0 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I see what you mean, but there's also a large number of lurkers, who will only vote but never comment.

I don't think it's unfeasible to have a small number of comments on a highly upvoted post.

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The more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that what really made me delete my account early (I initially wanted to wait until the 30th to see how things play out) was the ridiculous number of people defending this bullshit and promoting the official Reddit app as the superior option.

Some going as far as saying 3rd party devs are leeches and scammers.

I can only tolerate so much stupidity and ignorance before I bail.

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Today I made the jump and deleted my last account. I used Reddit one way or another for the last 16 years. It feels weird, but at the same time, I simply couldn't support the platform anymore. Being honest, it hasn't been like the platform I once loved using for a long time. Bots run rampant, the same two to three memes get regurgitated over and over and Spez has just been the idiot to break the camel's back.

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"Curating" makes it sound like you are some kind of porn connoisseur.

When Reddit is Fun turns into Reddit is fucked.

We definitely need Blender in the mix as well!

Also Signal, Bitwarden and Firefox.

I've gotten to old and busy to give two shits about someone's background as long as it's not pushed in my face.

If I come across racist, homophobic, warmongering, outright Nazi or tankie stuff among many other things, I simply block the person/community and move on with my life.

And the sad part is that it seems like 99 % of Reddit's population don't care the slightest about that and are happily enjoying the ad- and telemetry infested piece of garbage Spez wants to shove down our throats.

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My wallet is already waiting eagerly for a pro version.

In the meantime I can highly recommend Connect for Lemmy. Also a highly motivated dev with an awesome app.

It's really fun to try out all these different apps.

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I find Jerboa to be similar enough for the moment, but it still has a long way to go to match Boost in it's comfort and feature richness.

I really hate the fact that every good thing that happens will get fucked up by politics and religion in one way or another.

First of all and I mean this as someone new to the platform and genuinely not aware: What first party sources do you have to support your claims? I honestly don't care about regurgitated comments and stuff like that.

With that out if the way there's an obvious problem with that idea: Wether you like whatever political or religous views they truly have or not, they are the people actively developing this platform.

Especially in this time where every instance is creaking under the load of new users and bug reports and feature request are at an all-time high, I wouldn't try to mess with their donations. Developing this platform is a monumental task for a small team of devs and it seems like donations are already pretty scarce from their latest post.

Sure, over time contributions and PRs will increase, as more people get comfortable with the codebase. Still without the core team development may be seriously crippled for a long time.

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That's a hard no from me too.

Upvotes and downvotes exist to filter bad content. Anything that tracks points per user will just lead to toxic karma whoring and bots, as demonstrated by Reddit.

In my opinion, Lemmy shouldn't turn into a Reddit clone, it should learn from Reddit's plethora of mistakes.

I joined via because at the time the stats just looked favorable, with the limited knowledge I had (uptime mostly).

As someone with experience in software engineering you learn to differentiate between the product and the dev.

It's especially easy with Lemmy, because every instance has its own vibe it seems. Would I join lemmygrad or how that instance is called? Probably not, but because it's the users who in the end define the direction of an instance I see no problem.

Freedom of speech is important and if all those tanky instances are about is their agenda, they will end up in an echo chamber sooner or later, as more regular people migrate and simply drown them out.

Pretty sure we are hosted on Hetzner in Germany, which makes this very problematic, especially if the admins of lemmynsfw aren't able to properly identify illegal content right away and it spreads through the whole network.

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Connect for Lemmy is amazing.

There's also wefwef, which seems to be a clone of Apollo.

Popular Reddit apps like Sync and Boost are currently in the process of making Lemmy ports.

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Same. Reddit without Boost or other third party apps is borderline unusable. The official app is an ad- and telemetry infested piece of garbage, but if you are planning on selling user data, I guess that helps.

I still visit Reddit on desktop during work, it's often the top Google result for some of my niche questions, but on the other hand I'm pretty glad to have my year long death scrolling behavior cured.

I don't use Reddit on mobile anymore and Lemmy is simply not convenient enough with Jerboa's early stage of development, which means I spend about 90% less time using these apps compared to Boost. My productivity has skyrocketed.

This is important. Many people (and news outlets for that matter) consider Lemmy a product, when it really is very much an on-going early stage development effort.

It's amazing how well everything works already, but nothing should be considered stable at this point.

What kind of maniac would use a password that's longer than 60 characters?

I get that password managers are standard now, but anything outside the norm is just asking for trouble. I vividly remember updating a client's webfrom to reject emojis in passwords, because for some reason people started using them and it wrecked havoc in the backend.

Nope, it's an absolute nightmare. The post basically outlines how you could feasibly exploit data across a majority of the Lemmy network without much effort at all.

With a bit more effort you could also link the Lemmy accounts to the users email, as becoming an admin is as simple as hosting your own instance and getting users to join.

Boom you have a business case of profiling people on Lemmy and selling those profiles to advertisers, stalkers and perverts alike.

Let's not forget that Daddy Elon is his biggest hero and Reddit could become a shit show like Twitter.

The last thing I would want is for Lemmy to turn into the karma whoring shithole we just left.

Karma should definitely be used as a metric to get rid of troublemakers, but hidden from regular users. However, I would argue that without a public display of karma there's also no incentive to farm downvotes, so maybe we could stop using it all together?

The way I see it, we are here to enjoy ourselves and discuss topics with people all around the world. We don't need a metric or competition for that.

Yup, this interview was one of the main reasons why I finally deleted my account(s).

I also made sure to use Power Delete to overwrite every post and comment with a tutorial for Lemmy and the Power Delete Suite. Oh, and a final fuck u/spez for good measure.

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The way I see it I think defederation is warranted in this case since it is potentially incriminating niche content. People don't expect to find porn on YouTube, there's Pornhub and the likes for that, so why would I want to see porn sprinkled into my regular Lemmy front page? Just create a porn account on

Also having spent 16 years on Reddit I simply know that there is content that I absolutely don't want to see, for example, scat and all things rape fetish. I get that there are people into that, but I would feel more comfortable knowing that these instances are opt-in rather than opt-out by default. Especially, because blocking entire instances is tedious for users.

Oh, lastly: I have no idea what the age requirement is on here, but from a legal point: There may be children around here too, and serving (especially unsolicited) porn to children is a huge no-no in pretty much any jurisdiction.

Most papers will be in PDF format and may contain colors as well. E-Ink is slowly getting there, especially with the rise of digital comics, but for the time being I wouldn't trade my iPad and Pencil combo.

Sure, but why grace the dumpster fire with traffic, when you also can just copy the relevant parts here?

That bot is an absolute menace. Often I come across a thread that would probably interest me, then I see 0 comments and the standard bot message and move on.

It also feels like it is really spamming those threads, which does not help the situation.

Personally, I would love to see it removed.

I can see how your basic option would be a good way of easily balancing the load of new users across the federation by assigning them according to the current capacity of each server.

However, I think it is important that you as a user choose an instance you are able to align with. Best example: If you're not into it, you will have a pretty rough time on

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Not yet, but Ruben will not be able to handle the costs, so it dies with the other ones on the 30th or so.

Thank you for your effort in running this instance and also for being so transparent about the whole process.

Because the developer has years of experience in crafting a near perfect app for Reddit, much of which applies to Lemmy as well.

Over the years this dev definitely earned the community's trust and I see no reason to assume he will pull sneaky shit now.

FOSS is awesome, but I kind of dislike the militant push towards it here on Lemmy. As soon as someone does not release their source code people go "But have you thought about open source?", "Why not open source?", "No source, no install" and the likes.

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Yeah, which is precisely why it's important to ruin the product with random spam, racism, overly sexual comments, lorem ipsum and for good measure some fetish porn and gore images.

Wasn't Microsoft training an AI from Twitter and it basically turned into the aforementioned garbage?

I doubt that companies would enjoy to train their models on a foul dataset filled with nonsense, hatred, porn and gore.

Coldest was probably -20 °C, hottest around 40 °C.

My comfort temperature is right around 15 °C. Anything higher than 20 °C and I start sweating.

My girlfriend wants to go to Egypt for vacation this year. That's going to be fun...

I'm sure he's already aware and will make an account if he wants to.

There's no point in shoving the Fediverse in someone's face.

Not only is Rudd doing and amazing job as admin of the instance, they are also really transparent ab ob it the challenges in their frequent updates!

I mean let's be real: Anyone with a fraction of self-respect would walk away from this dumpster fire after being repeatedly called noise by the idiots running the website.

But on the other hand I have to admit that Spez was completely right. This did blow over rather nicely for Reddit, since any publicity is good publicity and it seems like most of it is business as usual minus actually good apps.

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Thank you Ruben!

It seems like the future for Lemmy is pretty bright with all these amazing apps switching over.

It's a shame that Christian decided to not develop Apollo for Lemmy for the time being. I bet that would also convince a fair share of users to abandon ship.

And if that happens Lemmy will be in a bad spot, because the network can't handle a mass exodus from Reddit. Which in turn will lead to people coming back to Reddit announcing that the Fediverse is unstable and broken garbage.

Truth is for me as someone who used Reddit for about the last 16 years, it very much feels like the early days of Reddit again.

Which is a very good thing, because that's what I originally signed up for compared to a metric fuckton of karma farming spam bots.

I just hope it gains enough traction to be sustainable in the long run, especially considering that it's relying on donations for funding, I believe?

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Great foreshadowing of how chaotic it will get when they start to replace actual mods with Spez's imposters.

It is a pretty big deal. What it essentially means is that you are completely exposed, if you pardon the pun.

And yes, absolutely everyone with basic IT skills has access to this data as it is shared across instances. All it takes is a couple minutes to deploy a docker image and boom, I'm somewhat of an admin myself.

The fact that this data is stored in plain is a major security and privacy issue that makes me rethink this platform.

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