Dark Arc

@Dark Arc@lemmy.world
2 Post – 168 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Primary account is now @Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg.

The funny thing is... for me it wasn't even the API changes, it was how Steve reacted to the community feedback. If you need to make your app profitable that's fine by me, but don't ignore your customers so bluntly. They could've easily worked politely with devs to find an agreeable API price, find alternative funding streams for those devs, etc. They did none of that, instead Steve acted like a jerk.

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and that it’s owned by Google.

I mean yes, but it's patent irrevocably royalty free (so long as you don't sue people claiming WebM/P as your own/partially your own work), so it's effectively owned by the public.

Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer implementations of the WebM Specifications, where such license applies only to those patent claims, both currently owned by Google and acquired in the future, licensable by Google that are necessarily infringed by implementation of the WebM Specifications. If You or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that any implementation of the WebM Specifications constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any rights granted to You under the License for the WebM Specifications shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. "WebM Specifications" means the specifications to the WebM codecs as embodied in the source code to the WebM codecs or any written description of such specifications, in either case as distributed by Google.

Source: https://www.webmproject.org/license/bitstream/

(But Dark, that's WebM not WebP! -- they share the same license: https://groups.google.com/a/webmproject.org/g/webp-discuss/c/W4_j7Tlofv8)

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If you're wondering who but don't want to read the article:

Their report urges federal agencies to investigate and potentially go to court over the wealth of information that H&R Block, TaxAct and Tax Slayer shared with the social media giant.

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Thanks for the update and the hard work behind the scenes to keep things online!

It's 100% a new problem. There's established precedent for things costing different amounts depending on their intended use.

For example, buying a consumer copy of song doesn't give you the right to play that song in a stadium or a restaurant.

Training an entire AI to make potentially an infinite number of derived works from your work is 100% worthy of requiring a special agreement. This even goes beyond simple payment to consent; a climate expert might not want their work in an AI which might severely mischatacterize the conclusions, or might want to require that certain queries are regularly checked by a human, etc

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That only stands true when the issue is not being actively exploited.

Apple didn't invent the ARM laptop

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Basically this, he does a lot of good stuff, but since he does it "for views" some people hate him/think he's "taking advantage of their situations."

IMO, he didn't make those situations, and he's providing an avenue for those situations to get resolved (even if maybe someone has to get "embarrassed" by virtue of appearing as the benefactor of one of his videos -- to be clear, he to my knowledge never does anything like "kiss my feat and I'll give you a million dollars" to these people).

Kind of one of those, "there's always going to be someone who doesn't like you" things; if you ask me, he's overall doing good.

I had a buddy who was a Linux ARM laptop fanatic back in like 2014. Microsoft had been trying to make Windows on ARM a thing for years before that.

Apple was the first to popularize it but it's been a work in progress if you've been paying attention for a LOT longer. What helped Apple is all the work they did on their own ARM chips for iOS. They managed to get pretty close to x86 performance in an ARM chip. They also had an app store of apps that could run on them and an emulator for things that wouldn't.

Every time Microsoft tried nobody would release ARM builds... People just bought the x86 laptops. It's the same chicken and egg problem desktop Linux has had for years.

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The safest option would be for Lemmy to implement OAuth and apps that aren't in some "official front end for xyz website mode" to authorize via OAuth with the backend instead of via credentials.

I think it's fine. Calling this an "interaction" is a pretty significant understatement.

You're going to get sued over a handful of text or not liking somebody. If you decide to run a campaign to harass an employee into quitting/suicide/etc, and throw in death threats, along with packages delivered to their residence... You should 100% get what's coming to you.

He should enter politics.

Please don't do this to us.

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Evil only needs to succeed every now and then, good needs to constantly win.

It's really starting to feel like a legitimately good Reddit alternative around here, not just "Reddit like" or "Reddit light" and that's really awesome 😊

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No, safari is based on WebKit (which itself is based on KHTML from KDE). Chrome once upon a time was based on WebKit, but it's now based on a fork called blink.

In any case, this is more of a "will Apple implementation what Google wants implemented?" question. Same with Mozilla being in that list, they use a completely independent engine for Firefox that shares no lineage with Chrome.

Exactly, every phone doesn't need to be replaced 3-4 years. Fairphone is doing a great thing with Fairphone 3 getting 7 years of updates.

It just in general is pretty bad, for most use cases a traditional relational database is just ... better

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I haven't given Discord a dime from the start because I knew this was going to happen.

The entire premise of Discord's free service was to gobble up the market from TeamSpeak, Ventrillo, and Mumble and capture the ecosystem using a ton of venture capital. In any sane world it would be an illegal mode of operation to provide "free service" based on venture capital like that.

TeamSpeak did manage to react but their reaction has been slow (I think they're a much smaller team and still a private company). Their new client is fairly feature complete but still not out of beta (AFAIK).

Mumble is an open source project and is still ticking as a result as well (though obviously it's received much less love since Discord stole the spotlight).

It's definitely a problem, I hope we can find a way to solve it without creating a mechanism for crushing dissent or privacy violations.

WebChain of trust, the site only trusts certain attesters (yes this would be really bad for Linux).

EDIT: Used the wrong "of trust"

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I think it's worth pointing out "no longer" is not a fair assessment since this is regularly an issue with older Americans.

I'm inclined to believe it was never taught in schools, and is probably more likely to be a subject teachers are increasingly likely to want to teach (i.e. if politics didn't enter the classroom it would already be being taugh, and might be in some districts).

The older generations were given catered news their entire lives, only in the last few decades have they had to face a ton of potentially insidious information. The younger generations have had to grow up with it.

A good example is that old people regularly click malicious advertising, fall for scams, etc, they're generally not good at applying critical thinking to a computer, where as younger people (typically though I hear this is regressing some with smartphones) know about this stuff and are used to validating their information (or at least have a better "feel" for what's fishy).

I just dropped Reddit from my phone today, the Firefox moderator protest to change r/firefox to "‌We are a subreddit about fire foxes aka red pandas" was oddly enough the breaking point for removal from my phone (despite last night's unfortunate hack).

Can you actually argue this or are you just parotting what other people parrot on social media?


Databases require trust between parties, for example, so that’s one of many, many reasons they don’t replace one of the use cases.

Can you elaborate on how that's useful for a video game (or a "majority of use cases"/"in general") or "are you just parotting what other people parrot on social media?"


The block chain is only useful if you want a cooperative system that "trusts nobody"... And that's exceedingly rare (not to mention it's susceptible to attacks like the 51% attack ... which you can -- hilariously -- fix if the major stake holders in the chain decide to override the network and do what they want anyways).

There's no reason a video game needs a block chain, at all. The video game has a manufacturer, the video game's rewards are only going to be meaningful inside of that game and ecosystem. Valve's been running a store for CSGO for over a decade.

If you want federation... Lemmy is federated, Matrix is federated, email is federated, and they all allow dodging a central authority in favor of smaller authorities without using a block chain. But even that isn't useful for a video game or publisher.

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Home charging is already practical (overnight); it's the primary means people with electric cars charge them.

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But seeing the interviews he gave was just too much. Especially when he was talking about monetizing people who say things on Reddit they wouldn’t say to their therapist. Like, that group specifically you want to milk?

Wow, I actually hadn't heard that 🤯 It seems believable based on his other behavior though. It's honestly a shame, Reddit is a cool forum, but it's kind of like a nice restaurant where you know the owners are just awful people... And that really just ruins the experience of being there.

From what I'm gathering, they have very different pronunciations in British English as well. I'm not sure about this shower thought, it seems like OP might be the one that's mistaken?

I wonder how this will work with (or if it will be compatible) with the efforts of Element and the Matrix standard?

I wonder if that's related to "the wrong cloud". Imagine if someone wrote some super slick code that worked really really well in the original cloud, and just couldn't figure out how to make it work in the new cloud, so everything is just an awful workaround.

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Video posts are something I kind of miss, particularly for gaming communities to share clips of gameplay

Yes? There's an icon for it on every community's page (bottom right of the screenshot).

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IMO, I think it got memed to death. I never understood how import marketing was until I as a Stadia user saw how much bad PR it had with people who'd never tried it (and were unwilling because of what they'd heard from other non-users).

There's a reason Tim Cook didn't wear Apple Vision during the presentation lol.

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facism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

I think you'd be better off just saying censorship.

Ultimately though we've never seen anything like this, the old school rules for what constitutes acceptable censorship might need some adjusting (especially as society learns more about what closed source algorithms made by hostile foreign powers used by the youth -- and general population -- of a nation can actually do to said nation).

Anything can if you don't update it.

It's way different from that. It's one thing to have a Sony laptop on the screen, it's something entirely different to go on a 30 second discussion about Raid Shadow Legends, Nord VPN, etc.

A very pro-communist instance was blocked from interacting with all of Lemmy.world.

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Because it's extremely unhealthy?

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I take it as similar to the "cya next week" comments RE RuneScape (or really any other thing on the internet)... they're kinda half serious half kidding acknowledgements of something's addictiveness. I wouldn't read too much into it.

Is it actually better? There are things like open collective and GitHub sponsors too... Choices are great, but the choices aren't clear

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I read this the other day... Absolutely insane story, I don't know how this is real life.

I think the mouse repair issue needs to be fixed. It's criminal that they're not user serviceable with replacement parts.

A switch or battery going bad should not require a brand new mouse.

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