People who work in food service or customer service: What’s the dumbest thing a customer ever insisted was “the law” or “illegal”? to – 343 points –

Brought to you by my discovery that some people think that “the customer is always right” isn’t the slogan of a long-dead department store, but rather it’s an actual call the cops law.


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Not exactly to the title but I was alone with a coworker and explaining my precancerous cells I was being checked up on and a customer walked up as I was explaining.

He said, "that sounds like bullshit and I would know because I have a PHD."

he was an idiot.

I know lots of very stupid people with PhDs

I have a PhD, for one

I have a buddy who's about to get his PhD in math. He's probably one of the dumbest guys I know. Don't get me wrong, he's incredibly smart and a very hard working. But also the guy can't open a baby gate, even if show show him 3 times. We play a lot of non-voice acted video games together where you need to read stuff, and he mispronounces pretty much every word. Like, he isn't even close on most of them.

As a PhD student you pretty quickly learn that everyone is barely holding it together. It's the kind of work where you learn and discover the edges of knowledge and then forget how to eat

Gotta make sacrifices to be able to know shit when you're under 30

What does being under 30 have to do with it

Yeah if anything when you're over 30 it's even worse, as then you have to dedicate some brain power in dealing with all the body ailments you suddenly start developing.

I have a BSC... Bronze Swimming Certificate.

Obligatory Red Dwarf love!

I would know because I have a PHD

Also "I'm an engineer". People with specific vocational training (EE, MD, whatever) think because they know one thing well enough to get a professional license they know all things well.

I think some people don't even realize PhD and MD are different things.

Not going to ask a Chiropractor anything even if they are an MD. At first I was going to say they all specialize... but chiropractors... nah just going to play it safe and tell them I'm fine.