and strike it down where they don't like here.

Bro whyyyyyyyyyyyy

Lmao, what a shit show this clown brings with him


I just posted this thought before scrolling to see yours. Absolutely their strategy. They don't actually give a fuck about us or the promises we expect them to keep.

I’m incredible when it comes to waiting

That's what I was hoping/assuming, but it does worry me at the same time.

Blessed sleep paralysis

What about when you scroll down?

Sounds like you have a web app that opens in a browser, but tough to know without context of linking what you downloaded.

Someone posted 14 year old reddit thread by digg refugees, and it looked very similar to what’s happening here lol. Hopefully the community keeps growing and improving