3 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Those are more like yesterday's geeks. These are ancient geeks:

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Yeah fdroid is vastly preferred over this because you can be sure that the source code provided actually produces the executable.

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I think we should stick to calling them communities. That is an apt description of what they are and I don't see the point in trying desperately to replicate everything reddit.

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For a little while I was like this. Turns out, this may work for cotton and synthetic fabrics, but don't do this for organic fabrics such as silk or wool.

Proton is based on wine, which is copyleft so valve didn't exactly have a choice in keeping it open source. I also don't necessarily think that their goal was to reach the rather small existing user base of Linux users, but rather they wanted to make sure they aren't at the will of a bigger company (Microsoft) whose product is/was required to run most of what valve makes money with.

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I totally agree with what you're saying. Also, I think UpperCamelCase is called Pascal case.

They were talking about the reviews featured in the article. Did you read it?

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You know people can harass women or be dicks to their coworkers/subordinates and not be transphobic, right? Also, as of 2022, about 65 people work at Linus tech tips. Saying "Everyone was cool with it and endorsed it" is a bit of a broad statement to make.

Yeah it's a new EU rule. I can't find that info on amazon though, maybe they still have time to implement it?

What are those premium features? I never felt like I was missing something from the free bitwarden

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I saw a post by one of the admins who said they had a discussion with the beehaw admins and their ideals align enough that they think they will federate again once moderation has gotten under control.

Edit: it was actually the admin

Edit 2: here's the link to the post:

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Playing at 4k+ resolutions, the difference between a well implemented quality DLSS and native ranges from barely distinguishable to objectively better because DLSS is also great anti aliasing. And even if you really need native resolution, DLAA is almost always better than any other anti aliasing method. Before DLSS 2 came out you might have had a point, but now I simply disagree with your statement.

I don't agree with this. People have different abilities/talents that mean that certain things are in fact easier for some than for others. By thinking that everything is just hard work, people may work themselves to death trying to achieve proficiency in an area that they just aren't particularly suited for.

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"Deleted" is very much a euphemism for "everyone in them got either pulverised in an instant or died in agonising pain from radiation poisoning"

Just so you see it, on android at least I can recommend drip which is open source and also keeps your data local. It's available on fdroid:

Mir nichts, dir nichts

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Yes. In fact I am not aware of a single Xbox published game from the last five years or so that isn't also available on pc

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I'm pretty sure the whole thing is that witches in the witcher universe can shape their faces however they want so they all choose to be super pretty? Am I misremembering or did yennefer make herself "not conventionally beautiful" on purpose?

I mean, even if alien sightings were real you would expect them to correlate with population density. Fewer people means fewer people that can spot aliens.

Wait you use reddit posts to inform yourself on things where misinformation is possible? I also was mildy inconvenienced by the blackouts but it was mostly related to programming stuff, where it is very obvious if an answer is wrong. I don't think I would even consider using reddit as a source for anything factual

Oh yeah their efforts are definitely a huge net benefit for the Linux community, I just don't like seeing big companies portrayed in a better light than they deserve. When it comes down to it, what valve really cares about is still their bottom line.

Infinity is not too bad right now, I am replying from it right now. My only real issue with it is that I can't see whether people have responded to my posts/comments.

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There is nothing stopping you from subscribing to nebula right now. Since I haven't gotten any ads on YouTube in many years and even use sponsorblock to skip those annoying video segments I started thinking about how I am basically leeching off of most content creators. Subscribing to nebula was a no-brainer. It's about $4.16 per month on the yearly plan and lets me support all content creators I watch on there at once rather than subscribing to each and every one of them on patreon and I still don't see any ads

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Does anyone know how language filters work? I know you can set a language for your post and you can set what languages to see posts in, but is there like an instance-wide default language setting? Or a community setting? This wouldn't be a problem if german-speaking feddit communities were set to have German as the default language of their posts.

Do you have a link to the infinity for everything repository? I can't seem to find it

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I wasn't the one writing the comment.

I think it is a combination of multiple things.

The game is just too big for me. I have spent roughly the same amount of time on totk as I did on botw, but there is so much left to do.

Then, 2/5 of the world (the surface) is recycled which removes some of the joy of exploring, although I was pleasantly surprised by how different it was. Another 2/5 of the world (the depth) just aren't that appealing to me. What made me enjoy exploration in botw was constantly seeing something on the horizon that piqued my interest, which just doesn't work if the world is super dark.

Lastly, I am not really the creative type. I don't get much joy out of building cool stuff with ultrahand, and other than that the gameplay is largely unchanged from botw, which made it feel a bit stale. For example, I really think they should have overhauled the combat mechanics more. Even in botw combat felt rather simplistic, and after another 100 hours of the same it got really boring.

Yeah but by using brave you are contributing to the browser engine monopoly that chromium has created

This could be very helpful, but only if dualshock support also means that vibrations work and dualsense support means haptic feedback and/or adaptive triggers. There are way too many games that have support but only for controls and button prompts. For those, I'd rather use DS4Windows or DSX to get full controller support, albeit with the wrong button prompts (which can often also be modded)

I was going to say the same thing. With cycling, you get an immediate reward for your spent effort because riding fast just feels really fun. So I find myself wanting to put as much energy in as possible.

Lauf nur! Wir werden dich finden...

I have switched from manjaro to endeavouros about a month ago. I definitely prefer endeavouros. However, the kernel install GUI in manjaro was nice, made it very easy to get an overview of the available kernels and which ones are still getting support.

Thanks for that, I already learned more about the story (and realised how it's essentially identical to the one in totk!) Just from the first few pages. Will give it a read before continuing my playthrough :)

Are you aware of the izzyondroid repo? That contains loads of github releases which for one reason or another haven't made their way to fdroid yet. So far, I haven't had to manually download any apks from github because everything has been available there.

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Didn't you have English classes at school? I have also significantly improved my English through English media such as reddit, youtube, movies, books etc. But I don't know if I would have been able to do that without learning basic English at school.

Have you tried cycling for cardio? I used to be just like you but riding a bike fast is such an enjoyable experience to me that I forget I am doing cardio in the first place.

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If you watch YouTube videos on a small smartphone screen, sure, the bitrate does not matter that much. But whenever I watch it on my 55" 4k TV I cringe every time the image gets a bit busy and suddenly there are blocking artifacts everywhere

I prefer Liftoff, mainly because I am plagued by a well-known bug in jerboa that makes writing comments a big pain. However, since infinity got semi usable (it still has a bunch of references to reddit in its ui and the messages/replies page is broken) I have only used liftoff to check for replies. I am just used to infinity from years of reddit usage lol

I should probably post this as an issue on github but pressing the "Enable using Shizuku" doesn't seem to do anything whatsoever - am I supposed to get some kind of UI feedback? Shizuku is running, but even after pressing the button it still shows that there are 0 links that are opened in Lemmy redirect

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I am on 121 shrines and have about 3/4 of the depths unexplored but I am really feeling the "just get it over with". Which is what I am planning to do now. It's just very sad because I enjoyed every second of BOTW and did all shrines and even did a bit of random exploring after just because I didn't want to leave the world yet.

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