Imagine how gross it would be if our pets sweat like humans did... to – 83 points –

Thoughts during my 3rd cold shower of the day, trying to keep cool in this muggy weather in the North East


Currently looking into getting a Sphynx and this is literally the number one surprise/complaint from people. They stain your clothes with their oils so you need to watch them weekly. Personally I don’t mind and am excited to have my naked hairless friend.

I look at my cat everyday and it's not a Sphynx.

Horses sweat... It blew my mind when I discovered that first hand.

Oh yeah, great moment for me as well. „Can you hold the saddle for a moment?“ and it was so heavy, wet and smelly.

That’d be gross. But dogs actually sweat through their paws if you didn’t know!

That reminds me of when I was little. We were taking our terrified cat to the vet and I sat with him on the back seat. Petting him, whispering encouragement to the poor thing.
Then suddenly I felt my hand getting wet. Refusing to believe what happened, I told my mom that the cat must be warm because he was sweating all over my hand :p

I'm glad our dogs and rabbits are not sweating like we are.

No. Just no. I prefer to think happy thoughts, thank you very much.