1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It’s shit like this that makes me so damn thankful I graduated high school in 2011 and not anytime 2016 and onward. I’d be so fucking sick of all the new Trumpers.

You do realize the vast majority of people would need you to explain what a “rented host” is, then they still wouldn’t comprehend it.

Bitwarden. I’ve used it for years, never been unreliable. I pay for it.

Check out our alternate link on blacked!

Borg Backup (specifically using Vorta front end)

Same, I have it proudly sitting on my shelf above my homelab :(

Just making sure I understand the ask here. You’re currently running Plex & a torrent client off of your laptop, and using the Plex app on your TV to connect to your Plex server running on your laptop?

I’m going to treat this as a simple guide of where I would start if I was just starting again.

You’re going to need two things, a completely separate PC, usually an Intel NUC, to run all of these services with docker on Linux. Then you’ll need storage. Most users start out with a simple 2 or 4 bay NAS, that connects over the network to your other machine (Plex server)

If you don’t want to tinker with all of that and get straight to the point, build yourself your own computer that has a case for multiple 3.5inch HDD drives, then install unRAID on it. There’s your perfect media server right there. I’ve been running that setup for years without it breaking a sweat.

Let me know if you want me to elaborate on these details

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I distro hopped forever until I finally landed on pop, staying on it for a long time before thinking about switching

Ma’am, you’re in a Wendy’s drive thru

SPOILERS but Reason why I knocked Tommy Shelby down a bit is because my wife and I are rewatching it now, and I kinda thought Tommy telling John it’s okay that he threatened the sons dad was dumb. That event got Grace killed.

Lmao WHAT? They seriously did this? Yeah say goodbye to having my boomer parents understand anything else other than what’s loaded on their shitty $50 android phone they got for free from their shitty CDMA provider…

Most likely Hyper Backup & Hyper Vault, two applications built into Synology’s DSM software that runs on their NAS devices.

I’ll tell you what, the quality & diversity of memes here is so much better than Reddit I’m getting my friends actually asking me where I’m getting the S-tier memes lmao. I’ll never tell mwuhahahaha

Jeff Bridges was so damn good in this. Yeah his CGI self was kinda corny/low-budgety but it fit in decently well with most of the movie having to be in CGI because it was literally about a computer generated world, so I didn’t mind it.

I definitely don’t want them to be the same project. I love the logical separation between the two

Dude lemmy has some of the best & most fresh memes I’ve ever seen ❤️🤙🏻

Seconding this. On my unRAID host, I run a docker container called “Vorta” that uses Borg as its backend mechanism to backup to my SynologyNAS over NFS. Then on my Syno, run two backup jobs using HyperBackup, one goes to my cousin’s NAS connected via a Site-to-Site OpenVPN connection on our edge devices (Ubiquity Unifi Security Gateway Pro <-> UDM Pro), the other goes to Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage.

OP, let me know if you need any assistance setting something like this up. Gotta share the knowledge over here on Lemmy that we’re still used to searching evil Reddit for.

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Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

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I remember first hearing this song from a mislabeled mp3 from limewire. I thought it was Primus forever

I need my coffee to process this lol

Ran Plex for many years before Jellyfin existed. Plus the ease of sharing on Plex is still king

This is fantastic for us homelabbers. Now I can pick up some insanely powerful ones years from now for dirt cheap!

Yuuuuup, same. I do wonder though how much longer we’re gonna be able to get away with it though.. the sharing I mean. I know my wife and I can always have things here locally, but we’re definitely at the mercy of Plex eventually shutting down their sharing capabilities

Dude SAME HERE. When I first setup my pihole I’m like “JESUS CHRIST WHY ARE MY 2 ROKUS MAKE UP over 80% OF REQUESTS!?”

That day I gave them away and moved to Apple TVs. Shit has been so so much better ever since

Too fucking cool man, thanks for the write up!!

This was pretty good lol

….. wow I just got that too…

I feel right at home on Memmy. I’ll be sticking around for sure. Now if only my subreddit equivalents will pick up steam :/

No worries, happy to help!

Main benefit is modularity, where you can use each system for a different use case that it's more suited for. Also if one system goes down/has issues, it doesn't necessarily make the entire thing unusable, just degraded. This also means you can upgrade different parts when necessary.

NUC = Runs services, no data (other than application data) is stored here, so if it dies, your data is still safe on the NAS.

NAS = Stores media/personal data. If it dies (dear god please have a 3-2-1 backup in place), the only services affected are ones that rely on the data being accessible from the NAS. This seems like a big drawback, but at least you ONLY have to fix the NAS and not have to recreate all the service configs.

If you're using proper Docker practices (defining all of your services in docker compose), then even rebuilding your NUC isn't that much of a headache. DOCUMENT YOUR JOURNEY AND MISTAKES!

Yes, NAS devices are expensive, but in order to have one that can TRULY be a good all in one data storage AND Plex server, you'd really break the bank to get one that runs an Intel CPU, since most NAS devices run a low powered ARM chip, or a very under powered Intel CPU.

The most cost effective way to do this when first starting out is to scrap, scavenge and buy used/old equipment. Chasing after the newest hardware for this stuff is tempting, and you'll eventually get there, but you gotta walk before you swim.

Seriously, ebay, pawn shops, facebook marketplace (yes, yuck, but I've gotten killer deals here) and friends/relatives getting rid of old "useless" computers will be their trash, your treasure.

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You’re very welcome! Feed free to reach out if you need any more help :)

I finished the whole show, worth reading the book series?

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I’m trying to find the most popular communities so I can figure out what websites blogs I can post and generate content like I was used to when browsing subreddits

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Is it worth watching the first two seasons before the third? I’m really only interested in watching Matthew Lillard’s performance

Same. I was definitely free tech support on niche topics I still get random DMs about months apart by a lost redditor that’s found the light. I don’t care about Reddit “benefiting from my data”… bitch I gave that up as soon as I registered an account and interacted with other users via the reddit medium.

It is weird that even with an alias, I felt more comfortable that you had to be employed by Reddit to see my data posted on Reddit?

Nice I’ll check it out!

Destroy All Humans 1&2 on PS2 & Xbox

Yes absolutely. Last time I checked, the Nvidia Shield is the only Plex client that can direct play any video/audio codec without causing Plex to transcode the media. You can watch media directly on Plex (as a client) off the NUC but I’ve never done it before. I’ve always had a server/client setup separately because all my server equipment is in the office.

Direct Playing/Direct Streaming is what you want to achieve most of the time if you can. The next best Plex client is the AppleTV, which I personally have myself and it’s so much better than my old Roku devices. Roku has kinda gone downhill quality wise for me.

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You know this is a really good point and it’s why I really don’t care for open world single player games. I’ve tried to pick up RDR2 multiple times and I always just end up stopping after a day or two cause it’s not enough dopamine

Niiiice, quick question, are both of y’all running the latest UniFi Controller version & using the new WebUI view layout?