8 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah it's reaching critical mass I feel. So much more activity compared to a few weeks ago

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Wish we had a "rising" option. That was my fav on reddit

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JFC there's only 60k of us? And that's a good thing? 😳

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Elon's going to have a hissy fit

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Fucking lol

This is what teenage me thought I'd be doing as an adult.

Instead, I just use a MacBook w/ Apple Silicon and it runs cold AF.... ....almost... too cold. Ahhh, that cold metal on my legs...

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What great foresight they had to create that space

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This doesn't seem super safe from a security standpoint. Can anyone comment on safety?

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Nothing at all man. So many meeting, so depressing. Can't wait to retire

I'm learning a lot by following lemmy.worlds actions. Appreciate the transparency!

Hoping they show MacOS and Linux some love asap.

Any chance this would work with Wine?

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Can't blame the dev for selling out. I would for a windfall and retire.

But it's time to move on. Wouldn't touch Nova with a 1000 ft pole.

Yes. This post is regarding Proton Drive, not Proton Mail.

Fuck ads

Wait till you get a little older and start having a hard time remembering how old you are.

All becomes a blur at some point

Not voyager yet

The Pro has fans.

This is so cool to see. Thanks for posting! has been super smooth today

I'm late to the game, having tried debian for the first time a few weeks ago.

I'm running the aarch64 version (KDE) in a virtual machine on my Mac (M2) and it's the only distro that, out of the box, hardware acceleration is working for video decode of web videos.

All other distro I've tried struggle to display YouTube videos.

Big thumbs up from me.

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Unintended my ass. You think they wouldn't have launched because of this?

I love open source software but I 100% respect @ljdawson's choice to keep it closed. Not everything needs to be open source!

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yawn. $0.01 fine for Amazon. Cool

God damnit. I'm trying to save money right now... and now... I want to buy a freakin can opener. I don't even open cans often! Uggghhh

Sidebery v5 beta (on GitHub not on the addon store yet) + Firefox on MacOS and a few CSS tweaks has my experience almost exactly matching what I loved about Edge.

Just wish I could collapse (on demand , not via auto-hide) the vertical tabs sidebar to 1 icon wide when I need more horizontal room (anyone got a trick for that?)

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Is the general consensus we don't care that nova was sold to a 3rd party data harvesting company?

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Same with Lemmy. Active users seems to be stalling

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VMware fusion tech preview for Apple silicon

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Get what you pay for. My M2 MacBook pro is best computer I've ever used by a huge margin

I get it and I've always known. I just prefer 16:9 photos because... Well, my screen and monitors, and TV are 16:9 so why not take photos that (by default) fill the screens?

Nothing more annoying than showing an album to friends over Chromecast on your TV and the photos don't fill the screen.

There isn't much reason in the future but right now with the massive delay in instances syncing with each other, it's hard to say that

Doubt, but would be great to see. We're already all here using alternative apps until sync/boost releases then we'll move over. Will suck for existing apps to see a big loss.

Except for comment lag.

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Because I primarily use a laptop, Linux desktop is a no no for me. I spent years trying to get my trackpad to behave as beautifully as it does with MacOS and could never get it.

That alone is enough to drive me off Linux Desktop ... For now.

I'm rooting for it though

Tis known

Yeah 100% agreed. I'm not mixing work on my personal device

A post I made on has an order of magnitude more upvotes when viewed from compared to when viewed from another instance. Beyond annoying

Bon appetit

Not OP but, I use libre office on the Linux machines at work.

Although I heard about OnlyOffice on Lemmy a few days ago... It looks interesting. I want to try it out!

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Remote work is only widely possibly in the last few years. Most homes I drove past are well kept century homes on 1-10 acre lots

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Welcome! With a name like "beehaw" can you ever take that instance seriously? (sorry, I really dislike the instance name lol)

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