People who back into parking spots: Why? to No Stupid – 178 points –

To me, it seems objectively easier to pull into a parking space forward and then back out of the space when you are ready to leave. You don't have to line up with the lines while driving backwards, and it's easier to keep from hitting other cars as well. So why back in? To me, the only advantage I can think of is that you can get out quicker, technically.

Edit: I do not need driving instruction, just wondered why. The reasoning.


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Where are you from where those things are not part of a driving test?

They make you check for water or air on a test or expect you to know? That would be novel in Canada.

Yep, in the UK it's part of the theory test, you have to know how and when to check air and fluid levels in order to get a licence.

Here in the states you need to know how to press the pedals and you're all set