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Joined 1 years ago

You're right but the leaked conversations between Reddit and RIF pretty much confirmed that for us months ago. Spez had zero intention of allowing 3rd party apps to exist. Next on the chopping block,

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I can't stand this guy anymore. Anyone got a TLDR so I can skip giving him a view?

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Not even Lemmy is safe from climate change deniers.

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I'm shocked people still read: Forbes, fortune and business insider.

What ever legitimacy they once held in the business world is long gone. All three of them went click bait long before COVID (BI was always a click bait outfit) and I find their content to be on par with UK gossip rags or the National Enquirer.

Suggestion, start filtering out these three sites from your news gathering and stop sharing articles on social media from them. It'll make the world a better place!

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I used it for the perceived level of privacy they pretended to offer. Guess I'm switching to Firefox tomorrow.

I think they misspelled "pawns" when they said volunteers.

These mods will be patsy's for the Reddit exec team to keep up the illusion of community until the stock IPOs.

Now that Reddit made the decision to move it's NSFW content behind it's app, this decline will 3x in speed.

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It's already been leaked they're killing off everything outside of the official app in phases. Only a matter of time.

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I just ditched Brave a few days ago for Firefox and really prefer it for performance and real privacy.

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You don't need to guess. It was less than 3 months ago where scientists (on nearly every news/publication outlet that wasn't denying climate change) said we are going to blow by the 1.5C estimate we used as a threshold in our models.

Climate change is already happening exponentially now.

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Chinese affordable EVs with an infotainment system that represents tech from the last 5 years.

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Nuh uh

I literally travel with a roll of black electric tape for this exact reason.

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I actually cancelled my Spotify account over this ass hat.

This is what I think needs to happen for the tipping point to occur.

It looks like people have done a good job building out the "Top 100" (minus all the duplicates across the various instances) but now it's time to build the next 1,000 subs that give people a place for the more nuanced said that once made Reddit great.


Just use Connect for Lemmy on Android. It's pretty good till boost gets here.

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He didn't do it for you, he didn't do it for us. He did it for himself.

If news got out that Reddit violated anonymity, the site would be dead before the end of the week. This was a move to protect his shareholders, nothing more.

How. The. Fuck. Is. That. Even. Possible.

You're the Clayton Bixby of politics.

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You have to make a decision. Either he's incredibly incompetent and incapable of accurately quoting one of the most basic stats a govenor should know about their own state or he lies so much that he's completely incapable of telling the truth, no matter how stupid the lie is.

Actually, you don't have to decide, it can be both. Dumb and evil. Door #3

Same, but Boost for me.

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Out of all the games you listed, I believe King prints the most $ for Activision.

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Same. WTF. I miss my beautiful curated Reddit porn collection so much.

At the risk of getting sued, this is how Elon runs his businesses.

Shows up late to nearly every meeting, and then will ridicule his management team for wasting his time.

He'll blow millions of dollars on an incredibly stupid idea that doesn't work and every expert in the room advised him against and then he'll turn around and fire managers for not saving pennies on a part.

He constantly lies to investors, customers and government agencies by promising things he knows he cannot deliver and then will fire managers for not setting achievable goals.

Fuck this piece of shit. He deserves everything that's coming to him.

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I worked for Musk for longer than I care to admit, well before the world caught on to what an evil snake oil salesman he is and I endorse this post.

Let me just say after my time that the pedophile thing is probably nowhere near the worst thing that man has said or done to others he deems unworthy.


That dick bag tried to rinse and repeat the same BS management strategy he used at a car company on a tech company and wouldn't you know, it's cratering right before or eyes.


It's not and that's because it's bad for Reddit's business model in the short term. If you zoom out this is exactly why reddit is on a nose dive over the last 3 years. More. Shit. Content.

Not to be too harsh, but welcome to the life of pretty much every other 4 year degree professional.

Cost of college keeps going up, while salary and career prospects continue to decline.

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I'm the only one who was very underwhelmed by this year's Prime Day(s)?

I know it's for clearing out their warehouses, but most of the sales were on crap or only minor discounts.

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You need to drop everything and watch Andor right now.

Why would they "take it down" when anyone with even a modicum of business knowledge would assume a better replacement would be created and take it's place. This making the next version of Twitter even harder to control.

Taking it over and controlling the content on it is/was the smart play, especially if you're going to fork over the $ to buy it outright.

Stop trying to justify Elon's shit business decisions. He can just be a fucking moron that got lucky with a few strategic purchases.

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Xzibit would also like a word

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I'm good bro

Exactly. Intent matters.

Further to the point. Let's say a person shares nude photos of themselves to a lover. Does the lover then have the right to post them on the Internet?

This is why revenge porn laws exist.

This is the argument someone makes who hasn't used a flagship Samsung device in at least 5 years.

One UI is one of my favorite OS's and usually has features months if not years before stock Android. I get OTA updates every month like clockwork and have even had beta versions of new Android OSs before Pixel users. I'm typing on a Fold 4 and my user experience is somehow smoother than when I purchased it. You cannot say the same for a Pixel or iPhone.

Counter opinion.... Given the terrible trajectory of our world and society as a whole. Plus how every living generation has failed to do even the bear minimum to solve it... You're kind of a shitty human being by condemning your children to suffer our mistakes.

Not to mention, you're not that awesome and ultimately part of the problem, so maybe we don't need more of you (or me for that matter).

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Yep, between fixed mounted TV's with zero space behind the TV to reach the HDMI ports or the TVs that have the weird cable box firmware/software that blocks you from accessing the tv inputs it was doomed from the beginning.

I was just going to say... anyone who thinks Reddit is fine, joined during the wallstreetbets/GME era.

It's like joining Facebook when everyone's mom sent them a friend request and being like, hmm everything looks pretty normal around here.

Reddit has been headed down the crapper long before the exodus happened.

Never. It only insensitived the other bad behaviors. Karma farming, fake content, and reposting.

They're just preempting the inevitable failure of Truth social and Twitter.

Nah, Pizza Hut makes profit.