Are humans the only great apes that can be "holy", or could, for example, an Orangutan be divine?

Bobby to No Stupid – 36 points –

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If you're ok with being put alongside your family in the same row as some feces throwing hairy animals, because some guys - that might as well change their opinion tomorrow - told you it's ok, I'm not going to stop you.

Me? I don't feel much kinship with gorillas, thank you very much.

This guy literally just said that he doesn't believe in evolution because he doesn't feel like it.

I gotta hand it to you, you managed to give the worst anti-evolution argument I've heard yet

This guy literally just said that he doesn’t believe in evolution because he doesn’t feel like it.

Actually, I have no problem with evolution. It's just that I don't believe in the forced division of species, one that puts us in the same cage as gorillas.

...but, since you have obvious sexual feelings towards these funny creatures, godspeed, and may you bring beautiful children to this world.

It’s just that I don’t believe in the forced division of species,

What does that even mean? "Species" isn't an actual thing that exists, it's a way of classifying creatures that we find useful.

one that puts us in the same cage as gorillas.

"In the same cage"? Presumably you can accept that you have some things in common with the gorilla: you both have a heart, both have lungs, both sneeze from time to time, both need to sleep, etc. The "cage" is a continuum.

I have nothing to say, and I'm gonna continue to do so, so help me God.

Yeah, nah, you're boring.

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I mean, where do you put humans as a species then

Nowhere near gorillas.

I am sure that the scientific model of evolution is vast and flexible enough, so that we don't have to occupy the same place those creatures dwell in.

Where then? I mean, you seem to be more confident in yourself than most biologists, so you sure know more than them and can prove why humans belong to a different category?

Where then?

If you're willing to grant me some considerable amount of money to perform relevant research and studies, I can provide a satisfactory answer.

If you can't, or aren't willing to, then you need to continue to live knowing that at least one person in this world doesn't exactly accept the model of reality you prefer.

If you don't have research backing you, why are you so confident? Just because you feel like it?

Haven't you ever seen a person whose opinions were backed by actual research, that was nevertheless wrong?

Haven't you ever seen a person whose opinions weren't backed by in-depth research, who was still correct?

While it happens, there's absolutely zero guarantee you're one of those who are correct without research

Great things were achieved with zero guarantees.

And great many deal of people achieved nothing wasting their fortunes on 100% guaranteed deals.

I'm asking again, why do you think your theory is more correct than current scientific consensus? Convince me as if I am an investor

I’m asking again, why do you think your theory is more correct than current scientific consensus?

I don't recall any theory being suggested here. Words do have their meanings and definitions - theory is no exception here.

Convince me as if I am an investor

You don't struck me as trustworthy person. There are plenty of "wrongs" about your mindset. Too many to convince me that you're talking real money.

Now, since all this discussion consists of you shooting blindly with flawed assumptions and me trying to get you out of binary B&W mindset, to no avail, and I grow bored of it - would that be all?

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