
1 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The entire fediverse is built upon the idea of an open protocol that anyone is welcome in yet it seems like everyone is shocked that a corporation is finally jumping in.

This was inevitable and more will be coming. The beauty of the fediverse is that you can still find an instance that gets all the mainstream content of the Meta stuff while not subjecting you to the algorithm and data gathering that Meta apps have. In addition, if you DON'T want to participate and see that stuff, the fediverse provides ways to de-federate your neck of the woods and live in bliss without seeing and interacting with any Meta content.

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sir this is a wal-mart

Ha, I applied to two smaller instances and have heard nothing but radio silence. The smaller instances are of no help if they don’t let anyone in.

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tbh I had totally forgotten about the Victoria situation. In retrospect, maybe I am dumber than I realized for being surprised at some of the recent Reddit decisions.

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I think it’s a downside that I’ve heard they’re not federating immediately, but rather doing that in a few months.

Instagram Threads WILL entice a bunch of people to leave Twitter (and eventually get to the fediverse), but if Insta Threads aren’t federated on day 1, we can’t offer up alternatives to users that doesn’t harvest data.

Instead, they’ll only get that choice in a few months, though still better than never I guess 🤷‍♂️

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I started on kbin for my first 2 weeks of the fediverse but I've since migrated mostly to lemmy and I think I'm happier here tbh.

Excited to see where kbin goes, and really excited to see all of the apps being made for both technologies.

The creator has an official app pending in the iOS App Store right now.

In addition, they’re releasing a “log in with Mastsdon” feature within like the next 24 hours.

Creator here: https://mastodon.social/@dansup

I think a lot of people feel similarly, we’re just exhausted from all the pearl clutching in the fediverse.

I think it’s cool they’re federating. I’m excited to see some of that mainstream content without giving up so much of my personal info/data.

I’m also excited that there will be defederated places to go to if I don’t want to see/interact with the Meta crowd.

Most servers already seem to have Patreons or similar donation platforms running, and subscriptions would not surprise me as everyone starts to settle into this thing. It would make a lot of sense to help spread the load and since content wouldn’t be gated behind the subscription, I can’t see why it would be bad.

I think I have similar thoughts on ads. If an instance wants to run ads to support itself, I don’t see an issue as long as those ads aren’t “federated” out and sent to other places.

I think the ability to have all of these different setups, without restricting any access to content, is the beauty of the fediverse. At least as I understand it.

In addition to deleting history, could you get direct access to the account and watch better/different content to hopefully get that stuff more recommended too?

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Only reason I’m not on Wefwef anymore is because of the lack of haptics. Getting haptic feedback on votes and swipes is just too good, imo.

i love it

I understand why you want that, and I'm glad that decentralization/defederation allow you to keep that.

I have to ask though, why do you want to keep other people from getting that algorithmic, corporate content if they want it? Especially since this will allow them to do it without giving up so much personal info via apps. (While also allowing us to interact/evangelize the FOSS way > corporate systems)

Correct! However I’d like to test it with Cloudflare tunnel

Go see mountains, they’re breathtaking!

But why do they want to consume the fediverse?

The fedidb.org site says the fediverse has ~10m MAUs (a lot of which are probably already on Meta)

Threads got like 10m users on day 1.

It would be such a small increase in users/content for them to consume and most of the people here block ads anyway, so I feel like we’re their worst demographic.

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Nobody would let them floss their teeth on those cages :(

I was wondering what that home button did, that’s so cool! This tool is amazing.

I tried to come up with a good “Bender’s blackjack and hookers” type TLD name for an instance but couldn’t come up with anything clever

Yes! Each instance will have that ability, it’s the beauty of the fediverse

Oh wow you're totally right. I was just able to log into one that I had never heard from! Thank you, good call!

It just controls the list of server URLs you see by default.

Yes, apologies for not clarifying. It is an Intel Mac!

The only way I've found to do that is with self hosting wefwef and adding all the servers you want to anonymously browse to the CUSTOM_LEMMY_SERVERS= variable

I’m in Memmy and if I tap on the image in this post, I get options to both save and share the image itself.

Mine definitely didn't work until I defined the IP, and I got that idea from reports that others had posted online haha. Not sure what we're doing wrong but there are dozens of us!

Good callout on the redundancy of the pull command, I didn't even think/notice that!

Great photo, I love the sunlight in this.

100% and I actually love this about the fediverse. Everyone can experience it within their own rules.