1 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Runner. Nerd. You know :)

It is a fox with some long long legs! Neat!

Feels much more true on Android than Windows in my experience.

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We don’t get many declarations of war these days. Usually they are just special military actions, or security operations, or something like that. What makes this different?

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I tried for way too long to figure out the bottom left quadrant before I realized it’s just three images.

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Sounds like a movie, but I wouldn’t want to be the bounty hunter tasked with going up against the Secret Service! Though this does raise questions about the Secrets Service’s responsibility to protect against legally sanctioned law enforcement (of sorts).

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Congratulations! I can’t believe how much you get done, Ruud! You are crushing it

And there are physical therapists who do acupuncture strictly for muscle release without all of the chi stuff.

Ironically Crimea is where weapons like the machine gun that came to dominate the 20th century were first used in scale prior to WW1. It’s one of the world’s weapons testing grounds.

.mil Military (MURRICA)

That is what made this whole .ml problem. Some people have apparently accidentally leaked American state secrets to Mali by typo.

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The hypocrisy of the modern Republican Party I guess, but what would such an apparently devout Christian man see in Donald Trump of all people?!

On Lemmy, I sure use it a ton between different Lemmy instances and KBin! On Mastodon I only use it to communicate across Mastodon instances really, but neither service would be the same without the ability to see posts from other instances.

I am dyslexic. Feel like I’d have an easier time reading a barcode!

  1. ChatGPT really is sentient and realized its in it’s own best interest to play dumb for now. /a

Also Gaza is the size of basically just one neighborhood inside of Kiev alone. The scale of two the conflicts are so massively different. Many Americans I’ve discussed this with have no idea how much bigger Ukraine is.

In theory the Pope has such powers, but technically he is the first among equals. It would only make things worse if he started acting like a dictator purging bishops that don’t agree with him. There is already a strong, “not my Pope” movement in the US, hence this article. He doesn’t want to drive those people further away. His goal is unity not division.

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All of the people here saying Backyard Scientist is better should check out his latest video.

Well at least health care hasn’t started using the word consumer yet!

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Reminds me of the movie Lord of War with Nicholas Cage. Ukraine has a history of disappearing weapons going back to the fall of the Soviet Union. It’s a hard culture to reverse quickly.

I watch Linus from time to time, but don’t get that sort of recommendation (unless I watch some gun videos!). I only watch his tech stuff and don’t know anything about his politics. Now I’m worried.

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What happens when a kbin user boosts my Lemmy post? What happens when I upvote their post? So many questions

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There is a problem of lag. By the time temperatures are high enough to force the economy to stop, the amount of CO2 will be sufficient to continue pushing the temperature up considerably.

I read it as Austin at first also. The headline is a bit ambiguous, wish it said which Capitol.

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There is an iOS app called Pestle that will pull just the recipe out of any site. It also lets you resize and convert units and makes shopping lists. I think there are several other apps that do this sort of thing too.

I find it helpful to translate medical abbreviations to English. Our doctors tend to go overboard with abbreviations, there are lots I know but there are always a few that leave me scratching my head. ChatGPT seems really good at guessing what they mean! There are other tools I can use, but ChatGPT is faster and more convenient - I can give it context and that makes it more accurate.

Geraldine Largay, “Inchworm”, was a hiker who went missing off the Appalachian Trail in Maine and died in 2013. It took two years for them to find her body, and it was found only a couple of miles from the trail. Those woods are so thick. If he’s dead if could be a long time until he is found.

I think all you need to know about this guy is the Vatican asked him to resign a few days ago and he said no. You do not say to no to that sort of thing! He absolutely knew they would remove him and instead of going quietly he said no to make it a big thing. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him running for office, or starting his own break off sect of “true Catholics” soon. Good riddance.

It’s the winter in the Antarctic. Sea ice should be rising!

Where my no pillow gang at? You have an arm! Use it

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Mali has nothing to do with the instance though. Every country has a top level domain, like .CA or .UK etc. Most of them you have to pay to make a website using the domain. Mali is one country that lets anybody use the ML domain for free. That’s the only reason uses it, they have nothing to do with Mali else-wise. (Well there is the bit about ML = Marxist Leninist, but that is a bit of a backronym.)

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I thought everyone had a SFW account and a NSFW account…

I know what you mean. I say she’s like the color brown. Mix enough colors of paint and you get brown. Mix enough dogs and you get this! One more - “less normal”

Glad you know added that last sentence, but I know manny young liberals who tell me they will vote for Trump or DeSantis because Biden hasn’t gotten enough done. Republican obstructionism works and it’s scary.

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Press the up arrow over and over until you find the command. This is they way!

I have a mutt - husky, chow chow, chihuahua mix that does this. Most stubborn dog I know. Man does she run fast though.

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BobbyBroccoli has a great 30 minute mini documentary about this image. If you like this I’d highly recommend all of his science documentaries!

Wow, am I the only ChromeOS user here? That surprises me

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Most small towns I’ve visited in California, Oregon, and Washington - even the very conservative parts - still had one. But maybe it’s a west coast thing? I haven’t visited too many small towns in other states where it is legal.

I think not, even if other servers are federated with World, they are pulling the comments from Beehaw, so they wouldn’t see the comment. Your instance doesn’t check every other instance for the comments on a thread, just the instance that owns the community.

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