1 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As a Canadian watching this, knowing that his loss would accelerate the shift to a dictatorship south of the border, it's so disheartening. What is wrong with the Democrats, it's bizarre. I can't even imagine having to vote for a candidate like him, that it's even a question when his opponent is such an absolute clown. It's the dumbest timeline.

This was interesting to listen to, the only thing left is single issue voting. A vote for whatever is put across from Trump, regardless of who or what it is, opens the chance for another election to try again.

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This is the continuation of settled policy on Taiwan. It is not an internationally recognised nation, it is an autonomous territory within China. Declaring support for independence would be escalatory language from the US and could harm efforts within Taiwan to move in that direction domestically. It would allow the CCP to further push the narrative of foreign interference while lessening the focus on the actual desires of the Taiwanese voters. It's a very complicated situation compared to something like Ukraine.

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The preamble of the article clarifies that documents showing that his advisors told him if he kept the documents he would be charged, have been unsealed. The obvious importance being that he cannot use the defence of, "Who knew?!"

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"We understand that it may be a meme, but please refrain from this behavior for the safety of your health."


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I always marvel at how Grim Dawn isn't in the conversation. It's easily top tier, has no microtransactions, is single player offline, but also supports co-op multiplayer. It features a full cosmetic system that is entirely in-game with no cash shop nonsense. There are so many skills and builds with an outstanding itemization system. Robust crafting system. Repeatable end game challenge content.

Also, it is just recieving another huge free patch, and another full expansion has just been announced.

It took me forever to actually try it, I thought it was going to be janky indie stuff etc. I'm closing on 3000 hours and still dropping back in with new build themes and ideas. I paid $35 for that 3000 hours in a Steam sale.

But yea, Last Epoch is ok I guess.

Edit: a word

Edit 2: just to add since I saw a comment about multiplayer, there is a community run seasonal ladder League as well. Grim League, for those interested.

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There is no controversy. Canada is not providing the weapons. The US and Ukraine are not signatory to the ban. Story doesn't exist. Sigh

I've thought about this as I was someone who jumped onto Mastodon as soon as Twitter went dark side. I think the reason it never became a go-to for me like Lemmy has, is the fundamental difference in how I used Reddit and Twitter.

With Reddit, while I curated my feed by following subs, I was really looking for something to cover me when I was idle for a time, and wanted to scroll. I am not too choosy about what I want to see, just surprise me.

Twitter was strictly a service that I used to follow organizations and individuals. I never went to trending or anything like that. My follows were just accounts I gained interest in somewhere else. Mastodon failed because probably less than 10% of the accounts I followed even tried the service. There was nothing to see.

Bonding over a love of bombing civilians I presume.

Should put some hustle under that two state solution. Pretty soon one state will just be a genocide memorial in a dirt lot surrounded by Israeli settlements.

He has made it a priority to court both nations as part of his effort to counter Russia and China, even as India has been backsliding in its democracy and Saudi Arabia never had one to begin with.

Article agrees.

From what I've heard, the Steam version also lacks DRM. Once you've downloaded it you can close Steam and just launch the game with the exe. Obviously GOG or Steam is still handy for updates.

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For the commenter confused about who is being referenced, it is in the first paragraph of the article. The UE (United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America) is not the government, it is a labour union.

I link my GoG account to Heroic Launcher. It works just fine, updates included, store front included. I'm on Nobara Linux.

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The crab, damn.

Then sanction Israel, they are operating free of consequences while we all watch genocide take place. At this point supplying weapons to them or Hamas is a coin flip. They will both use them to conduct atrocities.

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I think that news organisations should create their own distribution instances. The BBC has started to set up their own Mastodon server. I would definitely prefer to be able to create my own news feed, direct from source, and selected for greater criteria than how many rage clicks a headline is likely to garner.

To start with, they aren't cruisers. This is a missile corvette, the closest equivalent in the US fleet would be a littoral combat ship. That may not look much better in terms of cost, but to generalize on displacement/capability corvette -> frigate -> destroyer -> cruiser. The Russian ship here featured 8x VLS capable of Calibur missiles and a ship borne Pantzir air defense system. By way of comparison my country is building a new class of frigate which will carry 8x Naval Strike Missiles, 24x Sea Ceptor missiles, 24x multirole VLS, 2x twin 324mm torpedo launchers, and a helicopter (some guns etc). Hopefully that gives an idea of how important it is to not randomly use terms like "cruiser" for any ship painted grey by certain media outlets.

People seem to still be struggling with the Israeli strategy. Like many previous genocides, including the Holocaust, which the term originates from, hunger is a primary weapon. The Ukrainian holodomir, the Irish potato famine, the Armenian genocide, the goal is to save ammunition and simply remove the infrastructure of life from the target group. Israeli attacks have destroyed the water, power, administrative, and health care of the population. The issue now is that while the people are dying, international aid is mitigating the effectiveness of destroying infrastructure. A strike like this is so blatantly targeted because it's a signal. With 3 weapons they have shut down a channel that could provide critical nutrition to tens of thousands of borderline surviving Palestinian people every day. It's meant to have a chilling effect on relief efforts. Combined with the slow border checks, the political efforts to defund UN relief agencies, it helps accelerate the goal of removing the population from Gaza. It's not an accident, earlier strikes on UN relief warehouses and personnel weren't accidents, and the killing of around 100 journalists and many of their families weren't accidents. They're messages, get out of the way.

You could almost argue that it's just better for everyone to stay in their own place and chill.

I'm mostly a newbie to Linux, I've been using it as a main gaming rig for several months and only Nobara. I hear often that AMD is hassle free, but I'm using Nvidia and honestly I've had no roadblocks. I started with a 2080ti and have since moved to a 4080, no hassles. There is a built in updater and it automatically downloads the newest driver packages. They are always a version or so behind the latest Windows set but meh. Switching on gSync was as simple as toggling VRR for my 144hz monitor.

The one thing that I needed to look up was getting ray tracing running. There was additional stuff I needed to add in Steam (copy paste from the post I found), and then RTX was up and running.

Like I say, I definitely don't know better than the people saying AMD is a smart choice, but I don't think people necessarily need to worry that their Nvidia system is a roadblock to switching to Linux.

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Israel is making things difficult. The number of civilians killed is 10000+, that's very uncomfortable for our governments. It's also not like our countries can just quickly say, "whoa, those are blatant war crimes you're committing with our weapons!" It's impossible to pretend that we couldn't know what the IDF would do with them based on the ongoing history of the conflict. In the end it's a situation similar to Yemen, Iran and some others feed support into one side and atrocities are committed. The west feeds weapons into the other side and atrocities are committed. At this point the only thing that makes our ethical situation tenable is if everyone would just ignore it. Hence, no protesting please, you're pointing out some deeply shameful policy, please stop.

I, for one, think Jeff and 1990s Steven Tyler make a great couple.

This can have a couple of useful effects given the very limited effort it takes to paint them black. Firstly it reduces the value of citizen intelligence that can be gathered during attacks. For example, drones flying to targets deep inside Ukraine will overfly many villages and homes where civilians will note direction and numbers to pass quickly to defence authorities. Black drones in the night sky make this less useful information. Secondly, Ukraine has attempted to increase the number of cheap gun based defence systems so that low and slow drones can be engaged without expensive missile launches. This is often as simple as spotlights and a heavy MG in the back of a truck. Dark paint could reduce the effectiveness of cheap solutions like that and force engagement from more expensive systems.

Obviously it's pretty hard to say just how useful it will be, but generally reduction in detection increases the chances of slipping through.

We are seeing a very clever move away from batch delivery of weapons, toward a sustained Ukrainian production model that will be less vulnerable to allied political shifts. I notice that while the ATACMS is not headed to Ukraine yet, another large money infusion is. I wouldn't be surprised if the US is pushing hard to assist in spinning up Ukrainian production of their own Hrimm 2 missile, which has similar capabilities. While it is in service it doesn't seem to have a good production pipeline yet. If the Neptune land attack cruise missile variant is an indicator though, it may only be a matter of time before a larger and larger share of the weapons being used to encourage the occupiers to leave will be built in Ukraine. Either under license, or their own designs.

They are taking fire. You can see multiple impacts around them before the money shot. I think the general term is "pinned down".

I'm one of these stats, I switched to Linux as a daily driver on my gaming setup a few months ago. I kept the windows drive installed in the box, but it's way more lonely than I thought it would be.

Either way, Gaben's not my dad (unfortunately), so I'll do what I want! Sniiiiiffff

I took a quick look at the developer's commentary on that, where he refuted the claims and also pointed out exactly this. His politics are irrelevant to the users of an open source platform. I didn't see any reason not to support the project on Patreon. I would rather have a wild west full of varied ideas and characters rather than a corporate pack of monopolies, that we know are evil.

I spent a few months last year running Nobara. I'm back on Windows unfortunately. There are a ton of games that ran just fine, but there's also a lot of little issues. For example, in Grim Dawn I couldn't type in chat, in Pathfinder WotR I simply couldn't get mods to work, STALKER Anomaly simply wouldn't load. Then there was the big issue of my mouse cursor dropping below full screen games. Still there, but not visible. The only fix I could use was to restart the computer.

It's tantalizingly close to ready, and if you don't care about modding it probably already is. For me it just didn't work out, yet.

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I thought of Skyrim, maybe that's a mod. I don't know anymore. Pretty much any property the archer is the upgrade though. I'm thinking the frightened skeleton with an amusing accent is a tier I haven't hit yet...

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It's a very uncreative answer, but Elden Ring is the biggest thing in my mind right now. A friend and I just finished a Seamless Co-op playthrough, I've got a couple different builds I'm also playing. I've hit a couple hundred hours. I just love the exploration, the setting, the art design, the way items contribute to build ideas, the boss design, the feeling of growth against adversity.

The method of story delivery is also something that appeals to me. It's carefully crafted, rich in lore and meaning, but it doesn't care if you see it. It's prompting you to pay attention and explore, you don't just play between cut-scenes.

Also Grim Dawn. Almost 1500 hours. I need help.

Recently I moved to a Fedora distro called Nobara for my gaming rig. Microsoft has been working hard to force me out for years. When I have to make custom installers, and run scripts to control updates and telemetry, you're not being a very inviting OS.

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Maybe if Ukraine could get their hands on some Palestinians, then they could parachute a few of them in at the target location first to get Biden excited about bombing. It seems to work elsewhere.

It still isn't working for me, it is stuck in Local Active and can't change filters. Probably something else though, no server version error now. I have been using Connect for Lemmy, which I'd never heard of but came up in the play store search. Seems to work fine, it's some real early access out here!

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As a Canadian I don't have to deal with it directly, but I don't think I could cast a vote for Biden. Downvotes on these posts are strange to me. From outside the US it's obvious that while Israel bears primary responsibility for the ongoing ethnic cleansing, it likely wouldn't have developed so completely without the material, economic, and political support of the Biden administration. Simply telling a group that, sure this guy is cool with the elimination of your people and is willing to help, but the other guy is a threat to our system... well it's pretty rich to expect that group to suck it up.

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Roll towards the target (except when you shouldn't)?

It's quite an obvious geopolitical win for them. It's not hard to notice that the "western" reactions to the Russian occupation of Ukraine is pretty inconsistent with the support of the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. Obviously support for Ukraine is the right thing to do, but again, inconsistent policy is easy to critique.

It's a bit of a grey area honestly. I believe I saw that this UAV can carry a 10kg payload. In contrast to Storm Shadow/SCALP EG, which delivers a 450kg dual stage warhead, it's hard to classify this directly as a "cruise missile". It's possible that there will eventually be a settled terminology for this classification of range and payload that makes more sense, since the use case and application are very different than traditional cruise missiles.

I don't think anyone is happy that this was is going on. The reason I'm happy to see Russian casualties it's twofold, the war will not end until the Russians have faced such devastating loss of life that they destabilize the Putin regime, and the myriad war crimes are being committed by Russian service men. Death, surrender, or retreat. That's it, the Russians serve the cause of genocide and have to be expelled from Ukraine. Sure they have families, that's too bad, Ukraine is the victim. Kill Russians until their families start to care, though that may not be possible.

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I hope that still qualifies as a joke in a couple months.