YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers to – 507 points –
YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers

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There is nothing stopping you from subscribing to nebula right now. Since I haven't gotten any ads on YouTube in many years and even use sponsorblock to skip those annoying video segments I started thinking about how I am basically leeching off of most content creators. Subscribing to nebula was a no-brainer. It's about $4.16 per month on the yearly plan and lets me support all content creators I watch on there at once rather than subscribing to each and every one of them on patreon and I still don't see any ads

I'm not familiar with Nebula. Are known Youtubers on that platform?

Thanks! That list is much longer than I expected!

Yeah I think I initially signed up for a free month because I wanted to watch some nebula exclusive content and was pleasantly surprised by how many creators I was already subscribed to release their stuff there. It made it a no brainer to subscribe to nebula.

I signed up for JetLag. The other great creators are a great bonus.

I've been considering nebula for a while, but I also use Patreon to support creators that I appreciate.

I only support one channel on patreon because it is quite niche and at this point I am pretty invested in that parasocial relationship. I find it difficult to justify supporting many different content creators, but I am also still a student so I don't exactly have money to throw away.