1 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They were guilty of making coffee to hot years ago. I have no idea how they were sued for 800k off of selling removeden tenders that were still hot.

Edit: Is the term chicken actually sensored? Appears it shows now, strange

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While I agree with your sentiment, ~2/3rds of it according to the article isn't being given to them but being available in loans. So the article should say $5.5 given away, and $10 billion made avaliable to pay back.

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"Small thing" and you immediately go to infinite wishes haha

I am not currently buying but I looked at the Hyundai Ioniq? Iconic? Whatever numbers yesterday and from what I saw you could get an AWD ~50k on the road with over 300 miles range and a cost of ~$8-$10 to fill the battery going off prices in the U.S. for electricity.

That is better than what I need for sure and 1/3 the cost of gas, so I have to say the doubts and againsts are getting pretty small here. I think 0-60 was 5.1 seconds (SUV crossover) that's as quick as I want an SUV to accelerate haha

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My only thought (plausable excuse) is that he is possibly sucking up while expressing discontent under the false pretense maybe Musk will pay him losses. Whether he likes him or not, he should know someone thay disagrees with him will not get paid but rather sued for existing.

They worked to get what the Union asked for and the Union thanked them for it.

In my experience, most chain restaurants back of house line cooks get paid fairly low. So let's say the highest paid linecook gets 18 an hour. They work 8 hours and make $144 that day before taxes and it is added to their check. Most of the servers in the front of house would make around $150 as well but they worked less hours. (Usually 5-6 hours). They also walk with the tip money at the end of the night. Then they claim what they wish to because the government can't prove how much you made in tips. Many claim they made far less, others claim what they made for other reasons.

It is common to see servers make twice what cooks do. Which creates an atmosphere where front/back of house don't get along all the time either.

To be truthful the FCC should have forced apple to move off iMessages. Especially due to them registering numbers which they shouldn't have control over. Friend got a new number recently when they changed providers, the new number of course didn't work for any messages that came from iPhones because it was previously used by an Apple user.

So essentially someone buys a service from Company A. Puts it in their hardware from Company B, yet company C is dictating their ability to recieve messages. The user did this ~June 15th, didnt figure out iPhones weren't able to send her messages to June 20th. So her birthday was June 18th, the same day as fathers day. Most plans almost fell through because her dads iPhone just lies and says the iMessage is read immediately.

There really should just be a class action lawsuit against Apple that requires them to stop hijacking services from users that are not their customers.

Sidenote: Apple's first solution they provide for this is to move your sim card to one of their products to deregister from their services. That is so fucking disgusting to me. Thankfully the site now has a "No longer have your old device option" to de-register from the servoce you never signed up for... on a product you never owned.

...end rant, sry

Are carnivores plants vegan? Genuinely curious, never looked into it.

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The majority of hacking is this right here.

Seriously. Flip to another thread and it will be cashiers/servers/customer service workers complaining that cusotmers are such assholes because they are entitled to shit that they aren't. This advice was just encouraging that.

I heard newborns try to take advantage of our taxes and use socialism! They force people to take time off work and apply for various assistances! Then they grow up and try to take our jobs!!

Not going to ask a Chiropractor anything even if they are an MD. At first I was going to say they all specialize... but chiropractors... nah just going to play it safe and tell them I'm fine.

Thanks for the support.
Also C h i c k chick chicken sounds like a fats food commercial we'll see in the coming years.

Had someone ask me why their phone didnt make noise or vibrate when they recieved calls the other day. They were pressing the volume down button with the unlock button to get the screen to turn on/off. So it would slowly mute the phone and take the vibrate off once muted.

They would have benefited from the buttons not being less than half an inch away, and possibly on the opposite side. (Not sure what kind of phone it was, it was a cheaper device it seemed.)

The fact that limb got changed to limp was a nice touch. I probably shouldn't laugh at the idea of people having legs amputated...

They simply bathe in mothball filled water

I usually just figure I am just lazy. Commenting seems much easier than creating a meme haha

My guess is the last mixed with the new users coming from reddit

Damnit...I'm in. The ability to make someone believe they have to go to the bathroom really bad but when they get there, nothing was really there. Someone starts to annoy you while you're out somewhere, poof. They go a scuttling.

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My mother didn't know that private prisons existed until yesterday. She voted for Obama his first/second term. Now she is a supporter of Desantis and Trump. Fox did a great job at changing people

So I've been trying to work out the part where I keep getting partially phased into brick walls. The double jump appears to be not meshing well with the engine. Never happens with stone walls, wood, nor any others... just brick.

Gotta hope they check your pulse right or they might just bury you after a few years. Imagine trying to figure out where you could lay down for 10 years. Immediately got overwhelmed thinking about paying rent and all the work I'd miss. House over run by plant life and roof started leaking until the black mold set in and half of the house collapsed on you laying there.... yikes

If there were actually end to end encryption on the messages, they wouldnt have the ability to decrypt the messages for the government when asked. So either A. Meta lied about their encryption, or they are lying about storing users passwords which is arguably worse as many use passwords for multiple uses even when we know we shouldn't. If Meta is required to not use encryption then once more I agree users should not use them for any personal messaging. Which is what it sounds people are preaching against here.

I have accounts on multiple instances, but what does transferring your data entail when you say that?

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The flag code isn't about legality. It is considered improper to fly the flag different ways but they aren't illegal. So yes, the 1st amendment of the constitution would mean you could fly the flag however you wished without being arrested. That doesn't mean someone won't punch you over it though

Meh, people proved that wrong with glory holes, only really have to fit 1 person and an access point.

I dont know about watermelons but there are a plethora of plants that can not produce fruit without being pollinated by another plant. Also if you ever self pollinate a plant you'll have to recognize the 2 different parts. Is it just the calling them male/female that bothers you? Edit: I guess I should say plants/flowers can have a sex, fruits I don't think would. They are just seed dispersers I believe.

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Delivery as well. If you don't top the pizza delivery person I would assume they will very much not like you.

Knock they said, stop spanking fruits, or don't, whatever makes you happy haha

Well I had the source right here, but then I drank a diet coke so...

I think 81% agree to say they aren't non believers because many don't want the questions of saying they might be an atheist/agnostic. ~30k different Christian sects in the U.S. and none of them can tell me why they are in their own group, so if you just say oh yeah I believe everyone shuts up. Being raised a catholic, I like to remind my mother that all 30k of them are anti catholic and they believe catholics are going to hell. They don't know what for, but they damn sure know they aren't catholic.

In truth I think ~30% of Americans are religious. The rest just keep covering for themselves. If we really wanted the truth we could instate taxes like they have in some EU countries. Pay an extra 5% taxes to your church. *poof, 50% gone in a year and claiming they paid it, while the others wondering why they didn't think to check a mon religious box.

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You're beautiful to all of us!

When companies stop paying them so much for making them more money.

Shoot, Im on android with Jerboa right now, is connecg or Sync for just iOS for now?

Hitting enter whilst expecting a "how to google" response, haha

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In the United States there was a judgement made the other day saying that works created soley by AI are not copyright-able. So that that would put a speed bumb there.
I may have misunderstood what you though.

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Airplane traffic controllers were set to a max retirement age of 56 due to mental degredation. I don't believe presidents should be capped at that but it is a good example of a federal institution (FAA) limiting based on age for cognitive reasons. 65 sounds good to me. Maybe that will keep parties from sinking all their resources into few baskets and focus on passing down knowledge and promoting younger members.

One comment said far left, the next fascists which is the far right. I'm starting to think people are just saying a term that isn't being consistently defined.

I'd view that as Pence was on the right side of the coup? Maybe I'm reading that wrong.

He validated the votes and made sure the office was turned over to the person who won the election. He has shit views on most things, but he did the right thing on that day it seems.

That site made the article unreadable for me. : /