2 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Probably because most of us are sorting by top 6/12 hours since there isn't enough content to keep us entertained every couple of hours if we sort by top day, which will obviously improve as we grow.

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I don't understand why they'd do another round of place at a time like this. Like wtf did they think would happen?

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Aussie here. They have the right to go through all your devices if they suspect you of smuggling or working or wanting to work illegally in Australia. They will read through all your private messages and have them translated if not in English. Even then I've never heard of airport security giving a rat's ass about pirated stuff.

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I hate to see the content we created help fund the pockets of spez and his fellow crooks, but at the same time I'd also hate to see tonnes of possibly the most valuable information on the internet going down the drain. I'll be happier to see Lemmy get to the point where people can say "there's a community for everything" more than seeing the collapse of Reddit.

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That's a good piece of advice. I went from being a carefree teenager to a highly "efficient" grown-up who's always asking how I can get more by doing less. I mean, that are obviously perks in setting goals and being time and money savvy, but in the process I've lost the child in me -- the child who wonders and has multiple hobbies. I couldn't even sit down to play a game without feeling like I was wasting my life away.

So yeah, like you say, fulfilling one's responsibilities is important, but don't go crazy chasing after the next shiny thing. It's perfectly fine to want to do nothing and just enjoy ourselves sometime.

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go to horny jail

Downvoted. The fact that this is reported on Russia Today stinks of a low effort smear campaign.

Optical illusion is most likely the reason instead of engine brake if your vehicle slows down significantly in certain areas and doesn't on other downhills with "similar" angle.

There is this slope near a waterfall around where I live. If you put your car in neutral gear at the bottom of the slope, it rolls "up" the hill. We named it magnetic hill back in high school, but I later found out that it is just an optical illusion that happens everywhere around the world. Basically some uphills look like downhills and vice versa. Google "gravity hill".

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Binding of Isaac and Death Stranding. I just keep going back to these 2 even after I've 100% them.

Got me curious so I asked ChatGPT how a good conversation on a date looks like:

Sure! Here's a conversation that could work well on a date:

Person A: Hi there! It's great to finally meet you in person. How was your day?

Person B: Hi! I'm so happy to meet you too. My day was good, thanks for asking. How about yours?

Person A: It was pretty good, just a usual day at work. By the way, you look amazing tonight!

Person B: Aw, thank you! You're looking great too. So, tell me, what are your hobbies or interests?

Person A: I love hiking and being outdoors. It's so refreshing to explore nature. How about you?

Person B: That sounds wonderful! I enjoy reading and trying out new recipes in the kitchen. Oh, and I love to travel too.

Person A: Traveling is such a great way to learn and experience new things. Do you have any favorite destinations?

Person B: Definitely! I loved exploring Japan and experiencing its rich culture. But I also enjoy beach destinations for relaxation. What about you?

Person A: Japan sounds fascinating! I'm a fan of beach destinations too, especially in warm tropical places. So, what do you do for work?

Person B: I work as a graphic designer. It's a creative job, and I enjoy it. How about you?

Person A: That's cool! I work in marketing. It's challenging but rewarding. By the way, what kind of music do you like?

Person B: I enjoy a wide range of music, but lately, I've been into indie and alternative. How about you?

Person A: Nice! I'm more into classic rock and a bit of jazz. We should totally go to a concert together sometime.

Person B: That sounds like a fantastic idea! I'd love that. So, do you have any upcoming travel plans or exciting events?

Person A: Not at the moment, but I'm planning a trip to the mountains next month. I can't wait for the adventure.

Person B: That sounds like a fun trip! Let me know how it goes. Maybe we can share travel stories over our next date?

Person A: I'd love that! I'm really enjoying our time together. You're such an interesting and engaging person.

Person B: Thank you! I feel the same way. I'm glad we got to meet. Looking forward to more great moments together.

The conversation revolves around getting to know each other's interests, hobbies, and preferences while maintaining a positive and engaged atmosphere. It's important to be genuinely interested in each other and to share experiences and stories that can create a connection. Remember to be yourself and enjoy the moment!

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I don't know if that's really a good thing, but they have done quite a few decent things like cracking down on the rich for tax evasion (and using the billions "donated" by big corps to provide aid to the lower SES population), and the famous for grooming and sexual assaults. I'm no fan of an authoritarian regime, but there aren't many places in this world where the rich and famous suffer the consequences of fucking around.

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It didn't make sense to me that people are pre-ordering digital copies at first too, then I remember mtx and streamers which didn't exist back then.

It's the boiling frog syndrome. Gradual implementation of predatory monetization practices like mtx and gachas have made us grown numb to being treated like cash cows for unfinished products.

The latest generation of gamers probably see this as a norm. It's up to us oldies to remind them about the good ol' days when you only pay once for finished products.

Reddit still holds a ton of valuable info in niche topics which will take Lemmy years to build, and that's only if the niche communities here ever see the light of day. I've deleted most of the useless content I have there, but the more helpful ones I'll leave for the sake of others like me who still visit occasionally for answers you can't get anywhere else.

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They won't be able to bribe every instance without making it known to the world but another mass migration even if within the same federation would discourage a lot of new users from joining/staying though.

This makes me so fucking angry that these fuckers wouldn't even let us have a small corner of the internet to ourselves.

Congrats! If you're someone like me who owns a decent PC but no longer enjoys sitting in front of one, definitely get yourself a dock so you can hook it up to your TV. They cost around $30 and is a great investment. Just remember to take the casing off (if you use one) if you're planning to have your games running at anything between 1080p to 4K, and use FSR to reduce the load. I find the Deck heats up a fair bit even in winter.

Owning a Steam Deck really got me back into gaming. I carry it to work to play during breaks and hook it back up to my TV when I get home.

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"But what do you really want to do with your life?" is a question that comes up a lot in our lives. I've spent a chunk of my life trying to find the answer before realizing that what I want to do or think I should be doing is inconsequential. The important question is how you want to feel. You could patent the whole universe and be the richest person on earth and still feel like a failure or an imposter. That's why rich and famous celebrities kill themselves -- despite achieving what everyone desires, the promised happiness remains elusive, if not even more distant.

As time marches on, you'll find yourself remembering lesser and lesser of what you did with so and so, but you'll always remember how they make you feel.

How you feel has to do with your attitude in life. You can feel happy and contented right here and right now, without changing anything externally. Live every moment as if it's your last, then you'll always know what's important in life.

aggressive Google tracking on sync lemmy

This, in the span of 30mins or less. It's a major turnoff. I've considered getting the lifetime ad-free version but I'm not paying USD170 just for an app. Got to give credit where credit's due though, Sync is hands down the best Lemmy app I've used so far.

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Not sure if it's a bug or feature, but it's almost impossible to delete all traces of your accounts on Lemmy since they get copied to other instances, which don't disappear even after you've "deleted" your accounts. I've tested this myself. I can still click into my deleted profile from another instance and the comments are all still there too.

Just move on to other instances and remember, no take-backsies!

Ngl, after using netflix for so many years, the withdrawal symptoms for my partner (and admittedly myself too) was real when we first got cut off from the family account, but I was adamant on not signing up for a separate account. Turns out you can get around it by using Netflix on PC (and mobile) instead, so hooking up my old laptop to the TV was what we did. I ended up setting up Stremio and Kodi on the PC too and now find ourselves hardly using Netflix anymore.

I find people in general are much more willing to part with their money than the big corps think. I'll even go to the extent to say that we enjoy doing so. Just look at Twitch -- tonnes of money are thrown at streamers because it's fun and convenient, or at TikTok vendors selling useless stuff on live streaming. We just don't like to be lied to and treated like cash cows.

Steam Deck is the first taste I get of Linux. I've always had this fear of not being able to fully utilize a Linux OS due to my lack of skills in coding, but I find myself looking into it more ever since I got a Steam Deck. It may just be the right excuse I need to git gud in coding.

Edit: Thanks for the clarification and encouragement guys. I'm going to make it a mission to move to Linux ASAP since it feels like Windows has been really pushing the limits of privacy these days.

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they don't miss Netflix anymore.

That's the experience I'm trying to create for my partner. I'm very comfortable with torrenting but she wouldn't have a clue on how to do it (safely). As long it streams and doesn't require her to actually go through the torrent client it'll be fine.

Thank you all for the suggestions. It's really starting to feel at home here on Lemmy!

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I knew something was wrong when I first noticed that I was feeling anxious for wanting to do something that I enjoy, and that the anxiety has been slowly killing off all of my interests. I'm so calculative that in order to prevent wasting 2hrs of my life watching a movie I wouldn't enjoy, I'd spend hours browsing through the whole catalogue and going on IMDB to check out the rating for every single movie, then bookmark them and end up watching nothing.

The same thing for Spotify. Never happy with my choice of song. But when a good song comes up on the radio, I totally enjoy it.

I miss being spontaneous and going with the flow, and I'm working on "going back" like you too, by reminding myself to be contented and live more in the moment.

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sync ultra

Where do I find the $20 option? That's all I see on the android app.

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May the force of the federation be with you

Don't we all. Nothing like a little humor to lighten the mood but I honestly don't miss scrolling past hundreds of overused puns to find some useful info on Reddit.

ain't nobody got time fo dat

ridiculously photogenic guy

Just as Gaben once said, piracy is almost always a service problem, not a pricing problem.

It's not that we can't afford it, we just don't like getting treated as cash cows and idiots. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile, and before you know it, everything will be locked behind paywalls.

How's the nosleep crew doing? I've been hoping for them to move over but haven't heard anything since the protest. Did they even go dark?

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Funny you should say that. I've been playing Death Stranding and all I've been doing is walking around doing not much. I'm loving it though haha. I'm starting to realize that I value the atmosphere and story of a game much more than anything else.

Hmmm I've never used Fen so I'm not sure if it works without premium services, but it sounds like RD isn't working. Did you check if the files that are showing are from RD? It's highly unlikely that the latest John Wick only comes in 4K. I recommend trying Stremio + Torrentio + Real Debrid, the UI is just so much better and addons a lot easier to install than Kodi. Also I'm using my old laptop instead of Android boxes. It's a lot faster plus it circumvents the issue of sharing Netflix with someone not from the same household.

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I just got the dock for it, I am a little concerned I'll notice any performance issues more when hooked up to a large screen.

I've been using it predominantly docked and the performance is quite decent. A few tips:

  • You can use the streaming function if you have a decent PC.
  • Set device resolution to the resolution you want the game to be playing in. E.g. 1080p or 4k, then set the native in game resolution to something lower. Next, set your scaling filter to FSR instead of Linear. This will scale up the in game resolution to device resolution without sacrificing the internal memory and heating up the hardware.
  • Make sure you set your TV to game mode to reduce input lag for controllers.

I'm not streaming from Desktop. Steam Deck supports resolution up to 4K when docked so you won't be playing at 800p too. Not sure if you already know the following but there seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding this topic so I'll share my experience here in the hope that it'd help clear things up for someone. Below is the tinkering process that works for me:

  1. Go to Steam - Settings - Display - External Display. If you have a 4K TV and want the game to run in 4K, leave Automatically Set Resolution on (because there's no option to pick 4K in custom resolution for reasons unknown to me). If you want a lower resolution, turn off Automatically Set Resolution and pick the res you want.

  2. Go to Library, click on the game then go to Settings - Properties - Game Resolution and set it to Native.

  3. Start the game, set res in the game to the a res lower than what you set in system display. For example if you have a 4K TV and set res to auto in system display, you'd want to set it as 2560x1440 in game. If you set 1920x1080 in system display, set it to 720 in game. Next step will explain why.

  4. Open your quick access menu (the physical 3 dots button under the right controller pad), scroll down to battery icon and go to Scaling Filter and slide it to FSR if it's not already in this mode. What this does is that it will scale your in game res to match your system res with very little impact on your game performance.

You'll get about 20fps at 4K, and around 30fps at QHD(2560x1440). Personally I left it at QHD and it has mostly been running very smoothly except for the occasional crashes... Just make sure you save your game regularly.

Keep on keeping on!

I purged all of mine and since then every couple of days a few of them would magically reappearing in comment history again. I do feel bad for doing that though. I've found so many old gems (answers) on Reddit through Google searches that I wouldn't have found anywhere else.

I remember the younger me laughing my ass off at this meme for some reason the older me can't fathom now.

Moving out at a young age is only a norm in just a handful of countries, mainly the English speaking ones. Reason being that they were more developed than the rest of the world, making it possible for them to move out when they turn 18. Poverty is a big reason why families are closer and live together for a much longer period. But many of these developed nations seem to be regressing these days, with more money flowing upwards than downwards.

I agree though. The best time to move out is after you've worked and saved up enough for a down payment for your own place. Those few years are perhaps the best opportunity to save up that most of us may never get again.

Thinking of getting Stray.

Ahhh ok thanks for that! I was looking in the wrong place all along. Wonder why dev didn't just place this option in or at least next to Sync Ultra. I'll probably hold out till I see what Boost has to offer first.

Leaving Reddit is a smart and very cheap move to make on their end. The subreddit will keep running by itself with or without them anyway. Great PR stunt.