Looking for a better SMS system.

butter@midwest.social to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 28 points –

I'm very tired of SMS being horrible and necessary. Matrix has a bridge for SMS, but it doesn't work very well. There's other SMS bridges, no idea how well they work.

Does anyone have a good solution for dealing with SMS?


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what benefit is this compared to leaving this as is with your telco? if you setup some solution wont your telco get a copy of sms anyway? it would be nice if telco can't see sms.

As much as I love doing something that takes a bunch of work for privacy reasons, this is actually because cellular sucks. I have dead spots in my office and I can only reply from my phone

ah I see. so by connecting your sms to a wifi service eg xmpp or matrix bridge, you will get notification of sms. I think is what ur aiming at. tx.