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Joined 12 months ago

Family started to make fun of my pronouns. I'm just tired of people choosing to be cruel for cruel sake. So I deleted Facebook, essentially cutting them out.

My mom refused to use pronouns and I'd given her 6 years to learn and grow, cut her out.

In the past, a coworker on purpose set up a birthday for one of my best friends and didn't invite me. They made up super weird reasons why I wasn't invited. I realized he was manipulative... I cut him out...

Another co-worker was a friend but then one day he wanted to start touching me. I don't like being touched. I kept asking him to stop, he did it more. Til one day he pushed me into a cold case (we worked at a grocery store). I cut him out.

Regardless of who I cut out though, there is ALWAYS room to come back if they change and grow up.

I'm still hoping my mom will before she passes... : /

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I have both a misskey and lemmy instance. For both I used with the cheapest summer deal Flying Fish SSD. It's like 55 a year. (Or you can pay monthly but I'd highly suggest to save up and pay yearly) (kinda lie, I got a bigger one for lemmy but it's overkill)

If you have never installed software before on a VPS (virtual private server) you're in for a learning ride. If this is the case, be patient, don't give up.

Misskey is similar to mastadon. You can also look into calkey which is similar to misskey.

The hardest part of setting it up was the settings. But since I already know Docker and whatever it was easy going otherwise.

Though I still don't have email working... Bleh

Misskey you add relays. Relays are like lists of instances to join in the fediverse. You then block instances you don't like.

Lemmy, you block instances you don't approve and can set it up so you can white list as well.

Also important, lemmy doesn't automatically add other instances. How it works is, any user on your instances has to subscribe to another using the full search key !blah@domain.tld then once ONE user is subscribed, everyone else can search it via keyword.

Because of that I created a bot that went through all my approved instances and subscribed to all communities in there. It stopped around 3500 subscribed communities. I'll have to run it again sometime.

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Not exactly to the title but I was alone with a coworker and explaining my precancerous cells I was being checked up on and a customer walked up as I was explaining.

He said, "that sounds like bullshit and I would know because I have a PHD."

he was an idiot.

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angry android noises

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She's fucking insane, but most of them are. The only good I see of this is that there is in-fighting. The more they tear each other apart the less grip they have...

Someone smarter than me hopefully will post a better picture on what this means...


  • I play beat saber.
  • watch TV
  • draw
  • play video games
  • crochet
  • build robots
  • organize
  • compose music on the piano

Whatever I can focus on, it helps me release the day

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I have tinnitus. Had it my whole life. I live with a fan running in every room except the kitchen and bathroom. They are on 24/7 365. The silence literally makes my head feel like it's about to pop

If you don't mind a long-ish story:

I have always wanted to get into it. My dad was an RF engineer, but he never would teach me anything.

I moved to Seattle in 2010 (I was about 25yo) and I learned about maker spaces.

Well a guy at that maker space didn't mind showing me the basics. So he taught me briefly how solder works and then asked what I wanted to make. I said, "I want things to light up"

So he gave me a breadboard, LEDs, resistors, wire and a battery and said, "Figure it out". Pretty quick I got them lit up. So I went back to him and said, "I want them to change brightness when its dark or light out."

So he gave me a photo resistor (when there is no light it slows/stops the current of electricity), and he said, "Figure it out". So I learned how to use the photo resistor to make the lights brighter when the ambient light was brighter. Then I told him, "I want them to light up when it's dark out, not light".

So he gave me a transistor and said, "Figure it out". This took me 3 months, all alone, to read the schematic of that transistor. But EVENTUALLY I got it working.

Since then I have learned to create my own PCB's, programmed line followers and have built robots that move around and do image recognition!

I haven't done much as of late but I want to get back to that! (I have moved a lot in my life so the second to last move I did, I had to donate ALL my robotics so I am starting from scratch)

I would look up maker spaces in your area. You can use them to do more than just robotics. The one I went to also had engravers, 3D printers, and knitting machines (or crochet? can't remember)

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Manjaro. It just worked on any device I installed it on. And wifi just worked with no fiddling.

Then I installed it on surface tablet. What didn't work, I found kernel fixes I could implement.

Of all the distros, for me, it was the easiest to use, install and manipulate!!

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Wtf... No. Nightmare fuel

Gender assumptions

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It's different as I grow. But right now, affordable mental health support and a friend.

I moved to a new state and have no friends and work from home.

I'm trying my best but... I wish it was easier

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I've missed bonk doggo

So many. I bow (learned from Japanese class). I wobble my head side to side, similar to South Asians, I have no idea why I started that, just feels normal now. I will often walk out of a room facing the room and close the door facing the room, learned from taekwondo. I'm sure there are so many more... I have this thing where I unconsciously mimic things.

Came here to ask this... (Also love that movie tho)

So the problem with lemmy is that instances don't immediately see all communities in all instances. For my instance I created a bot that finds all communities from all approved instances. It broke part way through but I got 3500+ communities connected to mine now...

Since other people don't that, duplicates get made.

I made a replacement cipher for my friend. I sent him a very short story and he was able to decipher it! Made me happy!

Yeah,... my upbringing was not normal. Lots of abuse. So that's why. If he was healthy and had the support he needed I would have learned! But I think that is why I seeked it out later.

And YES, if you have kids, absolutely teach them what you know. Don't force them to keep learning but an introduction is a great idea. Like I wish my parents had taught me how to cook!

You have a beautiful smile!

Atari here is my dumb thing mine is a smaller dumber version that fails after too many http calls is the nice guys full on installable thingy bot I learned a lot from him

I use for both my lemmy and misskey instances. Search the summer sales!

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Darn im sorry. But also I never use safari on my mac. I have a mac book pro for work as a software engineer. we only use the ones I showed you. (again sorry i super passionately hate safari)

Good luck on your search for a VPS though! Oh yeah my friend texted me 2 sites and I chose but the other one he suggested is Contabo!

I love it and created my own instance!!

lemmy instances are not automatically connected at least one user must be following a community for others to search it

I found a tool to basically create a bot account to add servers. It uses the lemmy api. I took this idea and created one as well (not sharing it’s terrible) but it went through all of my approved instances and all of the communities and subscribed to all. I now have 2300+ communities. That I can see from my instance

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So I couldn't find step parenting and my instance is connected to over 3500 communities. You may want to start your own!

Beautiful. Also how grumpy are you, @BeardyGrumps?

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Yeay!!!! I look forward to seeing more art from you!

I bought a server for about 100 a year... With my whopping 2 users... It's overkill... So... My comment is a wasted way of saying idunno

You rock! Thanks!!

So what I've seen, there are already a lot of home grown dating apps, the problem is that they don't have a huge user base.

For example I joined a nerd focused dating app and got one message a month later (I also reached out to a lot of people).

So I think it can be done but the real question is how to generate a large enough user base to make it useful...

Thanks so much!!

I enjoy reading about this change because everytime someone writes something like. Look what x did. My first thought isn't of Twitter or any social media, it's: "who's x?" (As in replacement variable)

So stupid to rebrand like that. Oh well, never used Twitter anyways

To share my script? I can link to the guy who made the cool tool and my script if ya really want but let me clean it up brb

This is very very true! I take medication and it's great but it's not enough. Mental health support (therapy) is so important

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Agreed. Also we all have our eyes on so much these days (we see ALL the news from everywhere) there is no way that doesn't affect people. Plus here in the US, the divide between rich and poor grows. The stress of seemingly innocuous every day life has it's toll and I don't think a lot of people recognize that in them selves yet.

I totally agree, mental health for everyone even for people who are healthy!

I went through a whole stint of crocheting dolls for friends for xmas. I needed a break! I think when it cools down I'll get back into it!


Yeah that's what I grew up learning and my mom taught me that x is kisses o is hugs. Til that it's seen and way!