Bobby Bandwidth

9 Post – 138 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think it also ties into a larger portion of people being fed up with corporate social media and corporations in general. All the ads, tracking, and shareholder profit driving decisions instead of what makes a product “good”.

Just in Time

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I really want Japanese King of the Hill with English subtitles

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I worked for a trust fund kid. It started off great until I realized he had no understanding of how money worked. Despite him saying / thinking he cared about the bottom line and the well being of the company, he really only cared about his ego and if his (rich) family thought he was successful.

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First of all, scallops are gross anyway. Second of all, got any plans for tonight?

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Don’t come at me with a toxic Reddit attitude. The issue is not about paying for a service. For example, people are willing to donate to the fediverse to keep servers running. The problem is that the current state of the internet is dominated by paywalls, tracking and ads. Even if I paid for YouTube they’d still track me, feed me garbage from an algorithm and try to sell things to me (relentlessly).

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Are you supposed to smile when eating a sandwich?

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“from downtown New York City to the West Side”

$50 is what you’d expect if you lived in nyc, or been there enough

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But wait, it goes even deeper

Here is the link so you don’t have to deal with actual YouTube

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It’s one of the densest, most populated 2.9 miles in the world. The route takes you through the core of manhattan/nyc.

Uhhh projecting a bit??

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Bro the fuck YOU talking about?

What would convince anyone to blindly accept liability for 100k users on a volunteer basis? If you owned the servers and your name was on the line, would you feel comfortable hosting “ambiguous” (your words) material?

Your tone echos the people that yell at FOSS devs on GitHub. You are the entitled one. It’s hilarious, you think you’re entitled to random people accepting liability on your behalf.

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Corpos can’t monetize it as easily as they can with lgbqt

The music industry and how the money works now are fundamentally different than how it was back then so keep that in mind while you’re wearing the tinfoil hat

There’s protest music, but it’s also different than back then. Now most of it exists in the more marginalized communities like the queer or poc space, as opposed to the mostly white hippie movement for example

One bigger name that comes to mind now is Kendrick Lamar.

It’s easy to get stuck in a music bubble. You have to work to find new music.

Yeah, they basically make you write a cover letter. I don’t even write cover letters for jobs I want. Definitely not going to write one to be approved for an Internet forum.

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They say they they wrote it in 10k lines, while twitter was 1M, but are they including all the packages they’re using (assuming that they are)? Like I can say I built a website with 100 lines, but in reality if you compile all the packages I’m using it’s a shit ton more than that.

Just a lazy thought out loud. Idk I’m probably being dumb

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I just want to say thank you for caring. You’re a good person.

Got any stock picks?

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Mahogany has deeper roots.

I don’t understand your point. This was my personal experience.

It seems like you’re trying to disprove my experience or perhaps the generalization that trust fund kids don’t understand money by using one random example of Kanye West, which is pretty weak imo

Correlation doesn’t equal causation but you can’t just cherry pick examples to disprove a cultural phenomenon

We need to reclaim the internet

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I mean shiiit you are what you smoke rite

It’s not only the ceo, but the pressure that ceo faces from investors who are probably old, out of touch rich boomers who have toxic views of how businesses “should” be done

Gay Sex. I see Gay Sex everywhere

I did this to buy weed one time

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I’ll fight you

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Lock the thread, we have our answer.

any estimates on when the crews and infrastructure will be combat ready?

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Because “come here” is a command, and when a pattern emerges over the lifetime of a relationship it is disrespectful to you. Are you a dog?

I started with Ubuntu because it’s so widely covered in tutorials/guides and troubleshooting docs. I want to branch out and try other distros, but I have had no reason to stop using Ubuntu. I use 22.04 on my daily driver and Ubuntu server for my home servers.

What the fuck did I just read

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Bobby bandwidth checking in

You wouldn’t download a vpn

Why do you assume we have a higher state of awareness? I would start by defining what you mean there because it’s relative. Elephants are very aware, dolphins have fucking sonar, birds can feel the magnetic fields of the earth. Humans tend to think how they experience the world and reality is a “higher state” but that is a false assumption, imo.

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Are you calling op a liar

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slaughters lamb