5 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Haha I too get a dirty taste in my mouth when i have to use reddit.

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haha. I think there was a post somewhere about all of reddit being archived some website. and you could download these files and extract the info you needed. forgot to keep where. I really hope I find it because some communities are still private and I can't access history data 😭

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rip yandex 😭

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ty for all ur hard work ♥️

👍 I found it 😁 no clue how to read it/use it properly 🤷 next quest....

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laughs in MPV 'url'


nice 1 op. and here I was thinking of buying an android aliexpress smartwatch to play with. nope.

Its like when I see a sponge, wet or dry, I get the sponge thing in my tongue. I don't like touching it. Yuk. Our brains are powerful organs. *no clue if they're organs but I totally sound smart 😛

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Love this thread. My white whale is The New Encyclopaedia Britannica 15th ed. 2010 edition. Its here but a loan

No idea how to extract it. has only 2007 ed :(

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That's cool to hear. Are you able to install gmaps? And it works like android?

Let us know if you are successful.

Tried aves from google store and fdroid both dont have video editor. My old non updated simple gallery has it. Fossify gallery also doesn't have it. 🤷

❤️lm xfce for my main laptop. Gaming pc pop os nvidia, too scared to brave LM for gaming, I'm not sure what I need to do with the whole nvidia drivers /apps requirements.

How did u go op? I wouldn't mind getting some of those videos looks good.

I think i found it with your help, I think this is it. Understood to isolate the browser.


key mapper on fdroid?

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Gsi baby!

tx bud 👍👍

any access to the new dall-e free? website didn't see anything.

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hmm haven't tried the login method. I'll try next time I need it. 👍

so is my pop os have this in their repos eventually? I'm a noob with all this. Linux gaming works so far on pop os and heroic launcher so I don't want to mess anything up. feel like it's jenga

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legend 🙏 ty.

1dm app on my ph.

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I just have a keybind to open file manager of the app images 🤷

How did u go op? I tried to get stream video and failed in my methods. 😥

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U peeps are awesome. 🙏🙇

haha that voice is like a troll IMO. tx 4 tips

ah I see. so by connecting your sms to a wifi service eg xmpp or matrix bridge, you will get notification of sms. I think is what ur aiming at. tx.

Sad it is not verified on flathub 😪

U peeps are awesome. 🙏🙇

can dl streams if yt-dlp don't work, if CBF going on pc w FF w video add-on downloaded.

👍 u talking about this ?

did u find a solution?

what benefit is this compared to leaving this as is with your telco? if you setup some solution wont your telco get a copy of sms anyway? it would be nice if telco can't see sms.

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👍 ty