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Joined 12 months ago

so i dislike regular vapes because of the amount of children using them, but disposable vapes truly are the worst of the worst. they need to be banned asap

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You fool, the man is the bobcat!

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yeah, what about it? i'm a furry, not a zoophile, and they are not welcome in the furry community.

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I can't believe how much fucking merchandise there is for such a small show. Compare it to even something like futurama in terms of cultural impact and there's so much more plastic shit made for Rick and Morty

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i'm totally fine with brands and celebrities having their own social media tbh. i'm honestly quite glad threads has made it clear what their desired userbase is.

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jesus. here's hoping he goes away for a long time.

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they're worse than straws imo, straws at least have a use for disabled people, children, and others who need them for independence.

we really need a 'thanks i hate it' community round here.

it's similar to what's happening with mastodon right now. there's something going on with meta (the zuck) getting involved with mastodon.social, the biggest mastodon instance. because of that reason, a lot of people including myself have switched instances or to a different service entirely. it's an overwhelming 'no' for corporations getting involved with federated social media.

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you now have access to cursed, ancient knowledge and it drives you crazy

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any trans ladies want some compliment just hit me up.

there's some good discussion going on at !mentalhealth@lemmy.world imo

i know absolutely that i personally couldn't do a poly relationship. i'd be confused, upset, and unable to adapt to that kind of situation. that being said, i wish my poly friends no ill will and hope to see a world in with they'd be able to get married if they so choose. same goes for people who have no desire to be in a romantic relationship.

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there's a lot more reasonable, adult discussion here. i like it a lot.

it's not for everyone and certainly shouldn't be seen as the default or indoctrinated into people from a young age like it is right now. that being said, i'm very happily monogamous and couldn't imagine it any other way.

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i've been an android user for years now and have been using beeper for at least a couple of months. people have been asking for imessage on android for years now and i really don't know what the issue is. i can understand apple being wary of beeper accessing the imessage server but if they would do it themselves then there wouldn't be this issue

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For me, university literally made me depressed. But I also met my partner online during that time. I enjoyed studying but this myth that college is the time when you'll meet loads of friends, have tons of sex and wild parties, etc. Is very, very harmful

ever noticed how loud the people who complain about being 'silenced' and 'censored' are?

i've said this before but because there's a small community vibe across lemmy and kbin it's much easier to be heard and seen. a lot of people are interested in building communities here which drives engagement way up.

i cannot stand the amount that they talk. constant mouth sounds, just to fill the silence. communication is very important but many of them seek to communicate nothing at all.

god, i hate this shit. i have a lot of stuffed tied to my google accounts but i think i'm at least going to switch email apps.

my kitchen is pretty spartan but it works. a close friend's kitchen has every gadget you could think of, including a bread maker. she doesn't use most of them though

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idk what's happening here (i've never used linux really) but i'm practically drooling over the matchy-matchy aesthetic

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Right like I don't think I've ever seen an unshopped pic of him

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i mean, we all knew this was going to happen, right? i understand people are desperate for work but nothing is worth your health.

I understand this doesn't work for everyone and you need to be careful but truly I met my partner through discord

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this is why AI generated images will never take over from human made art

thank you for making the fediverse a safer place to be

England, absolutely not. those tory motherfuckers would kill me to make a profit and that's barely an exaggeration

imo the purpose of those cheesy lines is more to break the ice and get your prospective partner to laugh and loosen up rather than to swoon them, sounds like it worked to me.

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sex work is real, valid, and good work. that being said the juxtaposition of advertising the onlyfans next to one of those stick figure families is what gets me.

days like this, i'm happy to be fat and ugly

keeping most pokemon would be a nightmare tbh

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provided it means we get more PC ports, i'm happy.

God, I miss physical keys on phones so much. I currently use a z flip 4 but if it was more like an old style flip phone with a keypad on the bottom I'd be so happy.

Paralives looks more polished but competition is always a good thing. maybe one day one of these games will replace my sims 2 addiction lol

fuck yeah, you don't owe your employer a damn thing.

Considering he was a garbage man in toy story 3 I wonder if he died in a work related accident