16 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

When companies like META show you how ruinous they are the first dozen times, over and over without end, you believe them, and you defend yourself, or you deserve every bad thing that's going to happen to you, when they repeat their corporate driven ends at your expense

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In big tech 30 million is a rounding error

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Twitter didn't lose anything, Musk bought Twitter because he thought it'd be a goof to trash, and because he wanted access to Saudi Arabian markets to sell his electric cars and rocket ships.

These stories are so fucking annoying because they purposely miss the point of what's actually happened.

Elon Musk personal worth went up 97 Billion dollars since he bought Twitter, he's now worth, on paper 248 Billion. He can take a complete loss on the investment, and not be any the poorer in real terms.

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This is fantastic, the downside of course, if the general population being taught by their governments that COVID isn't to be feared, but lived with, and most importantly "worked through". The capitalist system doesn't function without it's workers, and the corporations don't want anything disrupting their bottom line, including covid mitigations, which is why you see Right Wing nutjobs telling everyone that COVID is over, and there was nothing to fear in the first place, while in the span of 12 months over One Million Americans died. Corporations, aided by the Right Wing bigots, don't want COVID air detectors anywhere, as they would invariably detect COVID. Reminds me of that movie where the king said to save arrows, and send in the infantry, because arrows cost money, and people cost nothing.

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twas always thus, software development is gaseous in that it expands to take up all the area it is placed inside, this is both by the nature of software engineering taking the quickest route to solving any action, as well as by design of collusion between operating system manufacturers (read Microsoft and Apple) and the hardware platform manufacturers they support and promote. this has been happening since the dawn of personal computer systems, when leapfrogging processor, ram, hard drive, bus, and network eventually leads to hitherto improbably extravagant specs bogged down to uselessness. it's the bane and very nature of the computing ecosphere itself.

I’ll be watching closely, and if I see any META THREADS bullshit show up on this instance’s community titles / comments I’m gonna send a strongly worded message. Then I’m going to find another fucking instance to move my account to.

possibly and old person with a broken wrist. you don't know.

This is the dictionary definition example of a win win


things on both mastodon and lemmy are incredibly slow over the past two days, due to the overwhelming twitter/reddit mass migration, i would give it a week before honestly evaluating whether or not posts which should show up, are showing up on either platform in a timely manner

15 Million Merits

Fuck off you goddamn fucking Fascist Nazi fuck


sorry to kill the mood, but i'm not terrified, not am i going to be, i will continue to vote for those who will legislate environmentally sound law, and cheer on groups like "just stop oil" and "extinction rebellion" every time they fuck up someone's commute, but i refuse to live terrified and panic

protip: corporate debt is not the same thing as out of pocket debt, no one is understanding this lol

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your VPN provider, sucks, and is leaking, so they can see all your traffic, and sue you for it, after they cancel your service. get a better VPN provider like NordVPN, or another major, and STOP using whatever the hell VPN you're using now, it might already be too late

Is up/down voting not working for anyone else, or is it just me?

This whole thing, including Prigozhin now being said to have left Belarus and back in Russia, smacks of Putin, Lukashenko, and Prigozhin moving Wager to Belarus to open a second front and attempt to attack and capture Kyiv from the North. I'd like to see, and justice demands all three be hung in the town square, and left until they rot, but there's something else afoot here.

lol, let's revisit in 10 years and see how this decision works out for the good people of the Solomon Islands

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He's pushing, that's his job to do, and he's doing it. NATO is trying to stop a world war, and Ukraine, unfortunately happens to be caught in the middle right now, and that's NATO's job to do, and their doing it. This is terrible for Ukraine, of course, but the rest of the world is ok with it being terrible for Ukraine at the moment, unless it spills over, then all bets are off. Ukraine just has to hope all the weaponry is enough to get Russia to relent, but I think Russia is pretty much all in at this point and won't.

post the national enquirer in politics gets you a block

With all their "uprisings" the Iranian people never finish the job, and that's why, just like the Russians, Chinese, and the North Koreans, they will continue to get what they allow to govern them, the bitch of it is, how mush all their countries threaten the entire world with the same madness

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I don't trust any reported numbers, I wouldn't trust watching the tick go up automatically, all the Mastodon servers are being flooded by bots all the time now, the admins are doing yeomans work blocking and cleaning, but real user numbers are impossible to come by.

I just know, I'm much happier not supporting Spez, Zuck, or Musk, and leave it at that, anyone else wants to join, they're welcome. Except Nazis, fuck Nazis.

literary fuck off

You can follow Lemmy communities in Mastodon by putting the "" in the search box, hitting enter, the community comes up as a group in the search results, then you hit the follow button, and all posts will be sent to your home feed, it's not the greatest interface between the two, but you can post, and reply, like, follow, all that from and to a Lemmy community/user/post

No idea about Kbin, or Pixelfed as I haven't checked them out yet

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If you join a social network that *Mark owns, you get what you deserve, and he gets all your correspondence to mine and sell forever and ever and ever, tying it into all the other data the web has "anonymously" collected about you, even using different usernames, vpn's, and email addresses. ta dah!

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It's a book. Fuck their book. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

pretty sneaky sis

twitler can eat an entire bag of dicks

that'd be the point I'd forgo smartphones entirely

I'll take 1 Freedom of Russia Legion over 10 Neo Fucking Nazi Azov Brigade motherfuckers 6 days a week and twice on Sunday


kitch factor/ Instagramable content

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It'd be slicker than greased pigshit if we could use our single ID like a passport across the entire Fediverse to be able to log into Fediverse federated assets seamlessly, but alas, not yet, small steps

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winning lottery numbers

Double Jump VPN activate

If Sweden were smart and thinking straight, they'd ban these Quaran burnings until after they were accepted into NATO, then do whatever the hell they please

This thread made me look up Google Chrome Youtube Short Block Extension, installed, working, easy peasy lemon squeezy