
30 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Wait for some of them to transition

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I don't think that's it. School sucks, and my school was 11 years of pure hell, I don't argue that, but locking a child with a parent and giving parents even more control over their life is not a solution

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I think, you're more gross than anything that is in this post.

Father didn't lose a son, he rejected a daughter. If he cannot accept his own daughter because of being transphobic shithead, he deserves to suffer

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Sad that dad can't toss away his transphobia and accept his daughter.

Daughter's behavior is completely justifiable tho. If I was in her place, I would not look past bigotry and basic lack of respect to me

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I mean, it's always been like that here. It's a really poor country, most people don't have money to play games. Regional prices make it a bit easier, but after russian money stopped being usable internationally, most people returned to piracy

Dems can allow themselves to do bare minimum because they know that you don't have other choice, because not voting or voting 3rd party is a terrible idea. They can occasionally do more than bare minimum, but at its core two-party system basically holds country hostage

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What is this referencing in this particular case?

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Btw, bigotry does not need to be conscious or intentional or malicious to be real and cause harm, and you can be transphobic even when you’re not trying to or believe you’re are not, just saying.

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I was constantly compared to Harry Potter pre-transition, fun to see that some things never change

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IKEA fanfiction

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Transphobia is transphobia. Malicious transphobia is obviously worse, but unintentional one, created by biases that person internalized by living in transphobic society, is still transphobia. Doesn't make you a bad person automatically, but being called out should act as an encouragement to reflect on these biases, not double down and go "I'm actually not transphobic, and it's you trann trans people who are too sensitive"

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Open world is severely overrated

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How much exposure do you have to these bible people though?

I'm from Russia. I've seen more than enough conservatives. And more than enough brainwashing (though more in a context of a war)

In the end, I think, this is not really relevant. Transphobic parent, ultimately, hurts more than helps (even if they do it out of love for you), and people who do you more damage than help should be cut off

Isn't Volition the only sane one of skills?

parent who loves them

As a queer person, haha, you're funny

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I don't agree, /s is immensely useful for neurodivergent people, some of which cannot recognize sarcasm at all.

Also, really often something that is "obvious sarcasm" for you is a genuinely held belief by someone online. Nothing is too ridiculous for the internet

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Well, maybe except "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know / didn't think that this is shitty thing to say", these at least can be educated

"Don't tread on me" for them always refers exclusively to the oppression from the federal government - especially towards state government, and not specifically people. Oppression from state government might as well not exist for them

Oh shit, I just remembered that I have cool stud earrings shaped like a black rose - I should have worn them to the party!

Appreciate the H2G2 reference 😌

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For me personally cryptocurrencies solve the problem of Russian money not being accepted anywhere because of one old megalomaniacal moron

It's not a trans community per se, it's more of a more trans-friendly shitposting community. Like, I think, even now majority of posters aren't trans. And majority of content is not trans-themed, it's not traa. It's a good place if you don't want to see only trans-themed memes, but also don't want to see transphobia

Russia 😔

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It's mentioned further, this country is Russia, and I'm still stuck in here

Because I need outside access to get the hell out of this godforsaken piece of dirt

L_James is also me, old username. I liked James from Pokemon as a kid, and used it in my usernames for like ten years after that

Meme is just plushie Pomni in a basin, with exact same text:

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I tried multiple times to find the name, like, using versions of my deadname and stuff. It didn't really click

And then just randomly chose a basic-ass russian name that I vibed with

Unless parents really go out of their way to prove otherwise, parental relationships are by default inherently adversary. So while I can assume the possibility of good homeschooling, that's one to one thousand chance. If parents are actually good, if they still find ways for a child to socialize and see worldviews different from parental ones, and if they can ensure education on a level compatible to public school on all topics

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I think, it's supposed to be a molecule of estradiol

OSPosting ^-^

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BotW was the first Zelda game for me, and it was such a massive disappointment. It's just open world without any redeeming qualities, with every single mechanic existing just to support open world. Felt more like a sandbox than a game. It's fun for about 2-3 hours, but then I just got really bored

I did finish it, because hey I paid for it, but it was not really something too fun for most of the time

EDIT: And I'm still mildly salty that BotW got GOTY in a year we got Nier Automata and Persona 5

If you don't have research backing you, why are you so confident? Just because you feel like it?

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While it happens, there's absolutely zero guarantee you're one of those who are correct without research

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Once I can get citizenship in another country, I'm gonna publically burn my russian passport - but not earlier

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Does it only represent the shape, or do flowers/leaves correspond to some other elements of a molecule?

Post rock, synthwave, japanese jazz. I also love hard rock, but don't listen to it too often, because I can't listen to it while I'm working

Yeah, I believe parents most of the time want not what the best for child, but what's best for the image of the child they've built, and what's the best for their own ego to convince themselves that "I'm such a good parent!"

I used to use front right pocket, but then I transitioned, and girl jeans don't really have pockets that can hold a phone T~T

AFAIK, nobody knows why exactly, they just do this thing, that in each game there's a character named Cid who is (most of the time) related to tech in some way. Same for Biggs and Wedge - they aren't in each game, but they always come in pair. When there's Biggs - there's always Wedge. They could do completely random roles, usually not major ones, but it's just a recurring element

I mean, where do you put humans as a species then

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