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Joined 12 months ago

Super based. He likes girls, and he wastes no time.

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There are anti trust lawsuits going on with most the companies you listed though? Microsoft had one in the early tech days that they won, but there’s probably going to be another one soon…

Apple, Google, Amazon (by the FTC).

I’m pretty sure this against FCC regulations.

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Sounds like they need a new credit card company. Mine wouldn’t even hesitate to cancel the transaction because it’s so obvious at that point.

How will verification be done? Are they making the websites foot the bill for verification, which pornhub is super against, or are they going to make a centralized device verification, like how Louisiana did, allowing its residents to access pornhub again?

How is the 25% decided? Public content or private, like a Dropbox system? 25% by file size, length (how are pictures counted here), or just per item (would a gallery or picture be the item here)?

These legislatures know NOTHING about technology and how it all works and are just doing this for censorship and LGBTQ+ discrimination.

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Satanism is weird. Let’s use The Satanic Temple tenets instead:
One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.

Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.

People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.

Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

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It doesn’t matter how niche, it matters how active we are. I’ve been bored by “hot” for a while since it’s just 1h old trash, and “active” just leads me to day old threads. I want to participate in 4 hour old threads that have a lot of comments and a lot of activity and people still replying.

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We’re fucked.

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Nice, but what’s the Weissman score?

You mean sex checks. Gender isn’t physical. They’ll call it “gender checks” though.

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Never played the game, but I’ve seen this video enough to get the reference

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This is all movie/show content. It’s still BS, but it’s licensed TV/movie content that’s the problem. The dumb laws we have really are the problem.

This is not normal for EVs. The only real problems I’ve had with my Tesla model 3 since 2018 was some paint issues and a sticky blinker, which they came to my work and replaced.

It’s sucks that all these companies seem to be trying to screw over their EVs when they are vastly better. I’ve traveled all over the US in mine. I’m currently on another cross country road trip and the charging system just works. 1,300 miles in 24 hours with charging for the first day. Without stopping at all, that’s still a 19.5h drive.

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If only Amazon wasn’t forcing me to go back into the office soon…

Even my manager hates the idea. Out team is split on different coasts, so we’re gonna have to be in class anyway, so why am I forced to go into the office? I went in before I was going to be forced because it was fun, but now I’m staying out until I’m forced. It’s bullshit.

It’s just simply nouns that are capitalized. It’s not crazy at all, and I learned that in Duolingo years ago in the first few courses.

Huh? There so so many protections with cards. All of my cards can very easily do a charge back and they’ll fight the charge with the retailer, not you. You only use a PIN for debit cards using a debit transaction because it’s a direct transfer, resulting in no card fees, very much the same as cash. No real credit cards have a PIN.

Edit: ah, I see they weren’t talking about American credit cards. My mistake! Interesting to learn that other countries do though.

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Huh? Use the remote app on your phone. It automatically pops up like a notification when there’s a text box on the screen. So easy. You can turn the box off by holding the power button for a few seconds. To close apps, you double tap the TV button and then it’s an iOS like interface that you scroll over and swipe up on the ones you want to close.

The UI is very minimal and the same across most all apps, so it’s easy to learn and use. It may be missing some power features, but most things are accessed via clicking of just holding.

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Exactly. I wonder what the top 0.5% emit, or the top 0.1% emit. 140k is just a married couple living in a city. But people that live in a city can take public transit or walk to the store, therefore they won’t be contributing that much to these huge emissions.

This is why I love Washington. Everyone has an OPT OUT absentee ballot. Everyone gets one at your address. Every election. All the time. The same address that’s on your ID. It’s amazing.

Exactly. That’s when I went back to the seas. My family across 2 states uses Netflix and I already paid for the $20/month high tier. When they told my sister that it wasn’t about to be more expensive, I put my foot down and said I’m gonna setup a plex/overseer box on my on PC. It’s been working mostly alright.

Yep. Finally got Radarr and Sonarr with overseerr setup this summer because I need a GUI solution for my family. It’s been working pretty great so far!

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I liked when they wrote a letter to the federal government telling them to fuck off with their backdoor request.

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Lol this is not how the hack worked. JWT cookies are encrypted. They don’t contain your password at all. There was no way to reverse engineer from your cookie to your password.

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Me and my wife are both big gamers. We both enjoyed it a lot. I get what you’re talking about in the gameplay loop, but we play games for stories. The story was engaging and kept us interested. I did enjoy the gameplay though.

Top 6 hours will only bring me the most upvoted across the site, not the most active for a community or anything like that. On Reddit, I used to get posts with a couple dozen comments for super niche communities that I’m subbed to on the hot filter. It was fun seeing those pop up and be active and highlighted on my feed.

They can only see what domains you’re visiting, nothing more. This is why VPNs work. However, you’re not putting your trust in the VPN to not spy on what domains you’re visiting.

Yeah I have an even smaller USB-C one. It sticks out less than 0.5cm from the port.

Yep. Me and my wife moved from Mississippi to Seattle 2.5 years ago. Best decision ever.

They came out on the same day and are drastically different, so the meme was to watch them both on the same day.

Yea, last time I tired, you have to connect to its personal wifi hotspot and download them via the app. It’s so backwards!

Damn… I go to a corner store Amazon Go almost every time I go into the office for a flavored seltzer. They have dog treats and my my dog loves going there every time.

I hope this is one of the convenience stores that it keeps open.

It was weird that last year they reversed the way you pay, making you pay/scan your code on the way out. So backwards to the “just walk out” motto. They went back on it less than 6 months later.

To his credit, this was the only found bit of plagiarism on his channel. The other channels he calls out are wayyyy worse. But it’s blatant word for word plagiarism.

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The amount of times I’ve had to send this to other developers is infuriating. I’ll wait 5 mins for them to send the part after “hey.” I’m not replying back without an inquiry. I’ve got work to do.

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For single player games, or multiplayer games where there’s not a bigger progression system, yes, I 100% agree.

But sometimes this is necessary, like with an MMO. You’re paying for access to unlimited server time for that period (typically month or year).

All these “gays for republicans” are really on the borderline of cognitive.

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Do you not know how to properly search in discord? Sure forums are better but a message in discord isn’t “gone forever” if you’re searching. It’s a pretty fast to search too, which is an insanely impressive feat due to the sheer amount of messages.

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I was about to say. Imagine driving to work.

My wife takes the car, and I transit because she works closer but in a corner of the city, while I work in a highly transit centric part of the city. It only takes me like 35-40 mins to walk, bus, and walk. Plus my dog can come with and we get a nice little walk in for the morning!

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So how do I get the direct links if all the tweets have the short link?

I am 99.9% sure my wife has ADHD. She’s getting several assessments done for free by our doctor’s office (because in the fall new doctors show up and need practice). She forgot to go to her 3rd assessment this past week. Now I’m 100% sure.

I would not include tech bros in that. Sure we can make a lot of money, but most tech bros are just making enough to have a mortgage on a condo in their city, or a house in the suburbs, which many other jobs can do.

I worked for a Mississippi company and made 50k out of college. I left in 2021 making $80k as a project manager and 4 years experience. Definitely nowhere near how much Magic the Gathering is making from her investment. Even now, I am making more, but $12k is still a crippling amount of money.

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