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Joined 1 years ago

In some ways maybe but the fact there is enough space for everyone and people don't have to fight for it kinda defeats the most interesting aspects of Place if you ask me.

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Maybe she should buy twitter and ban the guy, or is this the wrong billionaire I am thinking of?

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I would say they didn't really lose 80%, because they barely had them to start with. If you click a link on Instagram and bam you're now a Threads user all 'signed up' ready to go? I mean yeah the barrier couldn't be lower there.

Retaining 20% of those users is in fact impressive. That's many millions of people.

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If criticising Russia is extremist, then the world is full of extremists I guess.

Fascists hate it when people call them fascists I guess.

Microsoft isn't giving up on assistants (as per the article), its just going down a different route, more AI focused. This is sensible because Cortana is a flop, nobody uses it, there is no need to leave it running.

I'm certain Apple has the same plans around AI, however people still use Siri all the time. It's not a flop, so it may as well stay running as more and more AI works its way over to it or its replacement.

It's really weird to me that anyone would want it shut down when it's so easy to just not use it.

These papers and the people who write them truly are insane. I had the English version of the paper through my door the other week and you would think it's satire It's so ridiculous.

These far-right loony circle-jerks would be fascinating if they weren't so troubling.

All the more reason to use a vpn even for casual browsing I guess. Never know when someone wants to overstep and turn the most trivial thing against you. Even if this is the case now that its been denied, what's to stop this happening elsewhere or at another time? The fact it's been tried once means it will be tried again. No thanks to that.

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Those options are nowhere near the level of polish of Sync.

Nobody HAS to use it. Ultimately if you want a choice of premium apps there has to be some incentive for a developer, or multiple in some cases, to basically go full time to develop it. Talented devs don't usually work for years on end for no pay, and I would be surprised if donations ever become significant enough to compare.

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I'm pleasantly surprised how many people are playing this game. I figured that DnD although popular, was still kinda a niche. Yet this is topping Steam charts which is great to see. Hopefully it means more of this quality to come, there is obviously a big market for it.

I can't wait to get home and get stuck in!

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Imo admins have a responsibility to disable signups to their server if they feel they are unable to fund/crowdsource or lack the ability to expand capacity (lack of time or know-how).

As long as server admins stick to the above it doesn't matter if it costs €10 or €100000 a month really.

Its impossible to say at which point is the burden too much, because every person has their own threshold and every server can have multiple admins responsible for it, or might have business backing it or whatever really.

I mean honestly it's probably near impossible to discuss conservative politics online these days without the far right loonies invading, taking over and getting the place banned lol.

Also I wonder if conservatives would be put off lemmy given the political stance of its creators - even though that shouldn't matter being free and open and not controlled by any one person, you know how people are.

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Hogwarts is fun for about 30 hours roleplaying as a wizard, as a casual potter fan. I got really bored of it after that and never finished the game. At its core it really is very generic, it's really propped up by the IP. That's not to say it's bad by any means but its not got the depth of Zelda.

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First president elected from prison. The crazies uniting behind their martyr.

Interesting take. I wonder how it will pan out.

All this, Ryan said, explains why the trolls "are getting more extreme and desperate." The pool of people available to get attention from is shrinking, so the only way to keep the engagement rates as high is to say wilder and nastier things

If that happens then it will just implode quite rapidly. Regular users will just leave and that fuels the fire and Twitter just becomes yet another niche right wing echo chamber in no time.

I do question the claim that 'the trolls are getting more extreme' though. That seems like anecdotal evidence and I wonder if it's actually happening. The author listed many examples of extreme views on Twitter but I could have done the same thing and made the same claim 5 years ago. There has always been loonies on there and some of them get worse and some don't.

This part is interesting:

As solar becomes increasingly widespread and electricity prices plummet in the middle of the day when the sun is brightest, some see a risk that the incentive to deploy solar power also decreases, said Esparrago.

That makes grid improvements and the rapid rollout of storage technologies like batteries crucial, experts argue. But the EU is still lagging behind in that area.

I wonder however how far we are from that? There is probably a lot of incentivising that can be done to get people and industry to use this 'surplus' daytime energy up surely. Its weird because its usually the opposite with cheap night rates - I know many people who intentionally consume energy overnight instead of the day because its cheaper. Flip that on its head maybe that isn't as pressing an issue?

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I mean kinda but realistically thats probably like 2% of people here and even most of those will be previous redditors.

You can't make a reddit clone and then moan that reddit users move over here thats my take on it at least lol.

I like the content but I'm struggling to really dive in regularly without better app support. Hoping Boost for Lemmy gets released before long and that will give a more refined experience.

Cue the world's smallest violin. Not sure how this is any consumer's problem lol.

Maybe, just maybe, advertising needs to become more carefully selected and regulated rather than the clown fiesta it has been since the dawn of the internet where Google and friends want to 'set and forget' and milk money for eternity.

But you know the reaction won't be sensible lol, instead we will get an AI arms race of AI adverts vs AI advert reviewers.

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Truly though. Less than 3k users a month ago and now over 50k and counting? Basically everyone here is looking for a reddit replacement. Hopefully those 3k other people don't mind lmao

I think the general consensus seems to be bot and/or spam accounts being removed but I haven't seen evidence of it. Anecdotally I have seen many people say it feels more busy around Lemmy lately but I haven't been here long enough to know myself. It is a curious one though.

If it is genuine then I suppose it could be a typical cycle for platforms that get raided by another, in this case an exodus from reddit to Lemmy - then after the dust settles some people decide they don't like it after all and go back or elsewhere.

I don't think that is a bad sign though that is a natural cycle and as long as some people remain then it shows overall growth.

Maybe one that isn't older than average life expectancy already let alone after another term. Just an idea.

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Yeah I mean the processing power and general hardware just got to a point where nobody really needs more. In fact my 4 year old phone has the same amount of RAM and similar processor to my new one lol. Unless you're cutting edge 3D gaming it's not needed to have anything more.

I upgraded only because of battery life, higher Hz screen, newer android version, and to get a wide angle lens. Now I have those even its like...what next? Camera quality is all I ever need, screen Hz is perfect. I'm not sure what will make me upgrade next time but if I replace battery down the line and use a third party OS then maybe it'll go even longer!

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For me personally it still needs to be far bigger though. On Reddit literally every bite of news was posted and discussed for many of the hobbies I have, large or niche. Yet on Lemmy some of my interests are barely represented nevermind being a reliable source of information and news.

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I just don't understand why people fall for it. Who is subscribing to this nonsense? I would never purchase or use something like that when there are still other options available. It should have been a dead idea from day 1.

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Are museums also an issue for holding such artifacts or do you just have a problem with individuals? Because to me ownership or an item doesn't mean you agree with what it represents. Like it or not the Nazi party has a lot of historical significance.

Now I don't know anything about Lemmy as a person so he may well be a POS I have no idea but if the above is your basis for it, then it's weak.

In the UK what we call a daddy longlegs has wings and flies (a crane fly I think). Obviously a very widely used name for things with a small body and a bunch of long legs haha

So if we ignore that birds can't fly infinitely high, and also that they don't live in the air they live on a surface, in essentially a 2D area the same as humans, maybe this is interesting? But not really lol.

So think of it like a 'feature' of Instagram then. You can enable the feature or you can leave it disabled but either way its sharing user data and login information etc.

Rum and raisin.

My friends call me an old man for this, but what can ya do its fucking delicious.

I think those issues will be solved though. Apps will increasingly make onboarding simpler so Lemmy will be as simple to use as Reddit.

At that point really its just a case of waiting for Reddit to fuck itself, which it absolutely will do eventually via corporate greed, and there we go, all the Lemmy content anyone could ever need.

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Where are you from where those things are not part of a driving test?

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I mean, I agree. If I were from the US I would also be voting for Biden. But it's a really sad state of affairs there isn't a better option. The system is ridiculous.

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Especially since, and correct me if I am wrong, but every instance holds all of the data for all of the other instances too? (that they are federated with).

This means there is an insane amount of redundancy no? With hundreds or thousands of servers the cost would eventually become prohibitive and need to rely on only a select few large servers and thus Lemmy doesn't 'solve' the issue it tries to in that sense.

Or, maybe it's only the bandwidth that becomes an issue and the data storage is actually minimal. If that's the case I can see more how a smaller server could afford to be part of the ecosystem. Perhaps also down the line if not already there could be a cut off point for historical data to avoid bloat.

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That's ok though, because that's how Reddit started too. They didn't add subreddits from the start. So as long as it is providing an /all experience then I don't see why it shouldn't grow from there.

I mean, while that could be correct I also consider that if far right spaces get banned regularly then those people are refugees that will invade the next closest thing?

Obviously the next closest thing to far right, is center right. Does that make the center right inherently bad? I don't think so necessarily on principle.

I disagree with conservative views almost entirely but its not something that I believe shouldn't have discussion spaces, unlike far right politics which can just get fucked with their disdain for basic human rights, they don't deserve a seat at the table at all.

I suppose ultimately it's down to moderation isn't it. If conservatives want a seat at the table they have to keep their lunatics in check and if they don't then yeah don't see why I should cry over it really, and thats true of all online communities.

Yeah I mean looking at the stats of new users, that watering down has already happened to the point where any extremeist shit is statistically insignificant by now. 99%+ of people here are just looking for a replacement reddit and that's all, rather than some censorship haven where they can chat their extreme views.

Yeah honestly I can see why manufacturers are so reluctant to put replaceable batteries in phones. It's one of the main reasons people upgrade these days.

They have the handy excuse that it's to make the phone waterproof and they will die on that hill it seems!

I noticed in my local supermarket in the UK they started wearing cameras too it's really weird. I'm really not sure what their goal is - it will never help shoplifting as much as static cameras, and seems a lot of effort to safeguard against abusive customers.

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I think the key really is transparency. I'm not going to throw money into a black hole and hope it does some good, but if there is some level of transparency showing running costs plus deficit/surplus towards those costs then I wouldn't mind contributing.