3 Post – 250 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just an explorer in the threadiverse.

Folks should not use lemmony to bootstrap their subscription count. It's not that hard to hit and just manually sub a bunch of stuff you're actually interested in, or to visit a big instance and browse their all feed unauthenticated.

But if you really want to automate community bootstrapping, lemmony is the worst of the scripts that doit because it defaults to subscribing to EVERYTHING, including all the porn, piracy, and hate communities on the most absent-admin'ed under-modded instances in the lemmyverse. Then your instance will mirror all those questionably legal communities and re-serve them to the public unauthenticated internet, creating hosting liability for you. Not to mention being a bad fediverse citizen and creating massive amounts of federation load on the instances forwarding you posts and comments from 20k communities that you don't read.

These two subscription bootstrapping scripts limit you to top subs by default... So you're more likely to be in well-modded territory and just the number of subs is smaller you you can review them and back out of anything sketchy. Subscriber-bot's docs do a good job of explaining the risks and problems of mass-subscription so you know what you're getting into.

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I thought that was the first rule of rendering web content? Or was it protocol parsers?

I remember, it was first rule of video game character creation screens:

choose wisely: wisely

Tests go in !

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The terms-of-use on every lemmy server I've seen would be considered underdeveloped by any lawyer I've ever met. Pragmatically:

  • In the absence of a TOU that requires licensing content to participate, content posted directly to a lemmy server would probably get whatever the default treatment is either in the jurisdiction where the post was made or where the server is hosted (or maybe even that depends on the jurisdiction of each in complex ways). In the US that would mean all content is all-rights-reserved by default.
  • But the poster/commenter isn't going to try to enforce their rights against lemmy. If they didn't want the content there, they wouldn't have put it there. And if they changed their mind they can delete it. And if they refuse to delete it themselves but contact an admin/mod... probably the admin/mod will just delete it for them.
  • If the jurisdiction where the instance is hosted has a safe-harbor framework of some kind (like the US does), that would provide some protection from copyright claims on user-generated content provided the admins followed the requirements to be eligible (which I think most admins do even if they don't know it).
  • Images and media hosted elsewhere but hotlinked from Lemmy may have their own TOU's (like imgur or whatever).

Overall, I'd say most of the lemmyverse has underbaked policy frameworks. The de-facto results function ok pragmatically anyway for what lemmy does on its own. Any scraping/reuse of content from Lemmy would have to navigate a very complex, confusing, and ambiguous licensing landscape. Probably 10y from now, if the Lemmyverse continues to grow, TOU's will be more common and more clear about open-licensing content or leaving it all-rights-reserved but giving lemmy a perpetual irrevocable non-exclusive right to distribute whatever you post here (the latter of which is more or less what's implicitly happening today).

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Have you considered modifying this to be a pull-request for lemmy-ui? It's cool to have an extension, but Lemmy being open-source makes it possible to merge the improvement upstream and make it better for everyone.

I blame unfederated subscriber counts. If you look up any community from an account on and there is a local version and a remote version... the local version LOOKS bigger when it's about half the size because the remote version only shows subscribers from whereas the local version shows subs fediverse-wide.

If sub counts were apples to apples for remote and local communities, people would much more frequently sub to the bigger remote comminity. But is so big, that when people are subbing locally because they're confused about which is bigger... the community actually becomes bigger very quickly. So it's winning the community scaling races consistently on pure confusion. The resulting community centralization is not all that healthy and they often overtake better run and more established communities for no meaningful reason.

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Two tips:

I have not tried running WINE yet but I plan on doing so soon.

Steam "just works" on Linux, you can install it via flatpak (which I use) or from their deb repo. It includes "Proton", which is a fancy bundle of wine and some extra open source valve sauce to make it nice and easy to use. Any game that runs on the steam deck also runs on Linux via proton, and there's no messing around at all. It looks and feels just like steam on Windows, and thousands of games just work with no setup or config beyond clicking the big blue and green buttons to install and run. Not EVERY games works, but tons do. I'd heavily recommend this over raw wine to a beginner.

The second tip is not to ask what you can do on Linux. The answer, to a first approximation, is that you can do everything on Linux that you can do on Windows or OSX. I daily drive all three, and mostly do the same stuff on them. Instead, ask YOURSELF what you WANT to do on Linux. Then Google and ask us HOW to do it... or what the nearest approximation is if the precise thing you want to do doesn't work on Linux.

11,263 lbs, huh? It's not a kind estimate, but not unrealistic either.

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They're different communities, just like /r/tech and /r/technology, /r/DnD and /r/dndnext, or the million different aita subs that popped up last month.

There is a GitHub issue for the Lemmy equivalent of a multireddit which would allow you to create a compound feed of several communities. Others have gone further and requested some kind of automatic merging, which strikes me as a pretty terrible idea... they're different communities with different rules and different mods and maybe different cultures. Sometimes they exist separately because the mods don't like each other or have very different ideas about what the culture should be. Transparent merging in such cases is awkward and creates confusion.

My advice is to consider the server name as if it were part of the sub/community name so that ! is just a different thing from ! Dupe subs have always been a thing on Reddit, they're a thing here too. They will get better with time as community discovery improves and people aggregate in the active/well-moderated ones and the abandoned ones die off.

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I think the issue is that .world has put itself forward as some sort of super lemmy.

Citation needed. All the admins of lemmy world ever purported to do was host a well-run general-purpose (aka not topic-oriented) lemmy instance. It was and remains that, and part of being a well-run general purpose instance is managing legal risk when a small subset of the community generates an outsized portion of it.

Being well run meant that they scaled up and remained operational during the first reddit migration wave. People appreciated that, but continuing to function does not amount to a declaration of being a super lemmy.

World also has kept signups open through good times, and more recently bad. Other instances at various times shut down signups or put irritating steps and purity tests along the way. Keeping signups open is a pretty bare-minimum bar for running a service though, it is again not a declaration of being a super-lemmy.

Essentially lemmy world just... kept working (until recently when it has done a pretty poor job of that). I dunno where you found a declaration that lemmy world is a super-lemmy, but it's not coming from the lemmy world admins, it's likely randos spouting off.

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Not anymore, at least for (an unspecified) while. See

In short, beehaw is having trouble moderating there communities, and defederated several of the biggest Lemmy instances just to cut down on moderation volume. It's was an incredibly short-sighted thing to do, and will make the lemmyverse a much more confusing place for the foreseeable future, but it's within their power to do.

Is it necessary to add an instance to the allowed list? If federation is enabled, isn’t an instance ’allowed’ by default?

Your understanding is correct, and making your "allowed" list non-empty is a big deal because it implicitly defederates you with every instance that isn't in that list. I rather suspect that OP doesn't understand what the allowed list does and is trying to find ways to promote small Instances while lacking knowledge about how things work.

Defederating from all major instances would almost certainly relegate small instances doing so to irrelevance.

This is a terrible idea, and borderline irresponsible. One of the key reasons that Lemmy doesn't subscribe by default is to avoid forcing servers with many communities to waste time/CPU delivering messages to servers where no one will read those messages. By subscribing to everything, you're telling all those overloaded servers to waste time sending content to your server that you'll never even see.

  • It also will massively inflate your db by multiple GB/day.
  • It will maximize the chances of you downloading and hosting copyright infringing content and content that may be illegal in your jurisdiction but not in the jurisdiction where it's hosted (loli, etc).

It is much MUCH better to just hit and subscribe to 10-100 communities you care about. If script accepted a list of community-urls and automated subscribing to those, that would be super nice. Subscribing to the entire lemmyverse is terrible for your server, for your hosting liability, and for the lemmyverse's performance.

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Others have answered the crux of your questions, which is that it's basically donations... either from the admins by providing free access to their server, or by the community through Patreon or whatever.

But to put into context how much money we're talking about...

  • A server to host 1k active users and 5k-10k registered users, you're talking about a 4cpu-8cpu box costing less than $20/mo. Plenty of nerds with decent jobs in wealthy countries are willing to write that off as a donation. This covers 99% of the <1k Lemmy servers in the world.
  • The 10 biggest Lemmy servers still only have hosting costs of $50-$300/mo. That's not nothing, but there are probably 10 wealthy nerds in the world willing to write that much off each month. And those costs can be offset through community donations. These servers support 10k-40k registered users, it doesn't take a ton of donations to cover that modest expense serving that many people.

Now, if you count admin/mod time and expertise, of course... those costs would be huge. But those people either volunteer or get a bit of money from non-profits. But the hardware costs are modest.

My money is also on IO. Outside of CPU and RAM, it's the most likely resource to get saturated (especially if using rotational magnetic disks rather than an SSD, magnetic disks are going to be the performance limiter by a lot for many workloads), and also the one that OP said nothing about, suggesting it's a blind spot for them.

In addition to the excellent command-line approaches suggested above, I recommend installing netdata on the box as it will show you a very comprehensive set of performance metrics without having to learn to collect each one on the CLI. A downside is that it will use RAM proportional to the data retention period, which if you're swapping hard will be an issue. But even a few hours of data can be very useful and with 16gb of ram I feel like any swapping is likely to be a gross misconfiguration rather than true memory demand... and once that's sorted dedicating a gig or two to observability will be a good investment.

The upsides are that you control your defederation list and you're your own admin so you're in control of whether your instance goes down and what it's policies are.

The downsides are:

  • Potential privacy leaks. Your all feed is public. If its full of creepy shit and you're the only person in your instance, it's there cause you subscribe to creepy shit.
  • You're in control of whether your instance stays up. Security vulnerability gets mass exploited? Your problem.
  • Potential hosting liability. Your instance mirrors what you sub and serves it to the public unauthenticated internet. If you subscribe of stuff that's questionably legal in your jurisdiction, that liability can become yours unless you're familiar enough with your laws to know how to protect yourself.
  • All the standard self-hosting stuff like cost and hassle.
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I'm mostly in the pro-written word camp myself, but I have sought out video tutorials in cases where written docs seem to assume something I don't know. When I'm learning something new, a written doc might have a 3-word throwaway clause like "... add a user and then...". But I've never added a user and don't know how. If it's niche open-source software with a small dev team, this may not be covered in the docs either. I'll go fishing for videos and just seeing that they go to a web-ui or config-file or whatever sets me on the path to figure out the rest myself.

That is to say, video content that shows someone doing a thing successfully often includes unspoken visual information that the author doesn't necessarily value or even realize is being communicated. But the need to do the thing successfully on-screen involves documenting many small/easy factoids that can easily trip someone inexperienced up for hours.

I'm as annoyed as anyone when I want reference material and find only videos, and I generally prefer written tutorials as well. But sometimes a video tutorial is the thing that gets me oriented enough to understand the written worthy I wasn't ready to process previously.

Edit: The ubiquity of video material probably has little to do with it's usefulness though, and everything to do with how easy it is to monetize on YouTube.

I posted a comparison a short while ago:

I recently decided on headscale as a coordination server with tailscale apps/clients for my setup. My rationale was:

  • Tailscale seems to be dominating adoption. This isn't a technical consideration but it often correlates with project velocity going forward.
  • Headscale the self-hosted server is unofficially but decently supported by tailscale the company. They employ the dev and don't seem to be trying to kill the project or mess with it much. It includes most features useful to selfhosted installs, but reserves multi-network setups as the domain of the official tailscale coordination server which strikes me as a pretty reasonable way to segment the market.
  • Tailscale has great client coverage for Linux, windows, Mac, android, and iOS.
  • I didn't do a point by point feature comparison, but my sense was that tailscale/headscale meet or beat the featuresets of other projects, so I didn't see any technical reasons to buck against community momentum.

... advertisement and push they did on sites like reddit...

The lemmy world admins advertised on Reddit? Can you link an example?

... their listing on

Until recently EVERY lemmy instance was listed on join-lemmy.

And with the name they did nothing to dissuade anyone from thinking that.

They run a family of servers under the world tld, including at least mastodon, lemmy, and calckey. They're all named similarly.

I also saw nothing from .world not claiming to be the bigger instance(super lemmy)

They ARE the biggest instance, but that happened organically. It's not based on any marketing claims from the admin team about being a flagship/super/mega/whatever instance. People just joined, and the admins didn't stop them (nor should they). It's not a conspiracy to take over lemmy. It's just an instance that... until recently... happened to work pretty well when some were struggling.

Others have pointed out that docker containers aren't idiomatically like VMs and you interact with them differently. Some workflow tips:

  • Don't edit configs in containers. Mount your config files as a volume. Edit them from your host using your normal editor and restart your container when they change.
  • Don't exec into your running container and then try to install debugging tools as you need them. Use a Dockerfile to build an image that has the debugging tools you need and launch your container using that.
  • In general, mess with your container less while its running. Use dockerfiles, compose, and entry point scripts to set things up in your container so it's the way you want it on startup. While its running, just use docker logs to see what it's doing or run the occasional debugging command via exec if you must... but do more during container-build and startup and less after it's running. Rebuild and restart the container a lot during debugging to make your changes take effect.

The other issue in play here is that the fundamentals necessary to understand how docker containers run aren't actually docker fundamentals. They're:

  • Networking fundamentals. The container networking stack is really configurable and really complicated.
  • Volumes and config mounts are based on overlay filesystems.
  • Lots of docker issues are related to complex security systems like Linux capabilities.
  • All of these systems are configurable, and different docker setups use them different ways.

These things aren't trivial to learn, a thorough understanding of these things is the difference between a junior sysadmin and a senior one, and you WILL get exposed to them when things break. But step one in learning more is definitely to recognize that the hards parts of docker are rarely docker itself. Rather, the hard parts are their own thing. Figure out what Linux system you're struggling with and start learning about that and how docker uses it rather than narrowly focusing your research on docker itself. Anything focusing on the docker piece must necessarily gloss over the real foundations which are often very complex... so this will start you expose you to deeper material that you can assemble in your own mind into an understanding of your own specific docker setup.

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The earth and sun and milky way are temporary. Like these things, the Beehaw defederation is ongoing and has no predetermined end.

Thank you for stepping in to bring this under control. I'm subbed here for the admin announcements and meta discussions, and the free for all here in recent days has been irritating.

Another thought... I feel like the community name kind of invites confusion as to being about "the whole world Lemmy related topics". Hopefully once the mess is cleaned up the recent posts will make the topic obvious... but other instances often call their equiv community meta or something similar that invites less confusion. Adopting a more specific name might reduce the confusion and moderation load. If that happened, I dunno what happens to this community. Maybe just shut it down, its free for all form seems unsustainable.

You misunderstand what the Hot rank is doing. It's not balancing newness vs hotness, it's scaling hotness according to community size. This might feel like newness if you're focused on vote counts as a proxy for post age, but it's a different approach. See for details.

There's a couple ways to think about this:

  1. There are a handful of Lemmy communities that are just WAY more active than everything else. The main feeds are kind of lame if you have to scroll 300 posts it to find anything other than a shit post from the same 3 communities. Scaled Hot rank shows a greater variety of communities by making it easier small communities to get ranked hotly.
  2. Or you can consider Hotness to be a rough measure of what percentage of people who have seen the post interacted with it. A post with 500 upvotes in a community with 10,000 active users is kind of popular, but only 5% of the people likely to have scrolled passed it cared about it. A post with 50 upvotes in a community with 200 active members is much MORE popular relatively even though the absolute numbers are smaller.

At any rate, this preference toward smaller communities in hot is a recent change and deliberate. While they might further tweak the scaling factors, I wouldn't expect it to be drastically different. It sounds to me like what you want is Top, Active, or Most Comments. All these are unscaled according to community size and will get you top posts by their absolute metric rather than posts that are doing well relative to their community size.

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I don't have a link handy, but I saw this reported before and when someone went to lemmynsfw to check the posts, they actually had been properly marked as nsfw.

My unsubstantiated theory is that federation is working pretty crappily right now and so lots of federation messages get dropped. When a new post or comment gets dropped you don't notice because... well... you don't see anything. But when a post makes it through and an edit gets dropped, that can be more visible.

So likely what's happening is that on some small percent but medium absolute number of lemmynsfw posts, someone makes an honest mistake and fails to tag it. They either notice themselves and fix it, or a mod asks them to and they comply... so on lemmynsfw it looks right. But the federation message with the edit gets dropped by your instance, and for you and others viewing from there it forever remains sfw in error, even though all the right steps were taken. I've also heard mods discussing this happening with post removal moderation actions, the post gets removed on the community's home instance, but the federation message containing the removal gets dropped by some big instance and the post blows up there anyway where the mods are actually unable to shut it down.

I don't think there's anything anyone can do about this other than maybe the lemmynsfw admins tuning their federation worker counts (though they may have already and that may no longer be needed in recent Lemmy versions), or the Lemmy devs working on federation scalability so a larger percentages of federation messages get reliably delivered.

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I use k8s at work and have built a k8s cluster in my homelab... but I did not like it. I tore it down, and currently using podman, and don't think I would go back to k8s (though I would definitely use docker as an alternative to podman and would probably even recommend it over podman for beginners even though I've settled on podman for myself).

  1. K8s itself is quite resource-consuming, especially on ram. My homelab is built on old/junk hardware from retired workstations. I don't want the kubelet itself sucking up half my ram. Things like k3s help with this considerably, but that's not quite precisely k8s either. If I'm going to start trimming off the parts of k8s I don't need, I end up going all the way to single-node podman/docker... not the halfway point that is k3s.
  2. If you don't use hostNetworking, the k8s model of traffic routes only with the cluster except for egress is all pure overhead. It's totally necessary with you have a thousand engineers slinging services around your cluster, but there's no benefit to this level fo rigor in service management in a homelab. Here again, the networking in podman/docker is more straightforward and maps better to the stuff I want to do in my homelab.
  3. Podman accepts a subset of k8s resource-yaml as a docker-compose-like config interface. This lets me use my familiarity with k8s configs iny podman setup.

Overall, the simplicity and lightweight resource consumption of podman/docker are are what I value at home. The extra layers of abstraction and constraints k8s employs are valuable at work, where we have a lot of machines and alot of people that must coordinate effectively... but I don't have those problems at home and the overhead (compute overhead, conceptual overhead, and config-overhesd) of k8s' solutions to them is annoying there.

Is there a point where there are so many instances that propagating all that data is too taxing

Yes, that becomes a concern as the network size grows and the amount of aggregate replication traffic increases. Mastodon has like 10x the server count of Lemmy, though... so that's hopeful. They do use ActivityPub differently though, it possible that federation scales differently between them.

This GitHub issue has a lot of good (but rough and high-level) thoughts on future scaling techniques:

Do I need to set up NGINX on a VPS (or similar cloud based server) to send the queries to my home box?

A proxy on a VPS is one way to do this, but not the only way and not necessarily the best one... depending on your goals.

  • You can also use port-forwarding and dyndns to just expose the port off your home-ip. If your ISP is sucky, this may not work though.
  • You can also use Cloudflare's free tunneling product, which is basically a hosted proxy that acts like a super port-forward that bypasses sucky ISP restrictions.
  • If you want to access Immich yourself from your own devices but don't need to make it available to (many) others on devices you don't control, I like and use tailscale the best. The advantage of tailscale is that Immich remains on a private network, not directly scannable from the internet. If there's a preauth exploit published and you don't pay attention to update promptly, scanners WILL exploit your Immich instance with internet-exposed techniques... whereas tailscale allows you to access services that internet scanners cannot connect to, which is a nice safety net.

Do I need to purchase a domain ( to use as the main access route from outside my house?

Not for tailscale, and I don't think for Cloudflare tunnel. Yes for a VPS proxy.

I've run a VPS for a long while and use multiple techniques for different services.

  • Some services I run directly on the VPS because it's simple and I want them to be truly publicly accessible.
  • Other services I run on a bigger server at home and proxy through the VPS because although I want them to be publicly accessible, they require more resources than my VPS has available. When I get around to installing Immich, there's a decent chance it will go into this category.
  • Still other services, I run wherever and attach them to my tailnet. These I access myself on my own devices (or maybe invite a handful of trusted people into my tailnet), but aren't visible to the public internet. If I decide not to use immich's shared gallery features (and so don't need it publicly accessible) or decide I don't trust it security-wise... it will go here instead of the proxy-by-vps category.
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Because of the federation, your votes are not technically anonymous on Lemmy. At least, I think.

I was a little skeptical of this assertion without any sources, but 10m of source scanning does seem to support it:

I haven't looked for APIs to extract this data, it might only be available to an instance admin... but yeah Lemmy does not seem to aggregate vote histories, but rather stores them on a per-user basis.

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I use Headscale, but Tailscale is a great service and what I generally recommend to strangers who want to approximate my setup. The tradeoffs are pretty straightforward:

  • Tailscale is going to have better uptime than any single-machine Headscale setup, though not better uptime than the single-machine services I use it to access... so not a big deal to me either way.
  • Tailscale doesn't require you to wrestle with certs or the networking setup required to do NAT traversal. And they do it well, you don't have to wonder whether you've screwed something up that's degrading NAT traversal only in certain conditions. It just works. That said, I've been through the wringer already on these topics so Headscale is not painful for me.
  • Headscale is self-hosted, for better and worse.
  • In the default config (and in any reasonable user-friendly, non professional config), Tailscale can inject a node into your network. They don't and won't. They can't sniff your traffic without adding a node to your tailnet. But they do have the technical capability to join a node to your tailnet without your consent... their policy to not do that protects you... but their technology doesn't. This isn't some surveillance power grab though, it's a risk that's essential to the service they provide... which is determining what nodes can join your tailnet. IMO, the tailscale security architecture is strong. I'd have no qualms about trusting them with my network.
  • Beyond 3 devices users, Tailscale costs money... about $6 US in that geography. It's a pretty reasonable cost for the service, and proportional in the grand scheme of what most self-hosters spend on their setups annually. IMO, it's good value and I wouldn't feel bad paying it.

Tailscale is great, and there's no compelling reason that should prevent most self-hosters that want it from using it. I use Headscale because I can and I'm comfortable doing so... But they're both awesome options.

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The above link looks like a pretty reasonable answer to this question to me. In short, Moodle, Canvas, Sakai, and OpenEdX are all open-source e-classroom solutions. They are not really targeted toward casual self-hosters though. These packages are typically run by full-time engineering staff on multiple beefy servers at schools where the setup serves thousands of students. If you're quite strong technically, it sounds like Moodle might be at the easier end of things, but I don't commonly see individual teachers standing up their own Moodle servers, but I also don't hang out with technically oriented teachers so maybe I'm not in the right crowd.

There may be something oriented toward more casual self-hosting, but these are what I'm aware of. I haven't used them though.

Thanks for your work debugging and fixing this for everyone.

Rule 3, this is not a community for Lemmy support. There are Lemmy support and Lemmy admin communities, try asking there.

Another user posted the blog where they discuss their speedup techniques:

It's likely that the kernel version can use similar techniques to surpass the performance of the userspace version that tailscale uses, but no one has put in the work to to make the kernel implementation as sophisticated as the userspace one.

Let them post in another community. I care about the server admin announcements here that I cannot get anywhere else, not so much about hotdognoodlememes which I already can't open my browser without getting smacked in the face with.

I don't know if lemmy supports sub-paths, I've never seen a lemmy hosted at one though. If it doesn't nginx definitely supports vhosts. So a single server/vm/container can definitely respond both at and with appropriate content.

So in my case I am the only user on my instance so I am certainly not going to be hammering a bunch of instances just to send me updates of whatever total number of communities I'm subscribed to.

You don't understand how federated replication works. It doesn't occur on-demand when you read a post, it occurs when the instance hosting the community gets a post, comment, or vote. The federation load you place on other servers has nothing to do with how many users are on your instance or how much they read... it has everything to do with how many communities they subscribe to. This script is literally signing you up to proactively receive the firehose of every post and comment in the lemmyverse, without regard for what you actually look at.

I completely understand the idea of the app, and your confusion about how much load it generates is exactly why it's such an irresponsible idea. If you want to fill the timeline of your small instance, do so by subscribing to specific communities you're interested in until your timeline becomes active enough for you. Subscribing to 100 communities you care about will result in a very lively feed of stuff that is interesting to you, while generating a tiny percentage of the federation load this approach does. Carpet bombing the entire lemmyverse with subscriptions you cannot read is madness. It's like writing a reddit app that downloads everything ever posted to reddit to your phone to save you the trouble of picking subreddits to follow. It's bad for reddit, bad for your phone, bad for your isp, and a bad idea all around. If I were running a large instance, I'd defederate with any tiny instance I observed subscribing indiscriminately via this script. It's abuse.

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Are you using the Jerboa app on Android? The votes in the two places are the same, but Jerboa doesn't update the feed when you vote in the post. If you refresh it will show your vote in the feed. It's a small bug.

Do you realize that you're advising OP to ignore a mod (in a reply to said mod) of this community who is being perfectly chill while informing OP about the published rule 3, which the community mods have stated they're being relaxed about while so many new Lemmings are joining, but not giving up on forever?

Rule 3 is quoted below, and helpfully directs people to active communities that are dedicated to support:

Not regarding using or support for Lemmy: context, find help in the list of support alternatives below

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Have a read through

You, and many commenters are pretty confused about out tailscale/Headscale work.

  1. To a first approximation, Tailscale/Headscale don't route and traffic. They perform NAT traversal and data flows directly between nodes on the tailnet, without traversing Headscale/Tailscale directly.
  2. If NAT traversal fails badly enough, it's POSSIBLE that bulk traffic can flow through the headscale/tailscale DERP nodes... but that's an unusual scenario.
  3. You probably can't run Headscale from your home network and have it perform the NAT traversal functions correctly. Of course, I can't know that for sure because I don't know anything about your ISP... but home ISPs preventing Headscale from doing it's NAT traversal job are the norm... one would be pleasantly surprised to find that a home network can do that properly.
  4. Are younreally expecting 10gb/s speeds over your encrypted links? I don't want to say it's impossible, people do it... but you'd generally only expect to see this on fairly burly servers that are properly configured. Tailscale just in April bragged about hitting 10gb speeds with recent optimizations: and on home hardware with novice configd I'd generally expect to see roughly more like single gigabit.
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It's nice to see this officially hosted for users. I've been curious about wefwef but there was no way I was going to enter my creds into a third-party proxy. It feels much better to do so via an instance hosted by the world admins where my Lemmy account is though.

FYIW, when you save this as a PWA via Firefox mobile, the name is just "voyager", which I assume makes it hard to distinguish from the voyager instance hosted by its devs. I don't think this can be changed as a user (unless I'm too dumb to figure it out). If the PWA app name can be changed server side, might be good to call it Voyager World or something.