Billionaires aren't okay — for their mental health, time to drastically raise their taxes to politics – 932 points –
Tax billionaires for their own good

From threatening cage matches to backing RFK Jr., billionaires prove too much money detaches a person from reality


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I worked for a trust fund kid. It started off great until I realized he had no understanding of how money worked. Despite him saying / thinking he cared about the bottom line and the well being of the company, he really only cared about his ego and if his (rich) family thought he was successful.

The only thing really bad about their outlook, is it's not true for everyone.

UBI is basically "trust funds for all"

If everyone had a guaranteed income that would cover living expenses, a bunch of people wouldn't be so hyper fixated on money

I worked for a guy who was given his family's company. When I told him my 4th birthday was approaching he tried to relate to me by asking if I was getting a boat over 40 ft because "a man's age should never be less than his age.". Because not only did he think I had a massive boat, he also thought I would buy a new one as I grew older.

This guy also refused to hire actual employees if he didn't have to. Everyone was "temp".

I have some friends in higher places than I.

One was doing the move from California to Vegas that a lot of people with money did a few years back.

I had asked him to explain, and he started with “ok, so say you make a million dollars a year…”

Sir, I have never seen that many zeroes in my bank account, fuck you mean?

Love him… but he’s a bit out of touch.

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