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Joined 1 years ago

No link?

App link here, since OP didn't deliver 😉 :

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Reason number one: it’s a publicly traded American company.

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When working conditions are getting worse and people are being fired, that’s when you need a union more than ever.

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You work to strengthen unions and take down capitalism.

You say Twitter didn’t lose anything, and then spend a paragraph saying how Elon gained something from it. Elon is not Twitter.

Twitter lost a lot.

Exactly. If you can’t afford an expensive lawyer, the US wants you to lose.

Actually, it’s not only that they want you to lose. It wants the entire system to be so expensive that you can’t even afford to go to court and lose. You have to settle, and don’t have a lot of power determining the terms.

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This is so American...

"Let me send an SMS, while I ride my horse to go to my bank and do other things that people used to do in 1870."

"Oh, their SMS color is different! I dislike people with a different color than me."

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I don’t know why the US still doesn’t have a simple and permanent voting registration. Or better yet, to not even have to register to vote.

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I heard of Bending Spoons because I read an article about an unknown company buying mobile apps, raising prices to insane values, and milking existing customers. Then using that profit to buy another app and repeat.

Than I forgot about them until they bought Evernote.


You’re consuming too much American anti-labor propaganda.

I remember a propaganda a few years back that European countries with decent unemployment compensation made people leave their jobs to stay at home spending their welfare on cupcakes. But these American fake news don’t even try to hide their how American they are, because cupcakes aren’t a thing in many European countries.

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As someone not from the US, the idea of non-walkable cities is so alien to me.

Before learning to speak English and reading about the US, I wouldn’t even imagine it’s a thing.

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Not because they care about the government. Because they care about hackers.

Creating encryption backdoors for the government means creating encryption backdoors for hackers. Because once encryption is weakened, it’s weakened.

That kind of power over the UN shouldn’t exist.

That’s why some countries are talking about creating an alternative UN. That schism can’t be good.

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It’s the US. If there is a country that hates its citizens more than this one, I haven’t heard of it yet.

Any time they can take things from you and give it to companies, they will.

So it shouldn’t really be a surprise.

But if you forget to pay $1 to a company, all hell breaks loose.

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There is no concern

The guy was elected!

And that's how they win. They make everyone else think there's no concern.

"It's only group X". And then later "it's only groups X and Y", there's still no concern. And then "it's only groups X, Y and Z, we can still outvote them..."

Unfortunately, searching for apps in the app store is not easy. I tried searching for "memmy" and didn't find it. I had to use the full name.

People do that when they don’t have an answer

People do that when they don't know the basics of interacting with another human being.

Just say whatever song you like. It's better than acting like a jerk. Even saying "I can't remember, I haven't heard a song in a long time" is better than being a jerk with a person you just met on a DATING APP.

Here in Brazil it’s much simpler because when you rent a place, basic services like electricity and water are transferred to you. So you get the bills, not your landlord.

And services like internet, you hire your own instead of using the ISP hired by your landlord.

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A friend of mine worked on a fast food store that had an ice cream machine. And I’ll tell you: it happens more often than you think.

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People unionizing have never bankrupt any company.

Don’t buy this crap propaganda that treating workers with respect will break a company.

Everything after your first sentence described evil.

Just because CO announced, a few days early, that they were releasing an unoptimized mess, shouldn’t people complain about it being an unoptimized mess?

We should never think it’s okay for companies to release underdeveloped, unfinished games.

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Ask yourself why you're here, and you'll find the answer. Or at least one of the answers.

I have quit from more than 10 companies (i'm old), and I'd say that 100% of the time the reason was shitty managers.

But "A raise in pay" would be the best solution to convince to me stay.

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That's the perfect moment to know if someone will ridicule you for your music choices. If it happens, you stop the conversation right there and save yourself the trouble of a awful first date.

Well, even saying that you can't remember the song because you snorted cocaine out of your adult diaper is better than being a jerk.

Look at it another way.

If they’re keeping their head above water, even barely, it means they are keeping their head above water. Without delivering a product. For YEARS.

They’re earning money by selling empty promises year after year. Not a lot of money. They’ll never become billionaires from this game. But there are lots of people in there (mainly executives and CEO and whatever) earning a decent salary. On empty promises! It’s as close to a scam as it can be without being illegal.

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There’s a Chinese proverb that goes like this: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

We can’t go back in time to plant the union tree. But we can do it TODAY. Doing it late is better than never doing it at all.

Give a man a fire, you’ll keep him warm for a night. Light a man on fire, you’ll keep him warm for the rest of his life.

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Or just respond with any song. As someone else said, it's not an exam.

People have been talking about the real problem from the beginning of the thread: small character limit on file paths.

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1Password is way better, but it's more expensive and not open source.

Bitwarden is, like most open source apps, jankier than 1Password. Not as mature. But people that care a lot about their software being open source will use it because it's the best open source option we have at the moment.

None of them is a bad app.

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If we don’t get together and destroy capitalism itself, we WILL get another Unity every few years.

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Let’s go further. Let’s have worker-owned everything.

Worker-owned factories, stores, restaurants, etc. Worker-owned government!

Let’s cut out the people that do not work but take 90% of the revenue.

I really like the idea of different levels of density. Just having low and high density forced everything into one of two extremes.

To be honest, I’d prefer for them to keep expanding a game I like. That’s what kept me playing SC1 for the past 65 years (or however long it has been since the game has been released).

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It feels like it is.

Most communities have no posts for days. I’m constantly logged out of my instance. Voting on something fails 80% of the time…

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Making games is always complicated. If you “release and forget” people complain. If you keep supporting a game for a decade people complain.

It’s the US and he’s not as rich as her.

If she had more money she would’ve stayed out of jail.

Pretend that women don’t exist and that you’re seeing long-haired men, if a fake character’s sex is that important to you.

But I’m pretty sure this is one of those cases where the simulation is not the real reason at all. It’s just an ingrained prejudice against women. No one is complaining that dead characters being in there ruins the simulation.

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90 accidents a year is a LOT, if you stop to think that there are like only a few dozens of them out there, versus more than a hundred million human drivers.