0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I find Lemmy generally more welcoming to post comments. Its likely because of the lack of bots and trolls. Let's hope they stay clear from here.

18 more...

Yeah, this seems like a sketchy way of pushing adds. I’m fairly sure ads shouldn’t be pushed in the notification tray.

Your last statement is probably the safest route.

Yeah I agree with your comment too. I feel like most communities are really pushing for positive interaction even in the case of disagreement. I've seen only positive interactions so far.

Either way OP appears to have just posted this and left Lemmy unfortunately.

The removal of the custom thumbnail is refreshing. No more wired reactions with an arrow pointing at something.

I'm going to give this a try. The sponsorblock people have great ideas!

For me it's available but not reliable. There's always something that forces it to shutdown. There are frequent delays and the monthly fees are really getting up there.

This is certainly a good thing.

I feel like people missed the main point when this all started getting pushed back in the 90s. The campaign was "Reduce, reuse, recycle", but everyone just focused on recycle. The reduce and reuse were mainly ignored, but are the more important aspects than recycle I think.

It's like they say, universal free school meals leads to a lazy population and communism.

Jokes aside, I really don't understand their fear of anything that resembles socialized programs.

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I can only imagine that 5his wasn't a recent interview, but I know it's not the case. He's completely lost it. Very out of touch with what made Reddit Reddit.

Yeah I agree that enough attention has been placed on Lemmy for it to pop in Redditors heads when they start thinking of other sites to go to. It won't happen overnight but that'll also give the Lemmy devs time to apply some fixes and add new features.

Kind of both. His server has a mirror of the community. When he comments it gets saved on his server and the his server communicates with the original server. In turn the original server also communicates his comment with other federated servers.

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There's currently a bug with "hot" and "active" where old posts remain at the top. I don't remember the details but it's getting fixed in v.0.18 (which is already in release candidate 4).

There are two solutions until the fix is released:

  • get your server admin to reboot the server everyone in a while. This seems to temporarily refresh the content.
  • use "new" or "top day". That's what I've been doing.

Most big youtubers have in-video ads now anyways. I'm not sure what the ratio of their revenue comes from youtube ads vs in-video ads, but youtube seems pretty trigger happy about demonetizing videos. Sometimes entire channels. If someone gets the majority of their revenue from other sources than youtube ads, I could see them migrating to something like peertube.

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I've found CloudFlare tunnels to be really useful. You can restrict who can have access to your apps outside your nextwork. You can also leave it completely open if you want.

I really think VC is to blame for a lot of it. Although not in Twitter's case... And I assume meta is backed by a VC (although they might be).

In the end it comes down to these investors wanting a return on their investment and those in charge of the VC usually go one of two route:

  • inject ads in as many places as possible
  • track as much of the users data and sell it

Everyday users don't understand all the work that goes into certain things sometimes. Mods really have a thankless benevolent job sometimes. We should appreciate what they do more instead of just going back to Reddit with our blinders on.

Yeah, this seems like a sketchy way of pushing adds. I'm fairly sure ads shouldn't be pushed in the notification tray.

Your last statement is probably the safest route.

This is great! Anything to make Lemmy adoption simpler and easier for newcomers.

Hold the line!

GOG really is the way to go. I try to support them whenever I can.

With 2 kids now, gaming time is very hard to come by. At least I know that when I do have time to game again, I'll be able to play these games because they have no server to connect to.

Was going to suggest CloudFlare as well. At the very least just setup your DNS with there nameservers and benefit from CloudFlare proxies on the IP addresses.

But tunnels is pretty sweet.

This is true. But you can use Reddit just as a source of information. You can always bring that back here and share/contribute that info with others.

Reddit has had a good decade of a head start over Lemmy instances. It's no surprise there's so much more information indexed.

Yeah exactly. Being a a not-for-profit open-source project, I'd expect features to eventually be put into place to help moderate this kind of stuff in the future.

They don't automatically block you. Beehaw seems on the lookout of troublesome users more than other instances. When they notice a lot of those users are coming from the same instance, they just defederate it until better tools become available to moderate.

I'm still federated with both instances. I'm also the only user on my instance.

This would be the perfect balance. Prevent Reddit from monetizing the subs any further, but keep a record of all the information that was shared since the creation of that sub.

They can make their own instance and stay within their echo chamber.

Thanks for sharing. The official installation documentation is a little out of date and I had issues too setting up the docker installation. Figured it out in the end but not after a lot of head scratching and testing.

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My critical files and folders are synced from my mas to my desktop using syncthing. From there I use backblaze to do a full desktop backup nightly.

My Nas is in raid 5, but that's technically not a backup.

How is peertube in terms of hosting costs? I would assume much higher than lemmy or mastodon considering it's all video content.

Agreed, but they could always setup a bypass rule.

It was the handheld version of showing blood in mortal kombat. My super NES only showed sweat ☹️ I was very jealous of my friend for that, but enjoyed playing it.

Thanks! That list is much longer than I expected!

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Better than Lemmons or Lemmurs I guess.

I'm realizing that a few weeks ago I wanted a lot of people to flock to Lemmy and away from Reddit. At this point I just don't think about Reddit anymore and find myself hoping Lemmy doesn't get too popular because of everything that comes with that (trolls, meme posters, bots)

I fear we're going the idiocracy route. Lower and lower intelligence of the population in general.

Shhhhhh 🤫 we don't talk about the other use.

I'm not familiar with Nebula. Are known Youtubers on that platform?

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I ended up using their nginx configuration instead of NPM. I didn't want to start messing with that. If ever I reinstall I may attempt it.

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Dad wins the gene game.


I'm curious about the mod tools. Is it possible to moderate a small to medium sized subreddit without those tools? To me, the mods are the glue behind it all. If a subreddit goes off the rails because of bot spam and toxic/hate posts, people will just go elsewhere.

So if mods stop moderating because they don't have access to their tools, this will likely happen at one point or another.

Very interesting. Thanks for the follow up.