Y'all are always complaining the Reddit app doesn't work well...I don't know, seems to get the most important notifications through

Tigerfishy@lemmy.world to Reddit@lemmy.world – 96 points –

I think my habit of reading /nosleep is what kept me from deleting my account...but I don't need an account to read and find authors. Sooooo...thanks for the reminder Reddit and ModCoord


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How's the nosleep crew doing? I've been hoping for them to move over but haven't heard anything since the protest. Did they even go dark?

!lemmyscareyou@lemmy.world there's not a lot of content there right now but what's there is good. i actually responded to a writing prompt myself on another account which i've since deleted (moved my account from lemmy.world just for stability reasons)

Yeah, and they shut down the sister sights (OOC and nosleepfinder)

The stories aren't getting much for upvotes anymore, but I've usually stuck with the archives. What's killing me is not linking stories in nosleepfinder. That was my favorite pass time at night lol...my little bit of good in the world