1 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just an average human with no redeeming qualities.

Reddit app is fine for me. Y'all some cry babies.

Reddit app lacks efficient Mod tools and accessibility settings.

That's not my problem.

This is the attitude of Reddit rn. Shit's disgusting in all honesty. It's genuinely depressing how people try their hardest not to push the world to be better.

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It was confusing at first

The confusion never went away. Beehaw defederated, so I understand that you would then have to create a specific Beehaw account in order to engage with Beehaw communities, but why would I want to as a user, is what I'm confused about.

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Twitter, Reddit, Twitch, Lemmy; I'm gonna need more popcorn.

I have a feeling they're cracking down on personal subreddits due to their own loophole in the upcoming change to NSFW content. If I interpreted everything correctly, Mods still get to see the full range of NSFW content, meaning seeing NSFW content even in subs that they aren't a Mod in, whereas regular Reddit users are restricted.

In any case, I find it ironic that they talk about the duty of being a Moderator with such importance, and yet Mods aren't even paid, AND... it's quite a common thing that many subs have wildly corrupt Mods. I've no joke been PERMANENTLY banned from certain subs for criticizing a movie, a recent episode in a TV show, etc, and I wasn't even a member of the sub for more than 24 hours. Like, ok, maybe I'm being a bit more harsh in my criticism than others, but when did it become a crime to have an opinion?

The more people that Upvote and Downvote my comments here on Lemmy, I'm now curious to know if Upvoting and Downvoting on Lemmy hurts your overall experience much like how it does on Reddit?

For context: On Reddit, over the years I found myself deleting my posts and comments that got downvoted by any amount, but more so if it got double-triple number downvotes, not because I'm so incapable of having discussions and understanding and respecting people's opinions and points of view, but because other people could more or less control my Reddit experience, and that's just not fair or balanced. If you have low enough Karma you actually can be denied entry into subreddits. If you have low enough Karma you become limited on what you can even do on Reddit as a whole. Having low enough Karma can legitimately have negative effects on your general Reddit experience, and all it takes is for a handful of people who don't agree with what you're saying, who then choose to downvote your posts and comments.

I don't want to be on Reddit anymore, but the slowness on Lemmy was stopping me from fully committing.

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A big issue that I'm constantly having is that, I fully open a post and read it, and then all of a sudden the post has switched to an entirely new one. It has happened a few times now during my time typing this comment; here's a screenshot of it.

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Awesome! Loading issues are still the bane of Lemmy's existence though, or at least it is for me and my experience with Lemmy. Everything just loads so slow. Sorting is still broken as well. Communities that I KNOW that are active just show as blank for me no matter what I sort by.

I know it's a post about Android, but is there anything for iOS yet besides Mlem?

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I can be typing out a reply to a comment in a post, and then all of a sudden the post has switched to an entirely new one and now the comment that I'm replying to is something entirely different. Clearly this isn't intentional, no? Because I'm genuinely having a hard time using Lemmy as a whole because of this.

My comments also just infinitely spin, making me think that it didn't get submitted, and so I have to constantly refresh the page.

I've been IP banned 😂

I'm not even a Mod. I'm simply a regular user, who relied on the various Third Party Apps, who expressed support of the protests.

And yet Bozo himself, Steve Huffman, said the protests were of no serious manner, and yet Reddit Admins are using the full weight of their power to silence people who go against what they say.

I seem to be IP banned at this point. Any new account gets permanently suspended in seconds. And this all started just from my support of the Blackout and saying subs should absolutely go private indefinitely. So yeah, suffice to say Reddit is a dump.

And in all honesty I was already slowly distancing myself from Reddit before shit popped off. The internet is simply noise. There are things that I like to keep updated with, but a lot of it is just noise. Discussions are more like arguments nowadays, so what do I even gain from publicly making a comment on a topic? Nobody gives a fuck whether or not I’m going to play that new video game, watch that new movie, etc., and the feeling is mutual because I know I don’t give a shit about what people do either.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. Quick question about RSS though: is there any apps that can filter by keywords? So like, only send me notifications when it picks up something that matches the words that I want. Like, if I follow r/Apple for example, I'd want to be notified of new iOS updates.

It most likely is. Everything is taking ages to load for me as of the time I'm writing this. This has been my experience with Lemmy so far.

Request: Saved and Upvoted tabs up at the top next to Communities, Create Post, and Create Community.

I've been trying to get into RSS even before Reddit went to shit, however the problem with RSS, or at least for me, is that I'm genuinely struggling to see ONLY the things that I WANT to see. With Apple for example, I ONLY want to be notified of new iOS updates, but every feed that I can find pushes out articles for everything Apple related, which is not what I want.

Is this why there's still a ton of slowness on Lemmy despite the slowness said to be resolved? Because I still can't efficiently use Lemmy, if I'm being honest.

Also, has the Top Day sorting become broken? A community will show as blank for me now when I sort by Top Day.

It looks like a lot of people idiots think the blackout is pointless and support Reddit’s choice

These aren't real people. These are Bots.

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